Category Archives: WordPress Issues

WordPress 2.6 Released

It was released a few days ago. This time, I will refrain from upgrading. Perhaps I will wait a little longer. How many WordPress blogs do I have already? It is tiresome, I tell you. I would rather just spend time blogging instead of taking care of the technical aspects of a blog. I am not going to be an early adopter this time. LOL

Whatever, WordPress 2.6 brings us improvements from 2.5, like a new upgrade always does. And get it: it fixes a total of 194 bugs!!! I never knew there are so many bugs crawling around my WP 2.5 blogs! LOL

I am glad to note that they have revamped the entire image control and handling. Also, theme preview is a great new feature. Anyway, I wonder if they have brought back drag and drop of widget. I miss that convenience but I will soon know, I guess.

So have you updated you WordPress already?

P/S: After holding from upgrading, I read that some people had the categories of their blogs broken. There IS a solution but it is a lot of hassle, and only for people who know what they are doing. Boy, am I glad that I stuck to my guts this time.

Don’t Simply Install WordPress Plug-Ins

Since last month, I noticed a sharp decline of my unique blog visitors and I thought that it was because of the weekend, and then I thought that it was because of the Memorial weekend holiday. After that, things still did not pick up and my traffic continued to decline. I thought that perhaps, my blog was being penalized and that it has been de-indexed from the major search engine.

I went searching for my posts in the search engine, especially long tail keywords that I am sure were ranked high and they were missing. I was, of course, dismayed because my traffic fell drastically. I thought it was because I have changed servers and that I did not redirect the spiders to crawl my blog in the new IP, but then it should not be the case since I am using the same domain and retained all my permalinks.

Then I went through Webmaster Central to check and realised that my Cache was gone, my post titles were all broken and of course, my SERP was wiped out.

I spent two days thinking that the problem occurred because I have changed the values between my title tags although the new one was supposed to be search engine optimized. I had to download a fresh copy of my WordPress template from the author’s site and copy the default value over.

Then I found that there was a problem with my robots.txt too. I had to upload a new copy to my root directory. I also resubmitted my Sitemap. I thought I would give the spiders a week to crawl my posts but then luckily I had the presence of mind to write to my web host showing him my problem and he found that it was caused by a plug-in that is incompatible with WordPress 2.5.1

In retrospect, I realise that this plug-in, which was emailed to me by a friend, and came highly recommended by her, never worked for me since the day I installed it, but I thought that I would give it some time to do what it was supposed to do.

As soon as I know that it was the cause, I removed it from my plug-in folder. I don’t even want to bother with adding manual codes to the plug-in file to make it compatible with WordPress version 2.5.1.

Now, I learnt that I will have to wait for at least two weeks for search engine spiders to come and crawl my whole blog again and a longer time for my SERP to be restored. Meanwhile, what I can do is to continue writing and writing and hope that all the activity will attract the spiders to come sooner.

What pisses me off is that my Cache is all gone, my post titles are all broken, my traffic fell so much that my RealRank is koyak as if working with a PR0 blog is not enough, and that I had to spend two days, wasted two days, looking for the problem and still not find it. It was my host who found it. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that my SERP will be restored sooner than expected.

20 WordPress Plug-ins & Counting

I read that installing and activating too many WordPress plug-ins to our blogs will reduce the performance of our servers or something. Gee… I am using slightly more than twenty plug-ins now already and I still have not explored other plug-ins that promote SEO of our blogs.

A friend told me that she uses only a handful of plug-ins and I wonder how it could be. There’s the contact form, spam blocker, comment notification, comment love, archives, stats tracker and sitemap just to name a few. And I would like to think that each plug-in I activate helps my blog in someway so I don’t even know how to reduce the number of plug-ins I use. Like I said, the above are just a handful and off-hand, I can’t even remember my long list of plug-ins.

If you are also blogging on a WordPress powered blog, do you mind sharing with me the plug-ins that you use? I’m trying to look for free WordPress plug-ins that would help with my SEO but so far, I don’t have the time yet.

Missing Posts??

I have been happily upgrading my WordPress blogs from version 2.3.0 to version 2.5.0… well, I would not say HAPPILY but grumbling all the way, because of the frequency they update the platform and it could get tiresome because of the many WordPress powered blogs that I have. Anyway, I should say I was doing my upgrade work without worrying until NOW.

I just read that a lady blogger discovered that there were posts missing from her blog after upgrading her WordPress. To be honest, IF there were any missing posts, i would not have known about it. do back up my files but I surely have no idea how I could dig out that specific missing post if the need arises, if I do discover that posts got eaten up in the process of upgrading!

Eyerrrr I hope that never happens because I would hate to bother my host for something like this because he would not understand how important each and every post that I wrote and publish is to me. I am thankful enough that he taught me so many things and made me to be self-reliant when it comes to maintaining the technical aspects of my blogs.

WordPress 2.5.1

Just when I thought that I have gotten used to WordPress 2.5.0, a new version is released. That was a week or two ago. Hello version 2.5.1 but no way am I going around all my blogs updating them again!

I am not sure what new features or hot fixes are in version 2.5.1, I simply don’t have the time to play with WordPress all the time. It looks as if they are forever fixing things. Why can’t they only release the platform once everything has been tried and tested?

Nah… I think that it would be just my luck that when I do decide to update my WordPress to the latest version because I can no longer stand the yellow warning bar, a new version would be released that very night! Yerrrrrrr!

WP Blogs Upgraded To Version 2.5

I’m a little crazy. I spent Sunday afternoon upgrading all ten of my WordPress powered blogs to the latest, spanking new version of WordPress. Of course, visually, it is more appealing, I never liked the deep blue but from what I understand, we could change the colour of our dashboard. I remember that we used to have orange for our group blog.

Although I can’t claim to have used all the new features, what I like about WordPress 2.5 is the edit mode where the edit page is still open as we edit. Oh yes, nothing that I love is the one-click upgrade of plug-ins. Boy, I was click happy for a little while there upgrading all my plug-ins!

What I do not like, and was surprised that after six months of development, that nobody found it not likable is that our category column is at the bottom of our compose box. Side is the best for people like me who want to publish as fast as possible and not waste time scrolling down for the category box AND scrolling down again inside for the relevant category.

Also, in EDIT mode, the SAVE and DELETE buttons are just next to each other. I could just imagine someone who deleted his post whilst trying to edit it. Other than these, I can’t think of other things that I like or dislike. HHmmm will update later.

I bet before the week is over, there will be a new security patch released LOL

Free Keyword Extractor For WordPress Powered Blogs

A couple of days ago, I was searching the internet on how to add meta tags to my blog and to each post. I found a couple of WordPress plug-ins that was supposed to do the trick but I left them unused because I do not know how they work and I did not see any changes at all. The reason I wanted to add meta tags is because I read that with this optimized, I could drive more traffic to m blog because the search engine bots would be able to crawl my blogs better. As you know, traffic is very important to a blogger, especially to a blogger who is trying to monetize her blogs.

Coincidentally, I was told of this free auto keywords extraction from that is said to be able to automatically extract our text and generate keywords relevant to our content. I checked out the demonstration on the website of and it looks like a pretty easy tool to use. I mean, just type in your text and then just click on the GENERATE button and it will call up the number of keywords suggestions that you have set. Five is an optimum number.

I have already downloaded the Wordsfinder WordPress plugin and gotten my API key. Like I mentioned, it is free to use but only for personal blogs and up to ten queries a day. I will begin using Wordsfinder from now onwards and hopefully there is a spike in traffic. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

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