Nothing But Fabulous

Have you heard of the latest most happening social network portal especially for young, urban, hip and happening ladies? If you have not, it is time to make HerFabLife Your fav lifestyle guide right now. Registration is free and this site is open to all ladies around the world.

However, guys are not left out of the action because there is a section for them as well. So if you are a guy and you would like to participate, feel free to! There are plenty of male-orientated articles as well. Check them out.

What I like about the site is that every member enthusiastically shares her new discoveries on what is hot and what is not around town like fab dining and shopping places, fab spas and hotels, fab events, and to make sure that this is a real site for women, FAB GUYS are featured too! Yay!

In short, HerFabLife is Your Personal Lifestyle Guide no matter where you are. HerFabLife encourages all women to contribute articles to the site to share with other members. Whether you are a blogger, an aspiring writer or student or stay at home mother, you are free to share your thoughts and discoveries. Your network of friends and HerFabLife communities would love to know about them as well.

Thanks to HerFabLife, we can all Get a Fab Life! It’s not quite enough just to “get a life”, you know?

What’s Gonna Happen On 07.07.07?

Well, that’s a week from now but who can tell the future? What I do know is that Ryan over at is running a $7.77 contest where seven lucky winners will win $7.77 each.

To win, you can do a few things. Get one entry in the draw by leaving a comment on any post on Get three entries in the draw by linking to his blog and five for writing a review post on

After hearing of this contest, of course I hopped over. It was my first visit although I have come across Ryan’s postings on the forums now and then. This blog is generally on bizarre news on the internet, weird stuff that you read and wonder how it could happen!?!

However, the post that caught my eye was Pedo Idea. At first, I don’t know what it’s all about but upon further reading, it looks like Ryan is going to expose pedophiles prowling MySpace. Eeekkk I never knew that there are that many pedophiles there!! I hope Ryan s successful in this quest and rid pedophiles from MySpace and keep all the innocent MySpace users safe!

Oh yeah, now I know what’s gonna happen on 07.07.07. I am going to WIN $7.77

Watch this space!

The Traveler’s Search Engine

I discovered this website which is the traveler’s search engine. This site has information on all the major tourist spots around the world. In fact, there is a list of the top fifty destinations in the world and when you click on each of them, you will be taken to a page with detailed information of that place. This is very cool because it means we do not have to go all over the world wide wed to search for information when we are vacation planning.

I decided to check out Niagara Falls since it is a place that I have never been before but it is high up on my list of places to visit. A couple of my friends were there last month and they have nothing but good things to share so that got me all curious and wishing to experience Niagara Falls myself.

Some people, upon finding out that I would love to visit Niagara Falls one day questioned my judgment saying that the Niagara Falls are nothing but waterfalls. I guess they do not know how to appreciate the beauty of the Niagara Falls.

I read that one could actually get a breathtaking view from one of the Niagara Falls Hotels. That is what I intend to do. Book myself in a hotel nearby and get to the top to watch the Falls. I know that for that one moment, I would be able to free my mind from daily problems. This is surely something that I am looking forward to!

While I wait for the day when I can finally make my way there, I will be checking out the travel blogs that are linked from SideStep. If I can be there personally, I will be there holidaying in spirit though the blog posts!

Jhoos Invitation

Recently, I received via email a Jhoos invitation. Actually, it was not the first time I received it from friends but since last week when I was introduced to Joost, getting a similar sounding Jhoos made me curious.

Ah… Jhoos is actually a free online dating service. Opening the page brings a pop-up advertorial. To me I can tolerate all kinds of ads except the ones that pop up and under and those little bubble ads known as Content Link.

Anyway, Jhoos has this tag line “Bringing dating to your desktop”. I am not exactly sure how it works but it is like an instant messenger where members of Jhoos can “date” online. The good thing is that this messenger can be integrated with MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger and even AIM so you can chat with your buddies across these networks. However, with members from nearly every country in the universe, I think chatting itself would be like full time work.

So in short, Jhoos is a little more than a dating site. I wonder why my friends keep sending me invitations to join the network. Are they telling me something??

Committing to a Tertiary Education

My friend Henry, who made me promise him to get a college degree has asked me for an update! Eeekkk I haven’t made any commitment to continue with my education for lack of time but Henry won’t buy my excuse!

So I will be setting a goal for myself to get a college degree online within this couple of years since it is more convenient to study at my own pace than attending real classes. For one, I save a lot of time commuting to and from college if I were to study at home after work and I will not be distracted by college social life and friends. As an adult with plenty of responsibilities and commitments, I need to stay focused, much more than a normal college student.

Right now, I am not sure with which college I should sign up with since but I do know that it has to be an accredited college so that my qualification will be valid and recognized.

I expect a better tertiary education to bring me better opportunities in life but first, I will have to hit the books once again.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive.
For more information, please visit

Ashley’s Online Boutique

I believe I have surfed through a few thousand websites now but Ashley’s Boutique has got to be one of the cutest sites around. Ashley’s Boutique is actually an online store selling primarily designer inspired women’s apparel, watches, sunglasses, handbags, purses and accessories.

Lately, replica products have been very popular. To me, they look an exact copy of the real thing and come with only a fraction of the price. I for one would certainly try not to buy the real item when I can have a copy at a more reasonable price. Fashion, after all, come and go.

Even though I am not a handbag person, I really loved to browse through the selection of the finest replica handbags. Each product comes with multiple shots from different angles so as to help the shopper in deciding which to buy. No more guessing games!

If you are fashion AND price conscious, now you know where to look for your clothes and bags. You CAN look a million dollars without spending as much!

Networking Overtime

Many people are expecting the upcoming Google Page Rank update to happen in late July. How accurate their prediction is, I am not sure but I hope that it won’t happen so soon. I am not ready yet!!!

Currently, I am working my butt of trying to network and expose my blogs as much as possible by joining blog rolls, publish viral tags and viralinks, leaving comments every time I blog hop and even joined a blog carnival.

The thing is, after a few days of publishing the viralink and viral tag, I did not notice any jump in my Technorati rating, at least not at the pace of when I joined MyList when my score literally jumped! As I understand it, virals won’t work if I published your link on my blog, you know it, come and have a look and even thank me, maybe, IF you do not edit your own viralink or viral tag to include my blog URL.

I am disappointed. What is the use of my publishing all these and giving out one way links when they are hardly reciprocated?

I am dying to get Page Ranks of Five this time round. As you can see, I am only at Page Rank Three currently and it will take a rather long leap to reach that level of a Five, but it will make a whole lot of difference to me.

Page Rank predictors have indicated that the amount of backlinks to my blog is only good enough for a Four. Can Google grant me a little more time to build more backlinks so that I can get a Five THIS update? How many links does one need in order to qualify for a Page Rank of Five, anyway?

I hope I won’t kill myself doing it! Is there a shortcut to this??

Random Thoughts Off My Mind