Viral Tag

I am not sure if I am even doing this right. My blogging buddy, AnitoKid, urged me to try this out to aid my quest in improving backlinks, hence my Google Page Rank. I hope it works!

If you are also looking for a Page Rank boost, there is no harm in giving this a try as well! Good luck!


1.) Copy and paste the matrix of “ViralTags” below.

2.) Substitute the Host Tag and one of the “Viral Tags” in the matrix with your anchor text of choice with your blog’s URL. Please keep anchor text to a max of 3 words to keep the matrix size manageable.

3.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your link in one of their “Viral Tags”, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Tag’s anchor text (automatically the associated link will also be copied) and paste it over one of your “Viral Tags” below.

4.) Encourage and invite your readers to do the same and soon this can grow virally.

======= Copy and Paste below this line ======

Host Tag: Blank Canvas

The Beginning | Jolly Green Girl | Diet & Weight Loss | The Next Corner | Bloggers Journey | Key West or Bus | On the WebEd | Vi-Su | Reviews and Previews | Andy Coates | Daily Bulls | Ramblings | Internet Business Blog | Startup Entrepreneur Money | Billiards | The Broken Bow | KLAPKiDS | Esofthub’s Web Finds | wotZcool | Overseas Filipino Worker | KidPinoy | Tech Gadgets Stocks | Monetize Your Blog | Job and Career | Calvin Harvey | Newsome | Blackyard Technologies | Inner 88 | Link Love | Blog in My Soup | Jason’s Random Thoughts | Pixie Tail | Reyna Elena | Earn Money Online | Hanneng | Woman: God’s Masterpiece | Controversy | Entrepreneurship Internet Web | Alex2000 | Blend | Sciura Pina | Cat on my Head | Dietro e la Casa | Gold Rush | Tech Startups Web2.0 | Mario’s Weblog | Make Money Online | Plugins TV Blogging | Marco Bonomo | Cman’s Money Page | Random Access Life | Really Funny Jokes | Patrick Curl | Wolly Weblog | Internet Marketing German | Stratz’s Blog | Zarcone | 2012 Movies | Techcast Weekly | Business Blog Web | Samuel Silva | The Junky’s Wife | il blog di iMod | Mrs. Sparrow | Tech Fun This n That | Blog Plus Ultra | Money Tips | Blogozine | Cool Websites | JackBook | BetShop Boy | BMoneySavvy | My Life | Catepol | Wissen Belastet | Adam OK | Yaab | Bloggo Intestinale | Fanatic Space | Crispnetworks | Telemac | Hoobin | Adzine for Marketees | Horeki | Manila Mom | Earn Global Online | Philippine Trip | Ageless Beautiy | Cafe Romanza | Maia Jose | Dogs, Pigs, Family | Credit Ability | Hot Buzz Hot Bizz | Mom’s Veranda | The CityLifeStylist | Paintings by a 10-Year-Old | Chuva | LunaTail | Blog dela TV | Andy Dang | BioHazard Gaming | Rich Minx | Steve’s Tech Blog | How to Make Money Online | Jake Daily | Todo Musika | Really Smart Guy | 7 Confessions | John M. Justice | Make Extra Money | Filipino Programmers | Orient Lodge | Foximus | Static Thinkbox | Stealing Cameos from the Web | Photoshop Tutorials | Computer-75 | Super Blogging | Thomas’ Off-the-Cuffs Blog | Linkrambler | La Jungla Sonora | Tech-Hack-Gadget | Jackbook | Blog it out | BMW-M-Power| Affiliate Watcher | Cash Money Blogging | Life Disguised in Humor | JLS Cisco Networking | MMMiii | Book Project | Mik3 | Wampago | Aopletal | Opinioni in Liberta | Business Chats | WCB Digest | That’s What She Said | Gay Christians | Goldy World | Ryan Shamus | Miraz Tutorials | Islam for Me | Studs-Cash-Page | Mariuca | Munny 4 Hunny | First Time Dad | Dating in Your 40s | The Bookshelf | Russian Jokes | Sha Money Maker | No Heat | Dinosaurs | Bulletproof Harpist | Debt Quit | My Own Journey | Jehzlau Concepts | Orchid | Anything Goes | Zona Cerebral | Imakesmoney | Truth & Opinion | Best Air Miles Deals | Seevs Place | Batang Yagit | Little Nina | Jemme | Sintunado | Abaniko | Angel Blush | Nihal’s Anything n Everything | Yummy Silicon Chips | Rob Neville | Blogger Trip | Make Money With Kasper | Food Time | CaribbeanCentral America Travel | Pinoy Blog Machine | A Day in the Life | Yoeru | Treasure Hunt | Cookie Labs | Cowboy’s Wife | Secret Cookies | Opinionated Girl | A Great Pleasure | Nostalgia Manila | Mary Anna Ville | Life | One Day at a Time | OFW Center | Website Building | Quartz Mountain | Pocket Sermon | Harry Online | Nakanampucha | Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery | Brainy Bimbo | Steli Efti | Daniele Salamina | Mean Green | About Body Work | Another Journey | Domingo 1967 | Vinceleste | Captain’s Log | Best FaceBook| Composed Gentleman | Silent Whisper | Soho Quest | People Taste Like Chicken | Mumblings | KindaLikeSorta | Social Media Munching | Batang Baler | Crickitalia | Kev’s Walkabout | Blog Contest Site | Tobsy | Technology at Hand | Just Wandering | Accounting | Life’s Daily | Good Jokes | Easy Cash | Interesting Obsevations | Left in Aboite | Agloco Hours | Money Making | Greg Stratz | Walking Contradiction | Dirty Daily | GabTag | Nonsense Fun Tears | Pinoy Guitar | Blogger Whale | Everyday is My Lucky Day | Deden Amijaya | FeedGet | Motiveless Crime | MF | Philippines Travel Blog | Dollar Boy | Tech Lock-Rahul | Zero Voltage | We Are Family | Get Rich from Home | Revellian | Speedcat Hollydale | Laketrees | PoeARTica | Four-Eyed Journal | Diary of Bad Girls | DIYers IT Zone | Working at Home Mom | El Comentario Diario | Buzzing Bell | Rescue Me | MIS Fan | Roodo Blog | Don’s Biggest | Great Way to Muse | Digital Information Technology | Aethen | Money Hub Online | Talking Forum | Mommy’s GetAway Blog | Pro Audio | E-Cash World | Manifesto | Dave Dragon | Koolbirks | Caught in the Stream | Climate of Our Future | Remergence News | An Anonymous Journal | She Rambles On | Cyberpartygal | FreebieLand | House of Freebies | Huma B ~ | JohannTheDog | Rescue Me | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | Conte Aqui | Prudence and Madness | Harley Blues 2007 | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags || ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags |

