Beautiful Asheville

My friend, Paul, told me that he wants to retire from the rat race of New York City. Life in the City is getting more hectic and stressful. He has been saying so for years but this time, he actually went to Asheville, North Carolina to have a look at the new Asheville homes.

Paul is an architect and he tells me that Asheville has a European touch due to the art-deco architecture. After living in New York for almost fifteen years, he find Asheville to be very serene and just what he is looking for.

He thought that the only things he will miss should he move to Asheville are the talented buskers and musicians of New York but he is surprised that creative people like these could be found in downtown Asheville too. What a delightful discovery that Asheville is just as culturally rich in the arts as New York City is.

Paul says that with the many restaurants in Asheville, he will find it an adventure to try out the different cuisines as he explores the city.

Paul could imagine himself living and enjoying life in Asheville when he decides to slow down his career, but he says that now is the right time to invest in Asheville property before the whole of America realizes the beauty of Asheville.

Could You Please …

Fuel My Blog?

I noticed that despite being a fairly new blog, I have quite a number of readers, although they do not want to leave me a comment. I do seriously need that Mr. Firrrst to help break the ice or perhaps I could do that myself by leaving a comment as soon as my post is published.

Anyway, if you are my mysterious blog reader, could you please fuel my blog?

If you are a spammer, could you please fuel my blog?

If you came to my blog from search engines, could you please fuel my blog?

If you fuel my blog, you would not gain anything and neither would I, but it will make my day to see more than one person has voted for my blog every day.

So from today onwards, I hope that I am not asking too much when I ask that you please kindly fuel my blog. To do so, just click on the orange, red and red fire image on my side bar.

Get Free Travel Directions Online

If you remember, I once wrote about losing my way in my one hometown. Well, I am very bad at directions. And my sister too. When my sister wants to go on road trips, she will get the map directions through

This website offers the free service of giving us street directions and traffic updates for most major cities in the United States and United Kingdom.

The best part about this is that we just have to input our starting address and destination address and select our mode of transport, whether by road, rail or on foot. Click on the GET DIRECTIONS button and we will be given the best route.

And if we would like to be more specific, we could even let the system know that we would like to stop somewhere by giving a location and even select our travel.

Don’t ask me how this system works since I am so not technical minded but let me tell you, I am very impressed!

Feeling Bad

I maintain so many blogs, giving priority to sponsored blogs that I often neglect my passion blogs. It’s not for lack of ideas that I do not update them, but for lack of time and energy. I wish I was this robotic entity where I can just go on and on, blogging away. Can you imagine me as the pink Energizer bunny?

It is all right if there is no traffic to my blogs, but guilt is enhanced when I see the same visitors coming time and again only to find the same ol’ content.

It is especially bad when there are even people who blogrolled me, thank you very much, only to find yesterday’s news on my blog *sigh*

Some friends asked me why I bothered keeping those blogs when I am so hard-pressed for time. Like I said, I have a passion for them and one day, if paid blogging falls apart, I would still be happily blogging away at my passion blogs.

Beautiful Great Priced Furniture

I was looking for bedroom furniture online since I am thinking of redecorating my room and wanted to get some ideas. I stumbled upon a website called Great Priced Furniture which is the largest North Carolina furniture online retailer.

I was impressed with the collection of furniture from bedroom to baby furniture, living room to kitchen and dining room furniture.

On Great Priced Furniture, I could shop by furniture category, manufacturer or collections. It’s very easy to navigate and seamless. I love the quality and creative designs of their selection and it is great news that they provide international shipping. Yay!

With so many beautiful collections, it is going to take me quite a while to decide on which to buy!

ReviewMe Opens Up Marketplace

ReviewMe, the used-to-be exclusive blog for pay marketplace has finally opened up to admit almost every blogger into their market. This is good news for me. I have registered with them way before their launch and I tried to submit my blogs when they launched but my blogs did not qualify. Well, how could they when my Technorati rank, which is one of the statistics that are factored in, could not be pulled due to the f@rked Technorati reading. Unfortunately, it is STILL not rectified. I think I should just give up.

I am happy that they have finally opened for the small time blogger. Well, this is what I am thinking since I do no see any Google Page Rank improvement on my blogs.

From what I see, ReviewMe’s new marketplace system is better than the one which required us to bid for a review. Bah! That’s just wasting time, like I said.

Plus ReviewMe let’s us book an unlimited number of campaigns and they allow us a week or more to submit our post. Isn’t that great?

Adorable Baby Shower Decorations & Supplies

I was helping my colleague look for baby shower supplies as she was busy with work and left the preparation for the party to the last minute, when I came across Party Pail. My, am I impressed with the many baby shower decorations and supplies!

My colleague had a hard time deciding on the theme for the baby shower. I suggested the adorable Noah’s Ark baby shower kit.

My colleague was not satisfied as she wanted something pink. So we continued browsing the website and both agreed on Lil’ Princess Baby Shower.

Just look how cute this set is!! The best thing about theme sets from Party Pail is that everything is included in the kit including the invitation cards. We could even add on individual items of the same theme to cater for a larger party!

Random Thoughts Off My Mind