It is always wonderful to receive email from friends once in awhile but the problem with emailing is that it is so fast, people expect an equally swift response. And you know I have so many tasks to complete daily that I never really have the time to write a reply of respectable length.
Moreover, nothing good happens in my life that is worth sharing. How can I make a 100-word email from the word “Work”? Yes, life is very boring here when I spend the whole day and night working. But they never understand.
I do feel bad when I am unable to reply as fast as I would like to, but time flies. I have a friend who told me that he flew from England where he lives to my hometown a couple of times since his last email to me.
And another friend even gave birth to a new baby and I still did not manage to get down to replying her email. Eeekk!
At times like these, I wish to go back to plain old airmail! At least people don’t expect a speedy reply *sigh*