Promote With Customized Stickers

Paul told me that his company recently ran a promotional blitz. One of the things they did was to spread their brand name further by printing t-shirts, pens and stickers as freebies for their clients.

Paul told me about where they guarantee the lowest prices and eve provide free artwork and unlimited colors for full sheets of custom designed stickers.

He told me that it is really value for money because other companies would be charging for these services plus use only 50 to 70 line screen for their stickers whereas uses 150 lines per inch for photographic quality.

Also, quotation is free without obligation and one could easily order custom stickers online, fuss-free.

Paul said that customized stickers are a great way to promote our brand name product or service. As a rule, if you keep bombarding people with your name, they tend to remember you subconsciously.

Free Auto Blogger

I came across this nifty tool called Free Auto Blogger while surfing the internet. As the owner of multiple blogs, I surely can appreciate the hard work needed not only to maintain the blogs but also to network and build backlinks and popularity while trying to raise the Page Rank.

However, I do not get it why would anyone cheat the system, and importantly, himself, by using such a tool, helpful it may be, by building a blog or even blogs not by his own effort?

It is very satisfying when we see the many backlinks pointing to our site all by own own hard work and see the Google Page Rank rise with every Google update every three months or so.

Maybe I am just a sucker for hard work but I get a kick out of seeing my Technorati ranks go up all because I did some homework the night before. So while it is certainly tempting to use this tool, it is after all, free, I don’t think I will ever be using it.

How Popular Is Your Blog?

I came across a new widget on the blogosphere which I think bloggers should embed on their blogs if they want to know how popular their blogs are. I used to wonder why bloggers are like one of a kind species because they feed their ego with traffic, comments and votes from their readers.

With a blog rating widget powered by, they can actually SHOW their popularity on their blog itself.

I used to run website that requires readers to cast their vote as well and found that I had to explain to them that the first star on the left is actually the lowest score that one could give while the first star on the right is the highest. I was surprised that something as logical like this escaped some people.

Therefore, with this Blogorator widget it would be great if the stars increase in size from the left to the right.

I also found that when we hover our cursor over the stars, only the first star will show 1/5 while the others do not show 2/5, 3/5, 4/5 or 5/5

Over at the website, although we could customize our widget by changing the colors to suit the layout or theme of our blogs, I feel that we should be provided with a palette of colors. I had to search for HTML color guide on the internet and copy the code over to match the color of my blog. With a palette readily available, members would find it easier to change the color of the widget.

Showcase Your Photos To The World & WIN!

Bloggers are people who take photos any chance they have. That is what I have observed from the bloggers that I personally know and the blogger meets that I attended. Today, I stumbled upon a photography contest where we could submit our photos and stand a chance to win cash prizes.

I think this is a great opportunity to showcase our photography skills to the world. Winning is a bonus! Unfortunately, this contest is only open to resident of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America and United Kingdom. Malaysia is ALWAYS left out *sigh*

Click Here

If you are in one of the eligible countries, do check out right now. There are many categories that you could enter. If you have been looking to enter a baby photo contest, you can enter your winning photo to

The best thing about this contest is that it is free to join! All you need to do is to submit your photo together with your email address and mailing address and all these can be submitted online. So what are you waiting for? It’s a Free Photography Contest- Enter Now! Win $10, 000! Just click on the banner in this post. Good luck!

What Is The Deal Of The Day?

I came across a website that every one of us should visit first before making an online purchase. On this site, you can find the Deal of The Day which is good for 24 hours and they do actually have a ticking timer to countdown to the end of the offer.

Once you are registered with the website, you can shop for hot deals, which could be any great money saving offer like fine dining, health an beauty products or hotel accommodation.

You can even get up to 70% discount on gift cards every day on Deal of The Day.

Just check out the website and you will be amazed at the things that are on offer, things that you will actually find useful!

Building Links With ViraLink

AnitoKid told me that this is yet another way to try to build backlinks.

Let me try to get it on my blog. It’s kinda tricky from what I see! But all for backlinks!!! Urggghh

———copy and paste the Viralink and instructions below this line———

Below is a matrix of 120 stars, I have already added a link to my blog onto one of the stars, all you need to do is copy and paste the grid into your blog and add your own link to one of the other spare stars, and tell others to do the same!


New Addition: When I receive a ping back once you have added the Viralink to your site I will add your link to this grid, and each person who copies the grid from here will also link to your site!

——— Copy and paste the Viralink & instructions above ———

No Porn Sites
Only 1 link per person (i.e don’t hog the viralink!)
Please don’t tamper with other peoples url’s

Yay, I got it already. Now, if you also would like to build backlinks to your own blog, copy the Instructions and the ViraLinks, add your own link inside as well, and publish on your own blog. Then encourage your readers to do the same. And add more *** to the grid when necessary. Remember, you have to do this quick because the next Google Page Rank is said to be some time in late July which is only one month away!

Get it done now, if possible!

I’m In a Blog Carnival, Yay!!!!

A few days ago, when I wrote my post, I Participated In A Blog Carnival BUT …… , I thought that I would be excluded from participating in my very first blog carnival with my entry, My New Blogging Efforts. I was rather disappointed because I thought I wrote a pretty good piece but I was unfortunately late in my submission.

However, there is good news! The new round of carnival of struggling bumbling newbies was just published on June 23, 2007 on and my entry was first in line to be introduced Yay!! Jon, the organizer, did tip me off so I was looking out for it! Thank you, Jon!

Now that I have participated in a blog carnival, what is next? Do I continue to search for more blog carnivals to participate? There aren’t that many topics that I am passionate about. Moreover, I am so lazy to keep tabs on new carnivals.

I think what I am going to do it to continue with building backlinks. I heard that the next Google Page Rank update is just around the corner! Oh, boy, can I do with a little more Page Rank!

Random Thoughts Off My Mind