McKenzie – Art Making A Difference


I actually got to know about the charity fund raising program initiated by the award-winning artist, McKenzie, last month but did not have the opportunity to blog about her. She is trying to raise a million dollars in support of charitable organizations that include SaveDarfur, Global Green and Humane Society.

McKenzie is actually an old hand at fund-raising and I feel that what a person could do, two could do better, therefore, why not join forces to help her achieve her target of a million dollars sooner?

McKenzie has made it possible to let us internet users involve ourselves in her efforts. It actually is not difficult to do our part. All we are required to do is to visit her website at and click on the links or banners of her sponsors.

All revenue generated through our mouse click will be channeled to her fund called “Art Making A Difference”. In addition to this, part of the proceeds from sales of her art work will also be donated by McKenzie to her fund. So you actually have two options to donate, by clicking or by purchasing. And I am sure you can also help to spread the word.

Projector Rental Made Easy

My sister’s company will be participating in a beauty and fashion trade show in New York City and the task of arranging for it fell on my sister. She has all the “luck” :-)

It is quite difficult given that my sister and her company are actually based in Tennessee and she has to make sure their booth is set up and ready at the trade show where they will also be giving a presentation.

I told her about a projector rental company that they can rent from and have it sent to the venue on time by FedEx. It will be hassle-free since this projector rental company can handle and request within the United States.

My sister was very happy to have found a solution. She had thought that she will have to carry her company’s projector on a flight to New York City.


Screwed Categories

It is funny that just slightly a month ago, I was lamenting the difficulty in categorizing my blogs to better describe them and yet fit the requirements of advertisers. Little did I know that it was just the tip of the iceberg.

Since the new roll out in late March, things have been horrible. By selecting all the general categories, I segmented myself out. I did not know that General Business is NOT Business/Entrepreneurism. General Entertainment is NOT Music/TV/Movies.

Did you know that I got a sinking feeling in my heart when I saved my category changes to my blogs only to realise that I qualified for NO opportunity at all? Yes, it was that bad. I was not alone, though, but that is no consolation for me.

The new roll out dictates that we can only change our categories once every thirty days. Out of desperation, I shot an appeal letter to Support. It has been more than a week now and my problem has yet to be addressed. I guess what they will do is to just delay replying me and by then, my thirty-day time frame would be open again and I could change my selection of categories, so problem solved, right?

Really, I am trying my best to be patient, but being disqualified for opportunities that I know fit my blogs well is not making things easier to swallow.

Wait, wait, wait, wait sumore!

Roller Blinds For The Home

I was looking for blinds for my hone that is low on maintenance at an affordable price without compromising on quality. My sister told me that the answer is Roller Blinds, which she has also installed in her home.

I didn’t really know what she was referring to, so she showed me the website of where she bought her roller blinds from. She said that she had a satisfactory shopping experience at this online store, that’s why she is recommending it to me.

I really like the roller blinds as they come in so many different designs and will actually make good decorative wall pieces. I could even match the colors with my wall paint and curtains to make it look natural. I am sure that this is just what my home needs!

Blog Sponsorship

I actually know of a couple of big time bloggers who have sponsors who provide products or services to the bloggers, and not cash. The sponsors will in turn receive either a mention in every blog post with a link back to their homepage or a banner advertisement.

This is actually a win-win situation for both parties. Imagine if your read my blog of original posts without me touting a product, website or service, but I always sign off my post with the line: “This blog is sponsored by Company ABC” or “This post is made possible by Company XYZ” or even “Please visit my sponsor, Syarikat 123”.

I think that sponsorships like these are non-intrusive and are better in the long run but not many companies are willing to try it out. Aiihhh cheapo!

But of course, the blogger has to present readership data and demographics in order to win over a sponsorship. I wonder when my blogging can reach that level, if ever! It would be awesome when that day comes!

Cutting-Edge Marketing Secrets Revealed

I have always been interested in marketing and believe that it can actually make or break a business. Effective marketing can turn a business 360 degrees so it is up to us to find the best marketing plan, not only in business, but in work and life in general.

Today, I came across a blog where a Reformed Adult Webmaster Reveals Cutting-Edge Marketing Secrets.

I have always enjoyed reading unconventional thoughts, methods and techniques and there are plenty generously dispensed on this blog. This blog may be new, but it is not lacking in content.

I have gained new knowledge and plan to implement what I have learned.

It’s A Competitive Market

The Paid to Blog marketplace is so competitive, advertisers can basically pick and choose what amount they want to offer to have bloggers spread the word.

Last month, I wrote a few sponsored posts from a marketplace. The money wasn’t great but it’s still money and the tasks were pretty simple. Only a minimum of a hundred words per post and I can type out a hundred words in less than ten minutes.

Anyway, this marketplace is SO quiet that for the rest of the month, I did not get any fresh offers and I was left wondering if I would be paid at all. I was pleasantly surprised to receive my payment from them this morning after one long month. The month seemed long as I was waiting for my payment :-)

Sometimes, when I hear or read people complaining about the lack of offers to write sponsored posts, I wonder, how long can this last? I know it’s here to stay but will mall time bloggers like me be sidelined? Is the pie only large enough for professional bloggers? We shall have to see.

Random Thoughts Off My Mind