Category Archives: Blogging

Response To A Thread That Got Too Long

“Bloggers who write for PayPerPost also write for a host of other companies so you may want to make sure that the said opp is from the PayPerPost marketplace and not somewhere else because Trish explained that this is the way to go for LoudLaunch campaigns.

This may be the norm in the old days where the fastest submissions get the opps but after PayPerPost changed their system to allow a 30-minute window to write and submit an opp, I don’t think anyone is still as ignorant to do so. Long time posties will remember that Suni has a Blogger blog called Postie Patrol or something like that to “catch” violators. That was very effective in stopping people from repeating their mistake.

Moreover, now that there is a six-hour window (let’s not talk about the glitch of losing an opp before the time is up), there is no reason for anyone to cheat. Really, six hours is so long, check out the things that I could do within this time frame.

I would like to point out that publishing a post on our blog DOES NOT equal to a submission. Posties who have written opps like Wirefly would remember that we were asked to grab images of mobile phones from the advertiser’s website and upload them to our own server/blog and not hotlink the images.

With three to five images in the published post without the write up does not equal to a submission. We still have to write out the post and then submit. This goes for some other complex opps where we have to embed videos. Well, not all videos will work the first time round. So of course we would only know when we have it published. These are just a couple of examples.

I blog hop a lot and have come across many violators, the most rampant are bloggers who use sponsored posts from other marketplaces as interim posts, unless it is a Linky Love wedging post because Brett says so or publishing the same original posts (text, links, images and all) on two different blogs. When I come across the same posts on two different blogs, I get a sense of deja vu. My first reaction was, “If you can’t upkeep your blogs with original content, then don’t start so many.”

I let the blogger know by contacting him/her that someone has discovered such an issue. Who knows, maybe sometimes a blogger may have started writing a post on one blog and then the post took a different turn that the blogger feels that it is more appropriate to publish it on another blog and forgot to delete the first post.

My friend told me that I am making enemies for myself what with all the jealousy already on PayPerPost (just talk to any top earner this side of the globe), but then I think that hey, it is better for me to let them know in private so that they have to chance to rectify it than being reported by someone else for a genuine mistake. I am not bitchy enough to put sand into another person’s rice bowl after all we are all here to cari makan.

Anyway, I think by now bloggers who blog for pay (not only PayPerPost Posties) know that once they submit a post, the advertiser gets an instant email alert and should the advertiser come to a blank post, the blogger runs the risk of being banned, flagged and even booted out of the system entirely. I don’t think anyone would be THAT dumb!

The way to truly alert violators of their wrongdoing, if you want to give them a second chance, is to let them know in private and not sound a forewarning without even sure if the violators read your blog.”

Review The Cranking Widgets Blog & Win US$50

I got to know of this contest through Ryan’s Review. While I am not as prolific a writer as Ryan, I will still attempt to review The Cranking Widgets for a shot at US$50.

First up, I don’t really mind the content. I rather like the personal posts interspersed in technology posts and Brett Kelly, the writer, is only human and it is natural to have personal posts now and then. However, checking the archives, I am surprised that Brett seems like he has lost momentum in blogging on The Cranking Widgets for the past couple of months.

With only an average of one post every 3 – 4 days and with 1,647 feed readers, there are not that many comments left on the blog. No doubt feed readers mostly read from the feed reader and do not drop by the blog but if the posts are compelling enough, readers will still come and comment even if they have read the post via the feed reader.

I have to mention that I got this figure of 1,647 feed readers from Ryan because I CAN’T SEE IT from the feedburner icon. The whole rectangular is orange in color. I think Brett needs to get the color recustomized and it would be better to move the icon over to the left sidebar where the other stat trackers are.

Another thing that I would like to mention is that the Google AdSense leaderboard at the bottom of the page sticks out like a sore thumb with a different background color. I could see that Brett did change the background color but it matches the color of the main body of the page and not the darker shade that makes up the left sidebar and the bottom of the page. In my opinion, it would look better if the background color is changed for this leaderboard.

In conclusion, Brett needs to post more frequently to keep the impressive number of readers coming to the blog and there are two things that could be changed to make the layout more visually appealing.

And by the way, Mr & Mrs Brett Kelly, congratulations on the new addition to the family!

Jantics, The FUNNY Funny Blog

Mr. Fab introduced the blog of his friend, Janna. Well, the name of her blog is Jantics. Janna actually has two blogs but Jantics is her new baby and we are going to give it some lovin’ today.

