Tag Archives: Google AdSense referrals

Google Retires AdSense Referrals

Did you read the notice that Google AdSense is going to retire their referral program? I think that all publishers were sent an email notification, if I a not mistaken, so do check that email account that you have on record.

I don’t know if it is a good or bad thing to terminate a referral program. I took down my referral buttons from my sites a long time ago. I have yet to check all my sites, though, so maybe some are still live. LOL

Anyway, I think that almost every webmaster is a publisher of AdSense already. Those who are not either do not know the potential in AdSense, do not want to implement AdSense on their websites or have been banned by AdSense already, unfortunately.

So if you still have AdSense referral buttons on your site, take them down, you will not get anything out of it and will only be wasting virtual real estate.