Important: Once I get a ping back from you, I will add your anchor text and the associated link you designate as “Host Tag” here, replacing one of the “ViralTags” from the matrix above. As more and more bloggers copy and paste this matrix, the more backlinks you will have with your anchor text. If everybody who copy and paste from your blog does the same, pretty soon this will spread and go viral. So, the sooner you participate, the more links with anchor text you will receive.

====== Copy and Paste from Above this line ======

Discovering Prosper Learning

Have you heard of Prosper Learning? Well, I just stumbled upon an article about prosper learning which was published on the Deseret Morning News about the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2005 where 24 finalists for the award were announced.

Among the full list of finalists, I saw that two people, Ethan Willis and Randy Garn, from Prosper Inc. were included. That got me curious. I am all about finding successes and “prosper” and I would love to know about Prosper Inc. if it could help us find that elusive success in life.

I made an internet search for Prosper Learning and found that it is actually an institute where one-on-one business coaching and mentoring is given to people who wishes to venture into businesses like real estate, finance, e-commerce, entrepreneurship and stock trading.

Starting a business is one thing but starting a successful business is another. Prosper Learning provides all the wealth building tools and guiding the student on ways to use these tools as effectively as possible. More than 20,000 people have undergone Prosper Learning’s coaching.

I think that it sure will make a lot of difference for someone who has been mentored by a specialist in the field and for someone who has not. Prosper Learning is said to cut our learning curve and provides us with a tried, tested and proven route in the various fields of businesses.

And I Thought I Was Bad

I spent the past couple of weeks blog hopping and commenting on various interesting blog posts. Most of these blogs are by bloggers who are writing sponsored posts.

