Category Archives: Travel

Visit Singapore

Earlier this year, my friend suggested that we visit Singapore. OMG, it’s already mid December and we have not had the chance to go. Singapore is just south of Peninsular Malaysia and I am shame to admit that I have only been there ONCE but it was a memorable experience. That was why my friend suggested a trip to Singapore as he said that I need to get around more. Don’t I know that?

Luckily, Singapore is just a couple of away by plane from Kuala Lumpur or about six hours by bus from Ipoh. This is considered near already! I told my friend to clear his weekend schedule so that we could hop over. Meanwhile, I checked on the internet for places of interest and things to do and see in Singapore. It has been such a long time that the city has changed and developed tremendously.

My friend told me to check the USA Hotel Guide where I would be able to get comprehensive information on the island on one website without going all over the interent for a little information here and there.

I remember staying at the Four Seasons Hotel Singapore when I was there but this time, my friend will be the one arranging our accommodation. With Christmas just round the corner, I am sure that he would not have a pleasant time getting affordable accommodation for us.

Orlando, Florida, Vacation Rentals

Earlier today, a friend told me that he has plans to visit Florida during the holidays. In fact, I even blogged about it already. However, I forgot to mention that he has found a website where he could rent an Orlando vacation home at a good rate. He said that he is sick and tired of putting up at hotels and all those nosy and noisy tourists. He said that one hotel is like another and he has had enough of that in the course of traveling for work.

For people who would want somewhere special to spend their vacation, vacation rentals are a good alternative. In fact, Vacation Rentals is the premier online listing of vacation rentals in Orlando, Florida and many other cities and popular holiday destinations as well.

My friend says that this is where he is browsing through as well. I hope he gets what he wants at an attractive price that he cannot resist!

A Trip To Orlando

I was told that my friend has made plans to visit Disney World in January next year. He said that the weather would be perfect then. I wouldn’t know since I have not been there before!

Even though there is still time before he and his family actually leave for the trip, he has already made reservations for flight, accommodation and the all important Disney Tickets. It was so funny when he told me that his children threatened to boycott him if they do not have tickets to visit Disney World.

That was why he went looking all over the internet to buy these tickets as soon as possible to ensure that the kids do have the tickets and will have a good time in Disney World. I think it is a great idea to buy these before departure so as not to have to waste time standing in queues!

Where To Get Last Minute Tickets

A friend plans to go to USA for a holiday but his company just approved his leave. He told me that he is very agitated that he only has such a short time to plan his holiday. He told me to help him with making reservations and buying theme park tickets and sports tickets so I said OK. I hope that he would help me in turn should I need help. That’s what friends are for, right?

He told me that he must watch his favorite NBA team during his trip there and is looking for a couple of Miami Heat Tickets.

I do know where he could buy last minute tickets but I think I should at least have his itinerary first before I could purchase those tickets on his behalf, right? I hope that all the hassle that he is feeling now, it would be worth it once he lands on American soil. He better get me a souvenir for the trouble he puts me through as well!

Last Minute Accommodation In London

My cousin, Jasmine, has once again invited me to visit her in London. yes, I am eager to do so as well since we have not met each other in the past ten years and to think that we used to be so close when we were kids. Well, what can I say but work and life got in the way. She went to work in London and did not have the opportunity to return for a holiday but she has promised to take us for a mini London tour if and when we managed to get ourselves there!

I am not even sure if I could get leave off work, that’s why it is always difficult to plan my vacation ahead but Jasmine told me of a website which I could book last minute hotel rooms in the UK.

I checked out Hotel Shop UK upon her recommendation and it is a breeze to navigate the site. I could just search for my idea hotel by the type of hotel I am looking for, the type of breaks that I am looking forward to and the kind of offer that I have in mind.

I went through the list of hotels in London and frankly, I am not prepared to spend too much on hotel accommodation but I have my eye on The Burns which has affordable rooms and is located at Kensington in London, a lovely place, according to Jasmine.

Hotel Shop UK has a list of amenities listed for each hotel and includes the different daily rates, nearby places of interests and the nearest tubes. These are valuable information for the visitor, especially a first time visitor like me!

Information On Florida

My cousin, Jasmine, who lives in London, told me that it is surprising how many British people travel to Florida for a vacation. Like most web-savvy people, they would do their research on the internet first before making reservations. I believe this is what all of us would do so as not to waste our previous travel time.

According to Jasmine, most of her friends who are going to Florida for a vacation this December have made reservations for Florida Villas through the web. They told Jasmine that one of the sites they go to is Think Florida, a resourceful and informative site on Florida travel and vacation that specifically caters to British people.

Getting information and subsequently making holiday plans online is a very convenient way to plan our holiday. It is especially so when a website has all the information on your preferred destination that you ever need!

All Inclusive Honeymoons With SuperClubs

The year-end holiday is a time for weddings. I personally have received quite a few “red bombs” for this month alone. I heard from a couple of bridal couples that they are going on all inclusive honeymoons. I have only heard of the popularity of all inclusive honeymoons a couple of months ago and I am surprised that this trend has been picked up by Malaysian couples as well.

According to these friends, they have heard of the destination weddings that are being offered by SuperClubs and how well everything is taken care of should they take out a honeymoon vacation through them.

The most popular wedding destinations are the Caribbean and Jamaica and surprisingly, these vacation packages are very reasonably priced without hidden costs. I had thought that these would cost an arm and a leg because they are so far away but then with a savings of up to 55%, I would say it makes it affordable to many people bridal couples.