Category Archives: Technology

Maxis “Unlimited” Mobile 3G Internet

My friend told me that she canceled her subscription to Maxis 3G mobile internet which had unlimited bandwidth. Well, although these packages are advertised as “unlimited”, there is still a cap. if not mistaken, Maxis has a cap of 6GB per month while Celcom has a cap of 5GB per month.

According to my friend, this is no longer the case and anyone exceeding the cap would have to pay additional charges, though discounted. And this was the straw that broke the camel’s back for her.

Seriously, I don’t know how true this is because I have just signed up for a package with maxis and was told by various parties that there is no additional charge if I were to exceed the bandwidth. However, the speed will be throttled. Naturally, I signed up for the cheapest package for the time being to try the service out and gauge my usage. I will upgrade later if necessary.

Buy Gold Conveniently

My mother, who recently started to enjoy using the computer and going online to look for answers to some of the questions but I haven’t time to look them up for her, has asked me how much an iPad is. It’s expensive, I told her, because it’s still quite new.

I later found out that she wants to get online on the iPad in bed so that she could check the price of gold and wait for a good opportunity to buy gold! Imagine my surprise! My mother had a phobia of computers previously, I would say she suffered from borderline technophobia, and now she wants to invest through the internet!

I’m not blocking her but really, she really doesn’t need an iPad for that! The price is gold is rather steady and fluctuation of price is very slight. I guess she just enjoys the convenience that technology offers.

Leading Mobile OS in the Global Market

A lot of my friends who are more tech savvy people have moved from Nokia’s Symbian phones to Android phones. They have urged me to get on the bandwagon and I have to admit that after trying out my friend’s new Samsung Galaxy S, I am extremely tempted to upgrade from my 2.5 years old Nokia E61i. However, my mobile phone still serves me well currently and I see no justification and splashing such a huge sum of money on yet another smart phone when I am already carrying two. Besides Nokia E61i, I am also using the iPhone.

I read reports in the media today that Android has even surpassed iOS in terms of market share, now third in the global market following Nokia’s Symbian and Research In Motion RIM’s BlackBerry. Apple’s iOS has slipped to fourth place.

In the American domestic market, Android is the leader. I am not surprised since everyone loves Google but I am surprised at the speed it has shot up to the top. Android is quite new compared to the other more established mobile OS. How long will it be able to hold on to the lead?

Tried Swype, Love Swype

I had the opportunity to try out Swype on my friend’s Samsung Galaxy S yesterday and I have to say that although I only tried it for awhile as we had our schedule full for the day and didn’t have as much time to play as we would like, I really like it and think that I would be able to use it comfortably.

Before I tried it out, my friend says that I would take to it like duck to water. Well, I didn’t and I think that I would need time to really get a hang of it. So although I read that some people are claiming that Swyping is three times faster than texting, I couldn’t achieve that.

Even for my friend who raved about Swype at first, admitted that he doesn’t use it all the time as he still prefers inputting text the conventional way. Maybe he is of the older generation so it’s a little difficult for them to accept changes in the way they have been doing things.

Garmin or Papago?

I am on the market for a GPS device and although I am no stranger to GPS because my friend uses it and I have tried it out extensively, I find that his device which runs on Garmin and on the A-GPS on my smart phones, are not as friendly as Papago.

However, this friend told me to forget about buying standalone GPS devices and asked me to invest in an Android phone instead but I actually really do prefer a GPS device so that I could share it with the family and besides, I really don’t feel like buying a new mobile phone at this point.

So now my dilemma, I always suffer from dilemmas when I have a big purchase in mind, is whether to go for Garmin or Papago devices. My friend told me that Papago does not update their maps as frequently as Garmin but the Papago devices are at least 1/3 cheaper than devices that run Garmin! That’s quite a huge difference, if you ask me.

Garmin or Papago is the question….

LDR With True HD Quality Webcam

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of faceVsion Technology USA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Keeping a long distance relationship is never easy and I am sure anyone who is in this situation could sympathize.

I have a friend who related to me that he used to have a very beautiful girlfriend. Unfortunately, even though they had been in the relationship for quite a few years, it could not be sustained when she was transferred to work in Paris. Back then, everything was expensive. Air travel was luxury and phone calls ran up killing bills.

Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, it’s a whole lot easier. Almost everyone is connected to the internet via fast internet services which makes video calls part of out daily internet activity. Video calling through chat programs like Skype, Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger is no longer a fuzzy experience thanks to FV touchcam N1 which is only one of the handful cameras that could stream true HD quality internet video calls. The touchcam N1 is built with H.264 hardware encoder, you see.


Of course, internet video calling isn’t just for personal use as it is an excellent communication tool in a business environment. In that case, surely faceVsion‘s touchcam N1 is a must have.

If you have been searching for webcams that care able to stream true HD quality video calls over the internet, then look no further. You should check out FV ExpressCombo at faceVision on line store. They are currently running a Back to School promo whereby you will enjoy 10% discount on your purchases. This promotion ends on 30th September, 2010. Remember to use the coupon code FVTBTS2 upon checkout.

Visit my sponsor: faceVsion TouchCam N1 HD Video Streaming Webcam

Some Free Google Android Apps Collecting User Personal Data

Although I do not own an Android powered smart phone, I read with concern that according to Lookout, a US-based security firm, some free Google Android applications are collecting users’ personal data secretly and sending them off to a Chinese-registered server.

A friend recently purchased a Samsung Galaxy S smart phone and he has been raving about the free apps that he could download, install and use, much like Apple iPhone’s App Store, except that Andriod apps are more open in the sense that they are not restricted to a “controlled” store like Apple’s and are available from other sources.

One of such apps that Lookout pointed out is a series of wallpaper apps developed by “callmejack” and “IceskYsl@1sters!” but Lookout could not pinpoint what they are doing with this data and have stopped short of calling these apps malware or malicious in intent.

Anyway, if you have an Android phone and love downloading the apps, especially free Android apps, do check out the sources first.