One of the paid to blog marketplaces issued a notice a couple of days ago that they have banned some greedy bloggers who used bots to catch offers. It became so bad that it caused their server to crash.
We all know how difficult it is to reserve some offers, what with the time difference, the unpredictable times that these offers are released on to the marketplace and the slow server each time offers are released.
Still, we all take what we could get but it is unfair that there are some people who think it is worthwhile to resort to bots to grab these offers. No matter how many they managed to grab, they would still have to submit them within 48 hours. Where do they find the time?
This issue reminds me of the time where people were accusing other members of using scripts to grab opportunities. Well, now we have plenty of measures in place to counter that and frankly, it is still as difficult to land a good opportunity.