Category Archives: General

Exciting Online 3D Horse Racing

Last weekend, my cousin’s husband came back from Singapore for Chinese New Year celebrations and he told us that he just won a bet on horse racing and was extremely happy about it. I asked him if he bet in a conventional horse race or via online horse racing but being not web savvy, he did not know that it would be possible to place bets on horse racing online! Well, then I thought that I should let him know about Video Poker Classic’s new 3D horse racing game. 3D horse racing, of course, is only just one of the many new games that are released regularly.

If you check this online gaming portal at, you will notice that they do have a pretty comprehensive range of casino games available to members.

I have often been asked if playing at online casinos can bring in good income. Well I think it is possible provided we know what we are doing and if lady luck smiles upon us. But for those of us who are not as lucky or do not want to take the risk of gambling, then check out the solid online casino affiliate system that pays 35% – 50% commission based on a revenue sharing basis.

According to the website, an affiliate member has two revenues to increase his earnings. One is by targeting online casino players while the other is to target webmasters. Now, this is food for thought!

*** This post has been an unbiased review of Video Poker Classic ***

Popular North Cyprus Properties

Wouldn’t it be awesome if one is rich enough to own a holiday home in another country? Can you imagine going on an annual vacation to your own home? I was told that North Cyprus property is very popular for people who are looking for property investment offshore whether as an investment for the future, for vacation rental or own annual holiday or even for retirement.

My cousin, Jasmine, who lives and works in London, to me that British people love North Cyprus and this is their top holiday destination. Perhaps it is due to the fact that there is no language barrier as English is widely spoken by the locals. Or it could be because of the beautiful beaches or for turtle-watching activities.

Jasmine said that that even she is dreaming of owning a property there and be part of the IN crowd!

More Liquid In Our Diet

My friend told me that he bought a juicer for his aunt. He said that since his aunt was diagnosed with cancer not too long ago, she has been drinking plenty of juice. So far, they have been juicing manually and it could get tiring so my friend went to check out juicers and luckily they are not very expensive.

According to my friend, his aunt’s health improved since she had a diet change. I remember when my friend Boon was down with cancer also, he did a research on the internet on juicers and imported one. I wonder why he cannot find the juicers that he wanted locally.

Well, the Customs wanted to impose tax but because it was finally declared under “medical equipment”, he did not have to pay taxes. I don’t know if juicers are taxable or not but the Customs thought that it was for commercial use at first, due to its size.

Whether or not one is sick medically, it is always good to drink more juice and liquid. It helps to flush our system, I think.

Guide To Online Gambling

Chinese New Year is half over and the thing my friends told me that they will be missing the most is playing poker and other card games. hah… they need not miss the fun if they know that they can play even more exciting casino games online!

Over at Online Casino List, there is a list of top online casinos in terms of bonuses, pay rate, customer service, ambiance, graphics and user-friendliness as rated by professional players and reviewers.

Do you know which is the top online casino currently? Hah… you will have to find out for yourself from Online Casino List!

If you are in America, you would have to be careful which online casino you play in because of legislation so find out the online casinos accepting US players first so as not to get on the wrong side of the law!

If you are new to online gambling, do read up the beginners guide to online gambling. You may be an experienced casino patron but playing in an online casino is slightly different!

Crystal Clear High Definition Radio Broadcasts

My friend, Marcus, who has a holiday home in Marco Island, in Florida, is back from his vacation and he told me that he his grandparents bought a HD radio receiver not too long ago and have been enjoying crystal clear radio broadcast ever since. What surprised me is that they only had to buy a HD radio, which is different from regular, traditional radio set, and they can then tune in to a wide range of radio stations for free.

Can you imagine tuning in to high quality radio stations without having to pay a monthly subscription fee? Marcus told me that the folks are having fun discovering Florida high definition radio stations. They told Marcus that they are looking for new country music stations. Well, Marcus is totally not surprised since country music is their favorite genre! I personally prefer rock!

When Marcus was there, he took the chance make use of the iTunes tagging feature. His grandparents do not own an iPod, you see, so it is seriously under utilized! Marcus tagged a few songs so that he could purchase and download from the iTunes Store later. iTunes tagging is so convenient, that once you have tried it out, you wonder why nobody thought of it earlier!

Jewelry For Valentine’s Day

A few days ago, I was at a shopping mall where there was a Chinese opera performance. I was on the first floor watching the show that was on the ground floor. In front of the stage, there was a diamond jewelry store that had set up shop. They do have a proper store but since it was Chinese New Year and they expect the crowd to be in the concourse area, they also rented space there to exhibit their jewelry.

So I was on the first floor looking down and was rather surprised that there are people who would buy jewelry. I am sure you know that Ipoh folks are well known for their stinginess but I guess when it comes to jewelry for Valentine’s Day, they are willing to pay for it since it is a once a year affair.

This jeweler is well known for their range of Tiffany jewelry but I also noticed from their brochure that they also do sell cheap CZ jewelry. I guess there is a market for any kind of jewelry from different segments of society.

I wonder if anyone would be giving me my favorite sterling silver jewelry this Valentine’s Day. It’s tomorrow and my ESP is not picking up any signals!

Fast Quality Photo Prints

Since owning an Apple iPhone, I have been crazy snapping photos. OIn fact, if you know of my other blog, you will see that I have published so many photos and those are just part of what I have in my computer! The other day, my computer crashed but luckily I managed to salvage all my files. Howoever, that event reminded me that i should get the important photos printed and not only keep a digital copy.

Just now, I was told of a website that provides quality photo prints are really affordable prices at only $0.09 for 4X6″ glossy or matte prints. From what I understand, this is a promotion rate where we also have to purchase a $25 print card to qualify for $0.09 prints.

If you check the website, you will notice that it is a very simple site where we do not even have to register to place a printing order. Just upload the photos from your computer and select the photo size and type that you require and the quantity you want. I think that from the many photo printing sites that I have visited prior to this, QualityPhotoPrints, Inc. is one of the handful that are able to offer fast and simple prints.

I love the fact that they are using Kodak paper and from what I understand, Kodak offers lifetime warranty on prints. I wonder if this applies at QualityPhotoPrints too.

*** This post was brought to you by QualityPhotoPrints, Inc. ***