Category Archives: Computing & Internet

Jhoos Invitation

Recently, I received via email a Jhoos invitation. Actually, it was not the first time I received it from friends but since last week when I was introduced to Joost, getting a similar sounding Jhoos made me curious.

Ah… Jhoos is actually a free online dating service. Opening the page brings a pop-up advertorial. To me I can tolerate all kinds of ads except the ones that pop up and under and those little bubble ads known as Content Link.

Anyway, Jhoos has this tag line “Bringing dating to your desktop”. I am not exactly sure how it works but it is like an instant messenger where members of Jhoos can “date” online. The good thing is that this messenger can be integrated with MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger and even AIM so you can chat with your buddies across these networks. However, with members from nearly every country in the universe, I think chatting itself would be like full time work.

So in short, Jhoos is a little more than a dating site. I wonder why my friends keep sending me invitations to join the network. Are they telling me something??

Committing to a Tertiary Education

My friend Henry, who made me promise him to get a college degree has asked me for an update! Eeekkk I haven’t made any commitment to continue with my education for lack of time but Henry won’t buy my excuse!

So I will be setting a goal for myself to get a college degree online within this couple of years since it is more convenient to study at my own pace than attending real classes. For one, I save a lot of time commuting to and from college if I were to study at home after work and I will not be distracted by college social life and friends. As an adult with plenty of responsibilities and commitments, I need to stay focused, much more than a normal college student.

Right now, I am not sure with which college I should sign up with since but I do know that it has to be an accredited college so that my qualification will be valid and recognized.

I expect a better tertiary education to bring me better opportunities in life but first, I will have to hit the books once again.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive.
For more information, please visit

Ashley’s Online Boutique

I believe I have surfed through a few thousand websites now but Ashley’s Boutique has got to be one of the cutest sites around. Ashley’s Boutique is actually an online store selling primarily designer inspired women’s apparel, watches, sunglasses, handbags, purses and accessories.

Lately, replica products have been very popular. To me, they look an exact copy of the real thing and come with only a fraction of the price. I for one would certainly try not to buy the real item when I can have a copy at a more reasonable price. Fashion, after all, come and go.

Even though I am not a handbag person, I really loved to browse through the selection of the finest replica handbags. Each product comes with multiple shots from different angles so as to help the shopper in deciding which to buy. No more guessing games!

If you are fashion AND price conscious, now you know where to look for your clothes and bags. You CAN look a million dollars without spending as much!

Networking Overtime

Many people are expecting the upcoming Google Page Rank update to happen in late July. How accurate their prediction is, I am not sure but I hope that it won’t happen so soon. I am not ready yet!!!

Currently, I am working my butt of trying to network and expose my blogs as much as possible by joining blog rolls, publish viral tags and viralinks, leaving comments every time I blog hop and even joined a blog carnival.

The thing is, after a few days of publishing the viralink and viral tag, I did not notice any jump in my Technorati rating, at least not at the pace of when I joined MyList when my score literally jumped! As I understand it, virals won’t work if I published your link on my blog, you know it, come and have a look and even thank me, maybe, IF you do not edit your own viralink or viral tag to include my blog URL.

I am disappointed. What is the use of my publishing all these and giving out one way links when they are hardly reciprocated?

I am dying to get Page Ranks of Five this time round. As you can see, I am only at Page Rank Three currently and it will take a rather long leap to reach that level of a Five, but it will make a whole lot of difference to me.

Page Rank predictors have indicated that the amount of backlinks to my blog is only good enough for a Four. Can Google grant me a little more time to build more backlinks so that I can get a Five THIS update? How many links does one need in order to qualify for a Page Rank of Five, anyway?

I hope I won’t kill myself doing it! Is there a shortcut to this??

Showcase Your Photos To The World & WIN!

Bloggers are people who take photos any chance they have. That is what I have observed from the bloggers that I personally know and the blogger meets that I attended. Today, I stumbled upon a photography contest where we could submit our photos and stand a chance to win cash prizes.

I think this is a great opportunity to showcase our photography skills to the world. Winning is a bonus! Unfortunately, this contest is only open to resident of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America and United Kingdom. Malaysia is ALWAYS left out *sigh*

Click Here

If you are in one of the eligible countries, do check out right now. There are many categories that you could enter. If you have been looking to enter a baby photo contest, you can enter your winning photo to

The best thing about this contest is that it is free to join! All you need to do is to submit your photo together with your email address and mailing address and all these can be submitted online. So what are you waiting for? It’s a Free Photography Contest- Enter Now! Win $10, 000! Just click on the banner in this post. Good luck!

What Is The Deal Of The Day?

I came across a website that every one of us should visit first before making an online purchase. On this site, you can find the Deal of The Day which is good for 24 hours and they do actually have a ticking timer to countdown to the end of the offer.

Once you are registered with the website, you can shop for hot deals, which could be any great money saving offer like fine dining, health an beauty products or hotel accommodation.

You can even get up to 70% discount on gift cards every day on Deal of The Day.

Just check out the website and you will be amazed at the things that are on offer, things that you will actually find useful!

How Much Is Your Domain Name Worth?

I came across this service by on a paid to blog marketplace but I did not make a bid for the opportunity. Well, I don’t actually remember if I did or not but I think this is a rather fun service so I am blogging about it. Hopefully, the LeapFish advertiser will appreciate a friendly buzz!

Just for fun I entered a few of my domain names to be appraised. This is the score I achieved for my domain name My domain name is rather new so I am not surprised that it is so cheap *sigh*

How cheap, I have nothing to compare with so I used a few popular domain names as benchmarks and these values were returned:

Boing Boing – $48,872
Google – $10,875,620
Yahoo – $17,756,531

How come I suddenly feel so small? :-(