I am so happy that I managed to find just about the perfect social bookmarking plug-in for all my blogs. I tried a handful and you know what? If it takes me more than five minutes to figure out how something works, I give up. I don’t have time to learn or troubleshoot and I know that there will always be a good or even better plug-in that is easier to use.
And then I found this Stumble Upon plug-in. I know I mentioned a couple of days ago that I was looking for a plug in that has a row of little icons at the bottom of posts but now that I found this, I think that giving the option to Stumble to readers is good enough.
Either they stumble or they don’t. They don’t need to go into a little mental fight to see if they should stumble, Digg, Sphinn and what not. What they need to do is just ask themselves if an article is good enough to be stumbled. Yes/No. That’s all!
With this plug in, I just had to upload it to my plug-in folder and then activate it in my WordPress dashboard. That’s all. I didn’t even have to embed the code for the Stumble Upon icon to appear in my single post. It magically, automatically appears in just the right spot! What an awesome piece of plug-in!