Blogathon 2007

I read in a forum that Blogathon is just around the corner. Last year, when I just started to go into blogging, I came to know of Blogathon for the first time. I was impressed that people would and could set aside twenty four long hours to blog. No doubt, it is in the name of charity but at the expense of sleep? I am not sure if it is worth it but from the reception, many people believe in the power of blogging.

This year, Blogathon starts on July 28, 6:00am Pacific time. I don’t know how many Malaysians will participate. Last year, I got to know of a few teams of people who took turns blogging on one blog. While that is commendable, I am more in awe of people who are going solo.

If it were me, I would run out of ideas, if I do not collapse from fatigue first! I think I am one of those who would rather contribute cash or kind to charitable bodies that I believe in rather than blog and wait for sponsors.

What about you? Do you plan to participate in Blogathon this year or some time in the future? While I would love to try it out, I don’t think I am committed enough to do it for 24 hours straight so I think this isn’t something I will ever do!

Fiddle Your Photos Into Wall Art

A good friend of mine is a professional photographer who is well known locally. He has taken some amazing shots throughout his career but most of them are just kept as negatives and then later on, digital copies in his computer. Well, he has hundreds of thousands of shots that he could not possibly print and display them all.

A couple of days ago, he was doing housekeeping on his computer and came across a few shots that he would like to frame up. He told me that a friend recommended, a highly talked about website that turns photographs into wall art. That sounds awesome.

So we checked it out together and found that the site is so user-friendly that with just a few clicks of the mouse, we could order our wall art. Can you imagine turning your photograph into a Warhol pop art? Well, could absolutely do that!

You could also select other styles like oil painting, water color and collage or just frame it as is. I think it is a very wonderful concept and these wall art make great gifts as well. I am going to dig out all my old photos and turn them into wall art as well!

Starting Point For All Your Searches

I am not sure if there is anyone who uses the internet as much as I do but this is where I work, get entertained and connect with people.

A few days ago, I was looking for videos of Bon Jovi’s performance on Live Earth Concert on 07.07.07. I had all the video sites opened from my bookmarks and then I was opening new windows from the search results so much so that my computer froze.

I thought there must be a better way to search the internet from just one starting point. I asked around and finally found out about After trying out this site, I could absolutely delete all the search engines from my bookmark because this is the only site I need to come to for my all searches.

If you have not heard of yet, you should try it out. Type in your search term or keyword, select the category that you would like to search and then hit the search engine. Results are always rendered in a new window so you can always go back to and get search results from other search engines. All the major sites are listed there so you don’t have to open multiple windows for all the search engines.

If you would like to have the search engine open in the same window, you could do so by clicking on the small window icon. I find the site very nifty and loads amazingly fast because of its streamlined layout.

After using it for a few searches, I wonder why no one ever thought of this before???

Response To A Thread That Got Too Long

“Bloggers who write for PayPerPost also write for a host of other companies so you may want to make sure that the said opp is from the PayPerPost marketplace and not somewhere else because Trish explained that this is the way to go for LoudLaunch campaigns.

This may be the norm in the old days where the fastest submissions get the opps but after PayPerPost changed their system to allow a 30-minute window to write and submit an opp, I don’t think anyone is still as ignorant to do so. Long time posties will remember that Suni has a Blogger blog called Postie Patrol or something like that to “catch” violators. That was very effective in stopping people from repeating their mistake.

Moreover, now that there is a six-hour window (let’s not talk about the glitch of losing an opp before the time is up), there is no reason for anyone to cheat. Really, six hours is so long, check out the things that I could do within this time frame.

I would like to point out that publishing a post on our blog DOES NOT equal to a submission. Posties who have written opps like Wirefly would remember that we were asked to grab images of mobile phones from the advertiser’s website and upload them to our own server/blog and not hotlink the images.

With three to five images in the published post without the write up does not equal to a submission. We still have to write out the post and then submit. This goes for some other complex opps where we have to embed videos. Well, not all videos will work the first time round. So of course we would only know when we have it published. These are just a couple of examples.