Unfortunately, there was one particular blog, although I do not recall its name but only remember that it is a Blogspot blog with its default pink layout, which had the whole front page of sponsored posts. While I am not begrudging anyone for making a buck, I feel that by having a sponsored post one after another with sponsored posts as interims, which should be original, is excessive.

Previously, I thought I was bad with about 50% sponsored posts but hey, I am no where near her level. Even when I used to write a lot of sponsored posts, I did have lengthy interims where it matters and I have recently slowed down considerably to give more value to my growing readership.

Blogs like that run the risk of being labeled splogs and may be kicked out of the system if the blogger is not careful and get tracked for multiple violations.

I have recently tipped another blogger off regarding double posting out of my kind heart, in case she was caught, but my friend told me not to go around making enemies. They may not like it. Well, I know, but sometimes I can’t go away without letting the blogger know of his/her mistakes because I don’t wish anyone to be disqualified from making some money blogging. Sigh, what a tough decision!

Chris Merriman’s Kazakhstan Blog

Although I have come across the postings of Chris Merriman who goes by the user ID SilentlyScreaming on a popular forum, today is the first time that I checked out his Kazakhstan blog.

I think that it is interesting that a British is now in Kazakhstan. To be honest, I know nothing about the country except that it was formerly part of Russia CIS. However, Chris has made it very easy for us to learn of the country as he himself discovers it by placing all the relevant posts onto a static page. It is one thing to read about a country in a travel brochure but another to read of some one’s first hand experience and I certainly managed to get a better picture of the country from reading all the links on Kazakhstan 101.

The thing I like most of this unique Kazakhstan blog is the page of Games. Boy, did I have a wonderful time playing those games! I nearly forgot about my time! I remember the old days playing these games way before we had PSP and what not. If anything, these games of Pac Man, Donkey Kong and Space Invaders will surely make me return to Kazakhstan blog to play because I am quite lazy to embed them on my on page!!

Thanks for maintaining such an enjoyable blog, Chris!

How Much Is Your Domain Name Worth?

I came across this service by on a paid to blog marketplace but I did not make a bid for the opportunity. Well, I don’t actually remember if I did or not but I think this is a rather fun service so I am blogging about it. Hopefully, the LeapFish advertiser will appreciate a friendly buzz!

Just for fun I entered a few of my domain names to be appraised. This is the score I achieved for my domain name My domain name is rather new so I am not surprised that it is so cheap *sigh*

How cheap, I have nothing to compare with so I used a few popular domain names as benchmarks and these values were returned:

Boing Boing – $48,872
Google – $10,875,620
Yahoo – $17,756,531

How come I suddenly feel so small? :-(

The Launch of

I have received news that a brand new website, is launching this Monday, 25th June, 2007. It is going to change the way we look at web advertising. Linkbidr, a new web application, allows you to advertise your site or promote just about anything at all at the price that you set. So as you can see, Linkbidr is not free, but it can be very cheap if you know how to utilize it to its full potential.

In conjunction with its launch, Linkbidr is giving away $10 for early birds who sign up with the service. There are still 48 spots left and I am going to claim my own cash right after this post and that will leave 47 spots! Sign up now and have $10 credited into your account which you could use when Linkbidr is launched and you can then use it to promote your blog. That is what I am planning to do!

Currently, Linkbidr is still in the development stage I was not able to sneak a preview of the website but from the buzz on the internet, I believe that many people are looking forward to try the site out. I have already bookmarked the site and will be checking it out first thing on the morning of 25th June, 2007. I know that it will live up to expectations.

Buzz On Julie’s Blog Promotion Contest

Here’s some good news I would like to share. Julie, a fellow postie who blogs at Reviews and More is currently running a blog promotion contest where anyone who blogs about her contest and provide two links to her two blogs, including the new shopping blog, The Chronic Consumer, will be eligible to participate.

Quite often people ask me why I let others know of a contest when I am only diluting my own chances. Well, I say the more the merrier. This is a game of luck, anyway. And as I always say, “Good things MUST share!”

If you have a blog, why not participate? Julie is giving away cash prizes not for the best blog post but for the names that she draws out from the bucket from all the entries that she has received. I am not one for details so if you would like to know more about this exciting contest that is closing on 30th June, 2007, head over to Julie’s blog now and read her simple rules for the contest.

If you are also running a contest on your blog, do let me know and I would be more than happy to give you a friendly buzz!

Random Thoughts Off My Mind