From London to Sydney

My father’s business associate arrived from London the other day, en route to Sydney, Australia for a business conference. He told us that he booked his hotel room via the internet from Well, he does not look that internet savvy but thankfully, his secretary knows where to look for cheap Hotels in Sydney for him.

Sydney is a very vibrant business city where many travelers go to daily. This British man thought that he would not be able to book a decent hotel at a bargain since it was a last minute decision to attend the conference and was delighted to know that caters to travelers who booked in advance as well as those who book at the last minute like him.

Normally, last minute travelers would be charged higher but that was not the case with, thankfully!

Petition Against Johor Rape Case

Last week, a friend of mine from Johor Bahru asked me to sign a petition regarding the complain against the rape case that happened in Johor not too long ago. I told him that I am not from Johor, is is appropriate for me to sign? Is this a community or a national issue?

A couple of days ago, my friend sent me a forwarded email with the same link to the complaint site. It was forwarded to him by Ms. Fong Po Kuan, the Batu Gajah MP. Ms. Fong has already signed the petition even though she is from Perak. So I guess anybody can sign since it is a national issue.

The organizers are striving to collect a total of a hundred thousand signatures by 24th June 2007. Total signatures at the time of writing this stands at 68790.

The appeal is as follows:

Pihak kami serentak merasai keadaan keamanan dan keselamatan di Johor Bahru semakin tergugat dan rakyat hidup dalam situasi yang bimbang dan gelisah. Bersama ini kami menurunkan tandatangan sebagai satu penyampaian citarasa kami kepada pihak berkuasa, kami berharap pihak polis akan menfokus dan berusaha dengan sepenuhnya bagi membanteras jenayah untuk mengembalikan keyakinan kehidupan yang aman kepada rakyat semua.

If you too feel strongly about this issue, please do sign the petition. While one voice may go unheard, I am sure that a hundred thousand or even more voices will not go unnoticed.

The link to the website is HERE.

Decorative Bath Shower Faucets

My friend, Paul, who is a designer and architect, says it is therapeutic to redecorate his house once in awhile. He said he needs it to release stress that comes with his tight work schedule.

This summer, he is going to redecorate his bathrooms and he showed me a bath shower faucet which he said he will buy matching ones for the two bathrooms.

I wondered aloud why he wants to get them changed when his current ones are perfectly find. He told me that a good shower faucet can be like a hydro massager and that is what he needs after a long day at work.

After seeing the many shower faucets available on, I have got to agree with him! Also, I find that the faucets sold by Shower Buddy could actually be decorative items for the bathrooms when they are not in use thanks to their unique designs.

Widget Mate

Last month, I received a couple of spam comments from two guys (or it could be one guy with different IDs) touting their news widget. Well, I am sorry to say I never publish irrelevant comments. Anyway, I did check out the website and I think it is a great free tool, so I decided to give them a friendly buzz :-)

I love using news widget. If you check out my sister blog, you can find MyCen News and Tech feeds there. Actually, I did not embed WidgetMate because the news are mainly international headlines and I prefer national news since I do not even have time to read the papers and the only way to get some news is through the widget on my own blog.

I did try out WidgetMate, though and find it highly customizable and user-friendly. Perfect for people like me who get lost in codes! WidgetMate allows you to change almost everything about the widget including the layout, font, color and size to match the theme of your own blog or website.

Right now, only the news widget is available but widgets for funny quotes, sports and humor of the day are in the works. I think it would be great if there is a widget that only displays my own blog entries. That would be awesome!

Dazzling Jewelry From White Flash

I came across a website that sells jewelry when my sister asked me to help her look for reasonably priced engagement rings. She knows that I spend a lot of time on the internet and should know where to get great deals.

Well, I certainly have great news to share about I think that this is a very classy site and the jewelry pieces are simply dazzling. I was taken in particularly by an amazing pair of diamond stud earrings but I have to keep reminding myself that I am here to look for engagement rings and nothing else. Boy, as it tempting!

However, it is great to note that the prices are so reasonable. I have seen other jewelry selling at prices that are almost double. I am sure my sister will be delighted with my discovery!

I Participated In A Blog Carnival BUT ……

So sad! I submitted my post My New Blogging Efforts in a Blog Carnival a couple of days ago but it was not selected. I know I submitted past the deadline but I thought I wrote a pretty good post so I did not want to wait for the next round.

I know that my post was read by the host of the blog carnival but I am not sure if I was excluded because I was late or if my post was not up to standard. Or perhaps I was out of point.

So what now? Do I have to write another post for the upcoming Blog Carnival by the same host or do I wait and see if my post would appear in the Blog Carnival and then if it is not, write a fresh post and submit to a new carnival? Or do I just forget about this particular carnival and look for another one with another topic?

I really do want to participate in Carnivals but it is not easy to find Carnivals with topics that interest me. Oft times, I even did not know of a Carnival until it was over. I guess I need to keep better track of the dates but time flies!

Also, I would not be taking up the free SEO tutorial because I am unable to commit to a 650-word article everyday! I guess I will have to do it my own way *sigh*

The Challenges Of A Tattoo Artist

I know of a blogger who is a real life tattoo artist. He told me about a website where one could purchase tattoos and then download it on our computer and print it out. I think it is remarkable.

He said that many of his clients are doing this and it actually saves time thumbing through the designs that he offers. His clients who are mostly internet savvy will now search the internet for the designs that they like first and then bring to him to tattoo on their body.

This blogger also told me that he finds it very challenging because he does not know what sort of designs his clients will bring and some are really complex and he has to replicate the art as real as possible or his clients will be very mad! Hahah!

I guess being a tattoo artist is not so easy at all in the internet age!

Random Thoughts Off My Mind