Proposal To “Mary”

If you have a WordPress powered blog and if you dig your Spam Comment folder like I have to, you would probably have received numerous “comments” about a website called “Proposal To Mary”. I am not going to link to the site in case somebody mistaken it as a paid link. Perhaps you could Google it if you are interested but I am not sure if it is indexed yet because it is new without much content.

Anyway, this website was set up by a German man who met his girlfriend “Mary” during a holiday. From what I understand, he has now moved to America to be with her and he wants to propose to her but does not want to do it directly.

What he wants to do is to ask internet users to help him spam spread the word to as many people as possible hoping that it will reach “Mary”.

We don’t know the real name of “Mary” because he would like to protect her privacy PLUS if her name is disclosed then someone who knows her would straightaway email the proposal to her and the game would be over.

I think that this is a very romantic gesture BUT what happens if the proposal does not ever reach her? The internet could be too huge or it could be very small. Just like in real life, if you want to find somebody, you never can but you will keep bumping into people whom you would like to avoid!

Hassle-free Hawaiian Vacation

I wrote a few posts on Hawaii vacation and a friend told me that nowadays, people are opting for vacation rentals instead of conventional hotels for their accommodation. Yes, I know of that but I wonder where people go to book these because I only know of one company that comes highly recommended from a friend who had a hassle-free Hawaiian vacation thanks to this company.

A friend told me that one could get excellent accommodation from Gebhart Properties whether it is a Maui Condo or a resort.

So I hopped over to their website. Gebhart Properties is a vacation property management company so you can imagine their huge database of vacation homes. Now, I am thinking that with companies like Gebhart Properties no longer do we need to look all over the internet for our dream vacation homes when these companies have already done all the groundwork for us.

That makes a truly hassle-free vacation!

Dang Those Splogs!!

Almost a month ago, I wrote the post “Too Lazy To Write“. Well, the problem is getting more and more severe. As soon as I published my post, I already got a Ping from them.

I read that I could block their IP address and they would not be able to scrap my content, but I don’t know how to go about it and I also read that once we ban an IP, other legitimate readers who are sharing the same band of IP would also be similarly banned. Another way is to add a footer to our RSS feed but that does not prevent scrapers to steal your content but just stamp your copyright.

Although many people have been saying they love their own WordPress-powered blog yadda, yadda, yadda, these are the targets of scrapper sites (or splogs) I don’t face this problem or get flooded with spam comment on Blogger!

We can’t win, can we?

Get User Reviews From Trusted Places

Trusted Places is a social website where people hang out. My cousin, Jasmine, told me that when she first moved to London, a colleague told her that this is the place to check out if she would like to get the most out of her money.

On Trusted Places, real people share and rate their favorite London bars and pubs, restaurants and other places that people go to eat, drink and hang out, places to shop or catch a show and just about anything that a community member feels worthy of a mention either in a positive or negative light. With such information readily available online, locals would know which places to frequent and which to avoid.

Jasmine told me that based on these user reviews, she now only frequent places that come with high rating from members of Trusted Places. I think this is a wonderful concept as it pushes commercial places to offer only the best services or lose the business!

Alexa Above 200,000!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!!!!

Today, I woke up to a higher Alexa number. Ptui! It was broken for almost one week and that week was an Alexa-worry-free week! No longer did we have to keep checking if our Alexa qualifies for something or not.

And when it stood at 18x,xxx recently, I had to take screen shots of my ranking when I take up opportunities from the marketplace in case of dispute because I know that by the time one month is up my rank will probably go above 199,999 where the cut off rank is. And now, because of this, I would be locked out of many high paying opportunities ON TOP of being segmented out due to geographical location.

And there has been an upward revision of some of my other blogs as well. It is strange that the drop could be so sudden and steep when I do not see a drop in visitors. Were their visits not being recorded when Alexa was down last week? That could be a reason.


Win Free Domain & 12 Months Hosting

There has long been a debate about hosting our blog on our own paid domain. Many people have the impression that people who use free hosting are not serious about blogging, but as a blogger with my own hosted blogs and blogs hosted by Blogger, I can say that I prefer free blog over paid hosting only because of the technical support. I guess I can say so for Blogger, but I am not sure about the other free blog services.

Today, I had the opportunity to check out the web hosting plans of Top Hosting Center. As I have two hosting packages myself, I can say that what are being offered by Top Hosting Center are competitively priced. The package that costs $3.95 is ideal for new bloggers who do not yet have much traffic while small enterprises could take advantage of the low price of Top Host Special Package that costs $4.95 per month to host their website. Of course, bloggers could take up this package as well, after all, the difference in price is slight but Top Host Special Package comes with so many more features.

If you are still unwilling to take the plunge to into paid hosting, the good news is that you can win yourself a year of Top Host Special Package and a free domain name. What you have to do is blog about why owning your own blog hosted by yourself is important.

This competition closes on 15th November, 2007 and Top Hosting Center has already lined up two judges to judge the entries. The top three entries that are adjudged the best will win prizes in the form of hosting packages. First prize will be a year of Top Host Special hosting and a free domain name as mentioned earlier while the second and third placed bloggers will win a year of Mega Plan 1 hosting that costs $3.95 per month.

What I like bout these prizes is that you are free to cancel your hosting at any time within the first twelve months. If you like the service you can then extend your hosting with Top Hosting Center after the twelfth month. There is absolutely no obligation for you to continue because you did not pay any advance or provide them with your credit card details.

If you do not yet have your own hosting, why not give this a shot? I already paid for my hosting just a month ago, but I too may try this if I have the time. I could always do with a new domain and hosting package!

The Domino Effect

Since the Google Page Rank earlier this month when most websites and blogs have been demoted, including my own blog, I noticed that many bloggers have been evaluating where they have “gone wrong” to deserve a lower ranking. Some people I know have lost one rank but some got it worse by losing THREE rankings.

Now, what I see is that many such affect bloggers have started to remove things from their blogs that they deemed have caused this demotion like leaking of link juice from blog rolls and such.

By doing so, they are causing a domino effect on the rest of the blogs that they have been linking to, most of them reciprocal links.

Can you imagine that if I remove the list of blogs on my sidebar, I would be turning these into ONE SIDED link to my site when it was a reciprocal link. This mean that my own blog would have an advantage over other blogs in the next Google Page Rank update when those who are still linking to me would have lost a link to their site (from me because I removed them).

I think that if Google has demoted your site, there is no need to punish all the innocent people that have been sharing their link juice with you. And yes, I noticed that some bloggers have already removed ME from their blog roll. This would cause my link weight to drop.

Let’s see what I should do… HHMMMmm

Random Thoughts Off My Mind