Category Archives: Technology

Telephony Systems

My friend recently expanded his small construction business and he said that he requires a better and more cost effective telephony system now. The has been complaining about his bill for quite a while already!

I have heard from friends that Toshiba Phone Systems are very reliable but I don’t know if he will use it. There are other telephone systems of course, like Siemens, Avaya and Panasonic. All are major brand names and should not give problems.

Whatever my friend opts for, it’s high time he upgrades his phone system and make use of the more advanced technology of business communications.

Random Call Recording

My friend, who runs a small company, told me that someone in his office is running up the bill but because of work that takes him out of the office, he couldn’t track down who the culprit is. My friend told me that he is going to install Call Recording to the telephony system which will record outgoing calls and hopefully, it will be able to determine for him the employee that has been misusing the company phone line.

This reminds me of a friend who was caught by her superior for making long distance calls to her boyfriend every night. Imagine, she purposely stayed back after offer hours just to use the phone! She nearly lost her job and would have if she didn’t pay up whatever she owed the company from all the long distance phone calls she made!

Interactive Voice Response

My friend, Paul, told me that because he has expanded his business, he needs to upgrade his support system too. One thing he needs too is Interactive Voice Response whereby every incoming call will be guided and the caller will get to the relevant department quicker.

Callers will no longer have to wait for ages to be attended to. In fact, more advanced Interactive Voice Response could link the call to a database via Computer Telephony Integration so that whoever attends to the caller will already know have details of the caller.

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Tablet War

With the popularity of Apple iPad, other electronics companies are coming up with their own versions of it and I am eagerly waiting for them to be introduced to the market, especially Android powered ones.

My friend told me how much better Android is compared to other mobile operating systems and he has been raving about it since the day he bought a Samsung Galaxy S.

Apple iPad, though popular, doesn’t meet my requirements if it doesn’t run flash well. I need flash to play my games and what good is it if it doesn’t play games? Hehehe

I just hope that when the tablet market has stabilized, so would prices be. I am not willing to pay too much for one because of the risk of it getting stolen is too high.

Maxis Long Term Evolution (LTE) 4G

Although I am a Celcom customer, I am keenly following the trial reports of Maxis’s Long Term Evolution (LTE) (4G) which are currently being carried out in high density areas like Bandar Utama and Damansara.

It would be a great leap of improvement from 3G technology to 4G and it would be awesome if it’s affordable. Of course, if there is competition, rates will surely go down but that would probably take some time.

What I am interested in is not so much mobile video streaming but download of large files like full length HD movies for playback on my entertainment boxset. When I say download, it doesn’t necessarily mean illegal download, so don’t get me wrong. It could be frustrating when downloads take ages, or breaks off, when I have already paid for the file!

Anyway, I hope that we can get to subscribe to 4G mobile internet as soon as it is available.

Goodbye Nexus One Google Phone

Right after the decision by Motorola to discontinue sale of their KIN smartphone for children just 48 days after launching, Google has decided to dump their baby Nexus One in the US market. Although the phone will no longer be available online on Google’s website, it will still be available in certain markets like South Korea and Europe. Current users will also still continue to receive customer service.

Google Nexus One, although pulled Nexus One from the market and sale will stop once their final shipment is sold, will still make the smart phone available to developers so that they will have access to a smart phone installed with the latest Android operating system.

Poor Nexus One. I was so looking for it!

Swype Text-Entry Technology

My friend recently bought the new Samsung Galaxy S mobile device that runs on Android and after enabling Swype, the new text-entry technology, he has been raving about it non-stop. He said there’s no turning back now.

According to my friend, it’s very, very fast; at least three times faster that QWERTY keypad. I asked him if it’s faster than typing on the computer keyboard, he said it’s possible but then added that he was never fast typing on the keyboard usually!

But then, my friend told me that Swype isn’t for everybody. People who can’t spell will find this difficult to use. Now, don’t get it wrong, the inability to spell is not the same as writing in foreign languages since Android supports many international languages.

Anyway, his friend, who also bought a Samsung Galaxy S at the same time, finds it difficult to use Swype and prefers to type out his text the conventional way. Although this guy can spell, he said that he’s just so clumsy with Swype, it’s taking too long to get a message typed out.

If you have adopted Swype text-entry technology already, how do you find it? Do you like it? Do you feel that it’s as fast as three times typing on a QWERTY keypad?