Getting A Legal Will Online

Recently, my uncle, who lives in British Columbia, Canada, had a health scare. He was going in and out of the hospital so much that we thought it was something serious. We asked our aunt if he has a legal Will but he did not and because he was so preoccupied with hospital visits and doctor’s appointment, he could not spare the time to get it done at the lawyer’s office.

A colleague then recommended Easy Legal Will to them where they could get a legal Will online. After paying $59 by PayPal or credit card, my uncle was given a series of questions to answer. My uncle did that as accurately as possible and soon enough, the Will was ready to be printed out and signed.

While all these seems ordinary enough, my Uncle could return to the website anytime within the year to have his Will edited or revise or even rewritten at no extra cost.

After one year, my Uncle could extend his service by only paying $19 and he will also receive a second account for free which could be given to anyone he wishes. Of course my aunt should get that, shouldn’t she?

I really love the internet. It seems as if there will be companies offering any service that are useful to people who do not have access to people in real life. I am still amazed by the things that are online.

Bad Taste To Announce Earnings

As a blogger who has almost fully monetized her blogs, I find it distasteful that there are SO many bloggers who are announcing their earnings from various internet sources ever so often.

For the past two weeks, I have had the opportunity to visit over a hundred blogs by bloggers who have monetized their blogs. I do not see the need for them to announce how much their have earned or when they have received payment from so-and-so company. It is just plain distasteful. Just like receiving conventional salary, nobody goes around telling the world how large their pay cheque is. People who do this are called “show-offs”. That’s who they are.

I mean, if one wants to encourage or spur readers to monetize their blogs, it is sufficient to state the amount from the different ways of monetization and not the exact amount from each particular company.

This is so prevalent that I sometimes wonder maybe THIS is the way it should be. Maybe it is just me, I don’t know.

Pursuing Higher Education With PLUS Loans

When I was in college, there weren’t many options for me to choose from as I am from a not that well to do family and studying in college itself was a luxury! How I appreciate that to enable me to attend college, my parents had to take out a loan to finance my education. Luckily, the plus loan application was not complex at all and we successfully applied for a parent plus loan.

It did not matter what my parents financial standing were but of course, that was the deciding factor in our part in taking out the PLUS loan. It is said that even Bill Gates, rich as he is, could even qualify for PLUS loans. Isn’t that funny?

I found that even for people who did not really need a Federal plus loan were taking it out because of the very attractive interest repayment rate and terms. Many of these investment savvy parents were able to earn more money elsewhere and use returns from there to service their loans plus the interest and with access too.

Believe me, it isn’t easy to find interest rate as low as 6.5% plus non-income sensitive loans. It was also an advantage that the loan was taken out by my parents and not myself. I feel that it is unfair to burden a student with a loan at such a young age. Everyone should have a shot at tertiary education irrespective of financial background. Don’t you think so?

Who Says Blogging Is Easy?

Whoever said that is wrong! It may be easy to write one or two posts in a day but try writing multiple posts daily in a long stretch of time and see what happens. A friend of mine, whom I shall not disclose because he is one of the most popular bloggers in Malaysia, was shocked when I told him that I have to write more than ten posts almost daily. He went like this, “How to write? Why last time never hear you complain?”

Well, last time I did not complain because I had so many posts in drafts that I could go without blogging for one or two days and still have plenty of back up posts to publish. And then I was so busy that I did not have time to write anything and just kept publishing my drafts till they were exhausted. Since then, which was three or four weeks ago, I never recovered my momentum.

And now my friend proposes to come to my hometown for a visit and I told him not to because I have too many posts to write daily that I won’t have the time to meet up with him. And he doesn’t understand why!

Blogging is not easy, especially for one who blogs for pay. Besides writing, we need to network, build back links, socialise with other bloggers, link bait and what not. It’s a three person job and I am doing all these alone. So yeah, I don’t even have time to socialise with real people anymore!

For A Charitable Cause and More

There are many ways for us to contribute to charities and the best is to contribute to a cause that we personally believe in. That being said, there is no need to announce to the world when one has contributed to charity. This is just my opinion.

Just this morning, I came across, a website that sells mostly used books and some new titles. This is no ordinary online book store, though.

For every sale that is secured, BetterWorld channels the money to fund literacy around the world, plus create jobs in health care in Indiana, USA. Besides doing a little in our part to fund literacy and care for the environment, we also get to buy the books we love at a very reasonable price. This is indeed good news to all book lovers because we get to buy something we love while helping out with the cause.

As if that is not enough, when we buy from BetterWorld, we get to enjoy free shipping within the United States or pay only $2.97 for international shipping. I think that with this extra savings, we can buy a couple of books more!

Malaysian Bloggers Community Forum

Well, I thought I’d give this a mention since I just joined the forum a couple of hours ago. This forum is set up by Daryl W.T. Lau of My List fame, with the intention of allowing Malaysian bloggers an opportunity to converge in their very own virtual playground. However, I am sure that non-Malaysians are welcomed as well.

This forum is very new so there aren’t that many postings going on but this is want community-ship is all about. Everyone goes in and contributes something and build the board from scratch.

Daryl says that the forum is not monetized and not linked from his blog but will only be introduced via email, blogs and word of mouth. True enough, there were no advertisements or affiliate links that I could see.

When I first accessed the forum, I felt lost because I could not navigate to other threads. And I was thinking that the forum is not so user-friendly and here I am a retired forummer losing her way in a forum.

However, once my account was activated, the whole forum was accessible to me. Ah, I did not know that most of the board is only opened to registered members. So if you want to join us at the all new Malaysian Bloggers Community forum, go to and register yourself. It is FREE!

Recommending Champori

The other day, I was running some advertisements on my blog here and I saw one on either eczema or psoriasis. I am not sure which as we are not allowed to click on our own ads. It caught my eye because I recently had a a scare by one guy that I met who had a terrible skin condition that made one side of his face so red and raw looking. I was afraid that it could be passed on to me if I were to shake hands with him.

So I went online and came across this website which carries organic herbal remedies specifically for eczema and psoriasis.

Some medical practitioners would use steroids and allergens to cure these but Champori is mild enough to babies yet strong enough for adults made from Tibetan recipes since skin conditions are known to Tibetan monks for generations already. It is no wonder that success rate is high, based on the photos on the website.

I am going to recommend Champori to the guy whom I met recently. He has all to gain anyway since they are so confident that Champori works with their money back guarantee.

Random Thoughts Off My Mind