I blog hop a lot and have come across many violators, the most rampant are bloggers who use sponsored posts from other marketplaces as interim posts, unless it is a Linky Love wedging post because Brett says so or publishing the same original posts (text, links, images and all) on two different blogs. When I come across the same posts on two different blogs, I get a sense of deja vu. My first reaction was, “If you can’t upkeep your blogs with original content, then don’t start so many.”

I let the blogger know by contacting him/her that someone has discovered such an issue. Who knows, maybe sometimes a blogger may have started writing a post on one blog and then the post took a different turn that the blogger feels that it is more appropriate to publish it on another blog and forgot to delete the first post.

My friend told me that I am making enemies for myself what with all the jealousy already on PayPerPost (just talk to any top earner this side of the globe), but then I think that hey, it is better for me to let them know in private so that they have to chance to rectify it than being reported by someone else for a genuine mistake. I am not bitchy enough to put sand into another person’s rice bowl after all we are all here to cari makan.

Anyway, I think by now bloggers who blog for pay (not only PayPerPost Posties) know that once they submit a post, the advertiser gets an instant email alert and should the advertiser come to a blank post, the blogger runs the risk of being banned, flagged and even booted out of the system entirely. I don’t think anyone would be THAT dumb!

The way to truly alert violators of their wrongdoing, if you want to give them a second chance, is to let them know in private and not sound a forewarning without even sure if the violators read your blog.”

Booking A Hotel In Amsterdam

I mentioned before that I have a Dutch friend, Niencke, who has been urging me to visit her in Amsterdam. At first, I was rather reluctant to go because of the cost. It is never cheap to travel to another continent but she has sad that it does not cost that much, except that I am not able to bunk with her. Well, I too need the freedom, anyway.

Niencke told me about the website where one could Book a hotel in Amsterdam for cheap. Well, I have gotta believe Niencke since she s local and know the rates more than I do.

She told me that IF I were really on a tight budget, I could even get a room for less than Euro20 and in Amsterdam itself too. I checked the hotels out on and find it easy to search for hotels that fit my schedule and budget. I could sort the listings by reviews, rating, name, stars and also popularity.

Although I have used quite a few similar websites, is one of the rare ones to offer many images and views of the hotels available. I really like it because I cam make sure this is the hotel I really like to stay in. I am not one for surprises!

Play Cow Patty Bingo and Win $50

All is not wasted from my blog hopping activity. One blog led me to another and that was how I discovered Bloggrrl. Michelle who writes Bloggrrl is an ultra funny lady. I find myself looking forward to her post every day and I believe I am not the only one.

Image courtesy of Bloggrrl

This July, Bloggrrl is running a contest. It is so easy that everyone just has to participate so as not to lose out. To join, just write up a post linking to Bloggrrl’s Cow Patty Bingo contest and the mention your favorite post on the blog. My current favorite is 11 Mistakes Your Blog Makes In Bed.

If you do participate in this contest, do drop me a comment letting me know your favorite post on Bloggrrl.

The prize for this Cow Patty Bingo contest to the lucky winner is $50. Well, winning is a bonus. I am just happy enough to have found the funniest blog ever!

Free Backlink Building Workshop

As the date of the rumored impending Google Page Rank update gets closer, I am getting a little desperate to try to increase as many backlinks as possible, but of course, I am not prepared to pay as some of my fellow bloggers are. In a previous post, you may have read about a SEO course that I registered with but that fell through, unfortunately.

However, there is a new discovery of a free inbound link building course. This is a mini workshop which anyone could sign up for and receive for free by email five mini courses over five days.

I think this would be very helpful for me. Oh yeah, if you go get your hands on his no strings attached courses, you could download the 30-minute audio to your iPod (lucky you!!), burn to CD or just listen online.

Happy backlink building!

Random Thoughts Off My Mind