My friend, Paul, told me that he wants to retire from the rat race of New York City. Life in the City is getting more hectic and stressful. He has been saying so for years but this time, he actually went to Asheville, North Carolina to have a look at the new Asheville homes.
Paul is an architect and he tells me that Asheville has a European touch due to the art-deco architecture. After living in New York for almost fifteen years, he find Asheville to be very serene and just what he is looking for.
He thought that the only things he will miss should he move to Asheville are the talented buskers and musicians of New York but he is surprised that creative people like these could be found in downtown Asheville too. What a delightful discovery that Asheville is just as culturally rich in the arts as New York City is.
Paul says that with the many restaurants in Asheville, he will find it an adventure to try out the different cuisines as he explores the city.
Paul could imagine himself living and enjoying life in Asheville when he decides to slow down his career, but he says that now is the right time to invest in Asheville property before the whole of America realizes the beauty of Asheville.