First up, I must mention that Jantics has a very refreshing header and at the top of it, it’s written “It’s cute how some people expect the world to actually make sense.” That sounds like a Happy Bunny quotation though I can’t tell for sure.

Reading posts down the first page itself got me cracking up. Janna is such a funny lady that she comes across as a very happy go lucky, cheerful kind of person. I actually can relate to some of her posts, especially about blogging in her dream and talking to the pudding. These are things that go on in my head all the time that I sometimes think I am crazy. So I am not!

You know, I hardly ever blog hop as I have a hard time keeping up with my jobs AND maintaining my own blogs, but Jantics could easily be one of the blogs I lurk around when I have time. I do need her comical outlook in life to get away from my own heavy posts!

What’s Gonna Happen On 07.07.07?

Well, that’s a week from now but who can tell the future? What I do know is that Ryan over at is running a $7.77 contest where seven lucky winners will win $7.77 each.

To win, you can do a few things. Get one entry in the draw by leaving a comment on any post on Get three entries in the draw by linking to his blog and five for writing a review post on

After hearing of this contest, of course I hopped over. It was my first visit although I have come across Ryan’s postings on the forums now and then. This blog is generally on bizarre news on the internet, weird stuff that you read and wonder how it could happen!?!

However, the post that caught my eye was Pedo Idea. At first, I don’t know what it’s all about but upon further reading, it looks like Ryan is going to expose pedophiles prowling MySpace. Eeekkk I never knew that there are that many pedophiles there!! I hope Ryan s successful in this quest and rid pedophiles from MySpace and keep all the innocent MySpace users safe!

Oh yeah, now I know what’s gonna happen on 07.07.07. I am going to WIN $7.77

Watch this space!

Free Auto Blogger

I came across this nifty tool called Free Auto Blogger while surfing the internet. As the owner of multiple blogs, I surely can appreciate the hard work needed not only to maintain the blogs but also to network and build backlinks and popularity while trying to raise the Page Rank.

However, I do not get it why would anyone cheat the system, and importantly, himself, by using such a tool, helpful it may be, by building a blog or even blogs not by his own effort?

It is very satisfying when we see the many backlinks pointing to our site all by own own hard work and see the Google Page Rank rise with every Google update every three months or so.

Maybe I am just a sucker for hard work but I get a kick out of seeing my Technorati ranks go up all because I did some homework the night before. So while it is certainly tempting to use this tool, it is after all, free, I don’t think I will ever be using it.

How Popular Is Your Blog?

I came across a new widget on the blogosphere which I think bloggers should embed on their blogs if they want to know how popular their blogs are. I used to wonder why bloggers are like one of a kind species because they feed their ego with traffic, comments and votes from their readers.

With a blog rating widget powered by, they can actually SHOW their popularity on their blog itself.

I used to run website that requires readers to cast their vote as well and found that I had to explain to them that the first star on the left is actually the lowest score that one could give while the first star on the right is the highest. I was surprised that something as logical like this escaped some people.

Therefore, with this Blogorator widget it would be great if the stars increase in size from the left to the right.

I also found that when we hover our cursor over the stars, only the first star will show 1/5 while the others do not show 2/5, 3/5, 4/5 or 5/5

Over at the website, although we could customize our widget by changing the colors to suit the layout or theme of our blogs, I feel that we should be provided with a palette of colors. I had to search for HTML color guide on the internet and copy the code over to match the color of my blog. With a palette readily available, members would find it easier to change the color of the widget.

Building Links With ViraLink

AnitoKid told me that this is yet another way to try to build backlinks.

Let me try to get it on my blog. It’s kinda tricky from what I see! But all for backlinks!!! Urggghh

———copy and paste the Viralink and instructions below this line———

Below is a matrix of 120 stars, I have already added a link to my blog onto one of the stars, all you need to do is copy and paste the grid into your blog and add your own link to one of the other spare stars, and tell others to do the same!


New Addition: When I receive a ping back once you have added the Viralink to your site I will add your link to this grid, and each person who copies the grid from here will also link to your site!

——— Copy and paste the Viralink & instructions above ———

No Porn Sites
Only 1 link per person (i.e don’t hog the viralink!)
Please don’t tamper with other peoples url’s

Yay, I got it already. Now, if you also would like to build backlinks to your own blog, copy the Instructions and the ViraLinks, add your own link inside as well, and publish on your own blog. Then encourage your readers to do the same. And add more *** to the grid when necessary. Remember, you have to do this quick because the next Google Page Rank is said to be some time in late July which is only one month away!

Get it done now, if possible!