Netlog – Just Another Social Networking Portal

The other day, I received an invitation from my friend to join her on Netlog, formerly known as Facebox. I really do not get it why people like to join all these. I did join some of the larger social networks but I am inactive and joined just so to oblige my friends so that they could add me to their friend’s list. I almost always decline friend request from strangers because before the month is over, I would not even remember who is who anymore. Besides, I would have forgetten my log in ID and password as well!

Although I did not join Netlog, I did browse through and it seems like Netlog is the largest social network portal serving Europe, supporting nine European languages and English.

As with other social network portals, Netlog provides you, apart from your profile, with a photo gallery, a blog, guestbook and a network of friends. If you are curious why my friend joined a European network, well she lived for a year in Europe, so I guess she misses the good times there.

Flea Control – What Every Pet Owner Needs To Know

If you have read my other blog, you will know that I had to deal with a sick monkey recently who was very sick with tick parasite. I thought my little monkey was going to die. Luckily he survived that episode.

However, since then, I have been rather paranoid and try my best to keep all ticks and fleas away but at the same time my dad does not allow the use of chemicals. He thinks that the chemical will go into the blood stream of my monkey. I am sure it will but that won’t be enough to kill him but my dad is not convinced. He said that although I may kill fleas but I may end up killing my pet as well.

So I went online to do some research and came across Flea Control Guide. I must say it is very useful and packed with comprehensive information on fleas, flea control, medication and accessories like flea collars and combs.

I am grateful to have found this site to learn how to control fleas on my monkeys without the use of chemicals.

Forum: Respect Women’s Dignity Towards A 1st World Parliament!

I find it outrageous that MPs can pass off such sexist remarks, going over the line of politics. If I were one of the women MPs, I would have initiated a walk-out protest. This is not an issue of being pro-government or against it but this is like public verbal rape and I am aghast that it happened in Parliament of all places.

This shows the kind of mentality certain MPs have treating the Parliament worst than the marketplace.

For anyone who is able to make it, please do support the forum. In today’s age where women have equal footing in society, we do not need a bunch of low mentality people putting us down.

“Respect Women’s Dignity, Towards A 1st World Parliament!”

Date: 17 May 2007 (Thursday)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: YMCA Hall (No.95, Jalan Padang Belia, Off Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470 Kuala Lumpur; Opposite KL SENTRAL Station)

The panel of distinguished speakers include:

1) Ambiga Sreenevasan – Bar Council President

2) Maria Chin Abdullah – Executive Director of Women Development Collective (WDC)

3) Zainah Anwar – Executive Director of Sisters in Islam

4) Azmin Ali – Vice President of PKR

5) Lim Guan Eng – Secretary-General of DAP

6) YB Lim Kit Siang – Parliamentary Opposition Leader

7) YB Teresa Kok Suh Sim – MP for Seputeh

8) YB Fong Po Kuan – MP for Batu Gajah

The forum will be chaired and moderated by Tony Pua, Economic Advisor to Secretary-General of DAP.

All are welcomed, admission is free!

Video 1 – Two Sexist BN MPs – “Batu Gajah MP tiap-tiap bulan pun bocor”


Google Video

Video 2 – “Tiap-tiap bulan pun bocor” – Two Sexist BN MPs let off

YouTube (Part 1 & 2)
Part 1

Part 2

Google Video

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Malaysiakini (English)

Malaysiakini (Chinese)

Sinchew Daily

Free Recipes @

I was actually searching for something else on the internet when I stumbled upon a whole range of free recipes available on

If you know me, you will know that I love to cook, but currently do not have the time to fully indulge my passion. This does not mean that I can’t COLLECT recipes! I am always telling myself that I will experiment with all the recipes in my collection and I am still waiting for that day to come! has an extensive database of recipes that I believe is more than a thousand. The huge list of recipes ranging from Asian to Western to Soul food makes me so hungry!

The category that stood out is PET TREATS! As you know, I have two senior pets, so these recipes are something that I would like to try out as soon as possible before it is too late, if you know what I mean.

Comment Deleted

How does it feel like to have your comment on a blog post deleted? When I leave a comment on a blog, which I rarely do, I make it a point to go and check that my comment is approved and published, no matter how busy I am. This is one reason I do not leave comments as often as I would like to. I simply can’t spare the time to double check :-)

Anyway, I recently left a comment on a blog. I don’t know the author personally but I felt compelled to comment as she has achieved something so Congratulations was in order.

Unfortunately, I make a typing mistake, so I left a second comment, asking her to edit my typo and to only publish the first comment, and not the second.

While waiting for moderation, she did correct my typing error but after sometime, my comment was totally left out from her blog. I wonder why??

I can understand it if she has overlooked my comment as spam. Heck, I myself nearly deleted some legitimate comments but there was no way that mine could be overlooked when she DID edit my typo in the first place.

Naturally, I was pissed and since then, stopped visiting her blog.

Jean-Claude Animation Series – 2nd Episode, Barbarossa

Since my blog post introducing Jean-Claude, the Animated Tiger in early May, I have friends asking me when wll the second installment of the Life According To Jean-Claude mini series be released. Well, I have good news now. The second episode is called Barbarossa.

Jean-Claude is clueless about Barbarossa, not know why the battle happened or where. However, what he does know that to win a battle, the fighter has to be persistent. That’s how he wins his backgammon games too. He is, afterall, the number one backgammon game player on Jean-Claude knows that each time they play backgammon, he has the key to winning the game because he has mastered the strategies and philosophies of backgammon.

If you do not already know, Jean-Claude if the animated tiger mascot of BackgammonMasters. Perhaps that is why he is winning all the backgammon games! Sources say that BackgammonMasters will be releasing Blackjack somet time this month. Watch out! Jean-Claude may soon master the game of Blackjack as well!

BackgammonMasters is the premier online casino game provider with its all-in-one software. Just download and install ONCE and you will be able to play all games available on one website, in one platform and only one game lobby. This is where BackgammonMasters has won over its competition.

Don’t forget to watch Jean-Claude Animation Series Episode 2 – Barbarossa, at:

Trojan Crippled My Computer

Since owning a personal computer, I have had my fair share of computer viruses, trojans, malwares, spywares and what-nots.

If you remember, barely two weeks ago, I was having problems with my hanging computer but I just had it formatted at the end of April, 2007. Anyway, a couple of days ago, my computer could not connect to the internet. I mean, my network shows connected but the speed was so slow, none of my messengers were able to connect neither were the web pages loading.

I figured that the problem could not lie in my cable, network card, modem, hub or even internet line since I did have another computer connected without problems and if it was hardware, surely the failure would have been total? But here my computer was connected BUT not connected, if you know what I mean.

I called up my computer technician who advised me to run my anti-virus program, clear my virus vault, defrag my hard disk and restart my computer but the problem persisted after two hours.

I gave up! Sent the computer to the shop where the technician told me that I need a format And I was like, “AGAIN?” But as if I had a choice! *sigh*

Well, now my computer is in good health once again. What I suspect is that the first shop that formatted my computer last month did not protect my computer with an anti-virus program before going online to search for driver updates despite my reminder. I remember that soon after taking my computer home, my anti-virus program already gave me trojan alerts but I did not think too much of them.

My friend told me to demand a refund, but I don’t have proof! He taught me to bang their tables, raise my voice, threaten harm to them and shit in their office! Hahahah as if that will work :-p

Random Thoughts Off My Mind