Worldwide Air Ambulance Service

Once, my cousin was working in a cruise ship and he fell ill. The captain called is an air ambulance whereby this airplane flew out to sea and air lifted my cousin from the ship and transported him to land where he was sent promptly to the hospital to receive further medical treatment.

My cousin said that the staff of AeroCare is really dedicated to their work and they go all over the world round the clock to perform such services like what my cousin received. My cousin was really in awe of their professionalism.

My cousin did not know how much such a service caused him company but he was very glad that air ambulance service like this is available for people who need it.

Link Request

A friend of mine has just started a blog. This is his first blog so he is all enthusiastic about building his network. He asked me for a link up and of course I obliged. I told him that I will link him up on my other blog, but to reciprocate, he has to link up this blog on his blog.

He did not understand why. Well, my other blog has a Google Page Rank of three. It is not great but it is better than this, a blog that was started after the previous Google Page Rank update so it is still unranked.

Hence, this blog has no value to him but my Page Rank 3 blog will add some weight to his new blog. He asked me why he has to link this blog on his and not the other blog, which has his link. To have an unrank blog link up a ranked blog will actually pull down my rating. So, thank you very much!

Keeping Allergens At Bay

If you read my other blog, you will know that I am surrounded by animals the whole day and many wondered how I can cope with them in the house. Most people are allergic to cat and dog fur but my family is not suffering from that because we use special pet shampoo that neutralizes allergens created by pet dander.

My sister informed me that there is a product called Allersearch Pet+ that is very good for us. Although it is not sold in major pet supplies retailers but can be easily bought online.

If you are an allergy-sensitive person but would like to keep pets, you can get more info here:

Using Allersearch Pet+, you will enjoy having your pet around and not suffer from allergies. Try it out and you can see the difference.

How I Got Spammed

Call me low-tech or whatever, but I cannot think of how spammers located my blogs and spammed them left, right and centre. The thing is that there are no visitors to my blog that I could trace as spammers. And yet these robots know which post to spam me. Hhmm how ah?

Ok, so I know that they do not need to come to my blog once they have my URL but they did not even come when they left me the very first spam comment.

Right now, the amount of spam comment is still manageable so I am not using a spam filter. What’s so good about WordPress when the amount of spam comments a day is more than what I received in my Blogger blog since the day it was set up?

Well, I don’t know. Seems like even spammers are higher-tech than I am!

Sell Your Flickr Photos for Cash

Friends know that I am always in the loop for any new money making opportunities. Today I came across a website that helps people to buy and sell their Flickr images. I am a Flickr member, just not a heavy user but I believe many readers are into Flickr big time.

FlickrCash is the facilitator of image trading on If you have images that you want to sell, you can do so easily thanks to features provided by FlickrCash. As an image publisher, though, the first thing you need to do is to protect your images using the auto/bulk watermarking of every image for every image owner on Flickr tool provided by FlickrCash.

For the Sellers, FlickrCash will also help them to accept payments safely and securely while archiving licences for public inspection.

For the Buyers, FlickrCash has made into a huge stock image marketplace where they can search for suitable images for their project and easily buy them.

Beginning next week, FlickrCash will be a subscription based service. HOWEVER, I have great news for you. If you register with FlickrCash NOW, your registration will be grandfathered into the change and your membership will be free for life.

So what are you waiting for? Register with FlicrkCash NOW and enjoy all the features it has to offer free for life.

Design a Fuel My Blog Widget and Win!

I have been a happy member of the Fuel My Blog for months. They are so actively organizing competitions that I am so hoping to win because they always have exciting prizes to give away that are relevant to bloggers.

The latest is their Design a Widget competition. If you do not know what is a Fuel My Blog widget, look at my sidebar for the black, orange and yellow rectangular box, remember to click on it too and vote for my blog!

So, yeah, they are running this competition where the winner will win a free blog consultation from an expert from Better Business Blogging. Didn’t I say they always have relevant prizes?

Every blogger needs feedback from an unbiased third party, so this is a chance too good to be missed, and from a professional, no less. The thing is, not only Business blogs need such a consultation; even personal blogs need one too. Well, I wish I could stand a chance to win this too but I can’t even draw to save my life *sigh*

Click HERE for more information on the Fuel My Blog Design a Widget Competition!

Peter Belisi – Luxury With Meaning

Earlier today, I was actually thinking which charitable program I should feature on my blog. How could I forget Luxury With Meaning, a program at initiated by Peter Belisi, the fashion designer?

I love it when people make it easy for us to participate in their charity programs and Peter Belisi is no different. To do our part for Luxury With Meaning, we just have to purchase any Belisi product. A portion of the proceeds from the sale, no matter if the amount is large or small, will be channeled to the Luxury With Meaning program where we, the buyers, get to choose the cause that we would like to support.

We normally have no choice of which charitable body will receive our donation unless we do it directly but Peter Belisi has kindly given us this option. Thank you!

Check out now and get your favorite Belisi item whilst making a difference to someone in need.

Random Thoughts Off My Mind