I received an email from a Friend and fellow blogger about a project to collect a million memories in conjunction with Malaysia’s 50th independence.

The project was initiated by a Malaysian, Goh Thuan Yi, and there is a website for people to post their contribution or read the articles contributed.
The idea is novel. However, I would like to point out that the website www.MemoirsofMalaysia.com looks as if it was shabbily put up. The pages did not display well in both Internet Explorer OR Firefox and there were plenty of “Warning: Invalid argument supplied” peppered all over the site.
Errrr.. come on, the site is already live!
Anyway, I feel that all Malaysians, whether in Malaysia or overseas, should contribute to help make this project a success. Can a million messages be collected in time for Merdeka? It all depends on us, actually.
Well, I’m going to recollect my memories now!
Click HERE to submit your message or email memoirsofmalaysia@gmail.com