Fresh Blog Content

A friend of mine has just ventured into blogging this April. In two weeks, he has published more than 30 posts. He asked me if it is possible to earn money from Google Adsense because he read in the papers that one of our local bloggers, who was interviewed, claims of earning a hundred bucks per month.

Yes, it is indeed possible to earn a hundred a month from AdSense or even a few thousand depending on traffic. I personally know of people who are receiving cheques from Google AdSense every month and they have really high traffic, that they earn even without clicks on the ads. For me, I haven’t even withdrew my first hundred bucks although I am on course! Can’t wait for the day!

Achieving passive revenue on my blogs is of course way better than writing paid reviews but I am not complaining!

So anyway, my friend said he has problem with fresh content. I think all bloggers do face this problem sometime or other. For me, sometimes I lack motivation, and sometimes I just have so many things to share that I can write more than ten posts in a day, although I will not publish more than three original posts in one day.

A veteran blogger friend on the other hand, has no problems publishing 250 posts in a month and that works out to be about eight posts in one day. Do you think that is excessive?

Even now when he has more work to do in real life, he is still publishing two posts a day. I wonder where he has so much to write. He must be an ultra busybody man!

Global Medical Insurance

Just the other day, I was chatting with my friend, Paul, about my pet’s failing health and I told him that I just spent two thousand dollars on medical fees. I told him that luckily I could pay for it. If I could not, it would be very painful to see my pet dying a slow death, knowing that medical aid is available but out of my financial reach. And Paul told me that if I don’t have the money, I don’t have it. Thank god I was not put in that position.

Paul took the opportunity to tell me that I should get insurance coverage for myself. Medical fees is not getting cheaper and with the advancement of technology, many illnesses could be cured, except that mot come with a hefty price tag, just like what I experienced in my pet’s recent bout of illnesses.

I went online to search for medical insurance and came across the website of a Global Medical Insurance company. I have zero knowledge on insurance and do not know what kind of policy is suitable for me. I am afraid that I may not be eligible to claim for my insurance should anything happen to me. I have heard many horror stories from friends that have taken out various policies and then find that they are not compensated when they really needed the money.

Reading through the website, I have gained some insightful information on the various insurance policies that are available to an individual like me. It is great to be educated so that I can make a better decision on which insurance policy to take out.

I am also glad that I could get professional advice and free quotation on my policy by just filling out the simple form provided and I will be contacted within 24 hours.

Also, I see that one could take out travel insurance and I definitely will tell my father about this since he travels so often. It is great to be covered as a precautionary measure. As the saying goes, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Social Networking

I know many people are into social network communities like Friendster, MySpace, Hi5 and others. Well, I don’t like this type of socializing but I did join them to oblige friends who have joined and sent me an invitation to join them so that we can add each other.

I do not understand why we have to add each other, though. People say the concept is that by forming a chain of friends, we can get to know friends of friends, if you know what I am saying. This is exactly what I do not want!

Even though I am members of most of these social network sites, I never develop my pages. I am lazy and I would rather remain anonymous!

Most times, I don’t even remember who is who because people simply request to be added, even when they have just got to know me, and worse, even when they do not know me at all!

I have a famous “friend” on MySpace. His name is Peter Belisi. Don’t believe? :-p

Do My Stuff!

I guess I have been complaining too many times about having not enough time to complete my work nor do I have any leisure at all, I don’t even have time to comb my hair.

A couple of days ago, I received an email from my friend with a short message: Click here to visit!

So I went to check out the site and I feel that this is the kind of service that I need exactly. I could just post my errand up and someone who lives nearby could bid for my job. This is a win-win situation as I can finally free up my time to do what I love, or just to get a break from the mundane errands and to relax, while the person who wins my job will get some pocket money. What an awesome arrangement!

Beverly Hills, CA (PRWeb) April 4, 2007 — Time is the most valuable resource we have, but it often gets filled with chores we don’t want to do.

A groundbreaking website launched last week – – aims to give us back our time by making it easy for users to outsource daily errands. Businesses and individuals located near users bid to do these errands, saving users time and money in the process.

DoMyStuff came more out of necessity than anything else – we are all so short on time and have way too much to do. is already a thriving community, boasting over 5,000 users and averaging 600 new signups per day.

“DoMyStuff came more out of necessity than anything else – we are all so short on time and have way too much to do,” said Omri Cohen, one of’s chief designers. is simple to use. Users can post tasks ranging from the mundane, such as mowing the lawn or picking up dry cleaning, to the extraordinary, such as arranging dinner with a celebrity or chartering a private jet. Right now people are outsourcing tasks like: babysit my kids, clean my bathroom, paint my house, plan a charity poker tournament, and translate Russian for me.

For people looking to increase their income, offers an easy and secure way to earn money. Anyone who has free time can find stuff to do on students, part-time workers, and professionals looking for more business make up the majority of the site’s bidders. employs a robust feedback and escrow system, ensuring that transactions take place flawlessly.

Although the website was created in Beverly Hills and its marketing efforts are currently focused on Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York, plans to eventually go global.

Contact: Darren Berkovitz DoMyStuff Corporation 9454 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 525 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Tel:(877) 711-9883 Fax:(310) 276-5903

Pleasures & Pressures of Email

It is always wonderful to receive email from friends once in awhile but the problem with emailing is that it is so fast, people expect an equally swift response. And you know I have so many tasks to complete daily that I never really have the time to write a reply of respectable length.

Moreover, nothing good happens in my life that is worth sharing. How can I make a 100-word email from the word “Work”? Yes, life is very boring here when I spend the whole day and night working. But they never understand.

I do feel bad when I am unable to reply as fast as I would like to, but time flies. I have a friend who told me that he flew from England where he lives to my hometown a couple of times since his last email to me.

And another friend even gave birth to a new baby and I still did not manage to get down to replying her email. Eeekk!

At times like these, I wish to go back to plain old airmail! At least people don’t expect a speedy reply *sigh*

Gamma Knife Surgery

When I was in my last year of high school, a classmate of mine was diagnosed with brain tumor. It scared the hell out of us seeing the way she suffered. She underwent surgery the conventional way.

I suddenly thought of her today and her medical misfortune because I just read about a procedure called Gamma Knife Surgery which is the best option for brain tumor patients.

It was bad enough to be diagnosed with brain tumor but to undergo invasive neurosurgery is like a double whammy.

If Gamma Knife Surgery was available during those days, I believe my friend would have received a more accurate and effective treatment for her tumor.

$10 From Google CheckOut

Should I or should I not grab that $10 from Google CheckOut? This $10 is to be used to pay for a future purchase from participating online merchants but it has a validity period.

I would have grabbed it if we do not have to disclose our credit card number. I am always reluctant to disclose financial information like this. I have already placed my information on PayPal and some other websites that just have to have the information. Bah!

One can never tell for sure how safe our information is. Yes, it is hack safe and secure but these sites are still managed by PEOPLE. The news report that people’s email addresses and passwords were leaked out through a search engine result was very scary indeed.

So this is what is holding me back from registering with Google Checkout. Why do they make it so hard for us to get that $10?

Random Thoughts Off My Mind