Category Archives: Computing & Internet

Where Has All The Time Gone To?

I don’t know what’s happening but time seems to just pass me by. I remember spending the last few days since I last bite Kate, working, blogging, sleeping, working, blogging, blogging, blogging, taking the monkey to the vet, working, blogging, blogging…. eh, that sounds like the life I led FOR THE PAST YEAR!

Last night, I just found out that the minimum wage for Americans is US$5.85 per hour. That’s like MYR20 per hour over here. Actually how much is the minimum wage over here? I never found out because we calculate our wages by the month, unlike Americans.

I think I need to ask my sister how much she is getting. Is she being underpaid? Poor thing!

Come to think of it, the minimum wage per month here is *I think* MYR750 and for a month with 26 working days, that turns out to be MYR29 PER DAY. Can you beat that? In America, people are getting that PER HOUR and we are getting that PER DAY!

That’s why my friend keeps asking me to go over to America to work. He said I will be able to earn US$600 per week just answering the phone, and that’s just an entry level job for someone without skills at all, except for the skill of answering a telephone. Really ah???

My friend says that since I know how to type and am English speaking, I could easily earn US$800 per week. Really meh???

Traveling In Style

I know of a man who jet sets all over the world in his private plane but for people who do not own an airplane, they can always opt for a charter flight. At first, I did not know that such a service is so in demand until my friend told me to check out the website of Elite Jet Charter.

I am impressed that Elite Jet Charter flies to over five thousand (!) destinations around the world and I think that means it could take you wherever you want to go!

I clicked on VIEW ALL of their planes and helicopters available and WOW, they have a fleet of twenty light jets, eleven midsized jets, fifteen large jets, seven props and four helicopters. With this large fleet of aircrafts, no matter what is the size of your traveling party, Elite Jet Charter is surely able to accommodate you!

Elite Jet Charter has made it easy for potential traveler to get a quotation for a flight charter by filling out a form providing information on the type of trip one is making. For the frequent traveler, Elite offers exclusive membership at $50,000 and above per year, granting the member access to range of aircrafts anytime, anywhere.

Isn’t it great to travel in style?

Get Alerts Via SMS Text NOW!

Ever since getting myself a new cell phone, well, we call them “device” now, I have been trying to use it to the fullest. I have also subscribed to an unlimited 3G data plan so of course if I do not use it, I will feel I have wasted money since it is already paid for in advance.

A friend of mine, an early adopter of 3G service, told me about which is an information on demand service via SMS text.

Firstly, we have to register with and then select from a vast range of SMS service and customize the delivery of these messages. Information will then be delivered to our cell phone as and when we have set them to. is a free service but your mobile service company may impose charges on the SMS received so you may want to check it out with your provider first. Get alerts to your cell phone now! You want to be in the loop, don’t you?

Who Is Talking Behind My Back?

The internet is so wide that it is definitely not easy to keep track of websites and blogs. We wouldn’t even know if someone mentioned our name.

I recently made use of Google Alerts and set it to alert me every day when my name is mentioned anywhere on the internet. So far, it has brought me many sites that were irrelevant but there have been times when Google Alerts brought me the right info.

However, because I have set it to alert me once a day, by the time I receive my alert, I already have found out who wrote about me. But think about it. It’s not always that we are so lucky to be alerted by fellow internet users and it is not always that we get an incoming link alert on our WordPress blogs. In fact, there was once when this incoming links alert did not update for almost a month.

This is where Google Alerts come in handy. As I use it, I keep on adding words that are relevant to my name or online ID and I am surprised with the kind of alerts that are picked up. Even though some are wrong, I still get great reading material out of the articles.

Trade, Buy or Sell WoW Accounts & Virtual Goods

A friend of mine is addicted to World of Warcraft and so are many of HIS friends. Perhaps it is because I am only a small time WoW player that I do not understand the magic of the game.

This friend told me about a website, called WoW Trades, that he has discovered where registered members, totalling 4,000 and counting, could buy, sell or even trade WoW accounts. Although I am not a major WoW fan, I was told about this because my friend knows that I am interested to learn about various auction platforms.

WoW Trades is said to be the leading WoW auction marketplace for trading and auctioning of WoW accounts and virtual goods, items that WoW characters have garnered in the game.

Browsing through the auction and trading site, I must say that it is in a very systematic order that makes the site so easy to navigate. Items are listed according to type of trade – standard auction or trade offer and it is fairly easy to look for a particular item.

Buy It Now feature is also available and I have been told before that WoW accounts could command over a thousand dollars so I am not surprised to see the prices listed on WoW Trades.

As with any auction, one could get really lucky, or one could end up paying higher than expected but only people who have been engaged in bidding wars before would understand the excitement.

Just like auctions on eBay, WoW Trades offer Sellers the ability to allow only PayPal verified members to bid on their items. What a great feature to protect the auctions. According to WoW Trades, they close hundreds of auctions successfully every month and I am not surprised since it is so easy to bid and trade!

How Many Minutes Have You Lived?

Today is my friend’s birthday, but he won’t let me know the year he was born in. Yea, guys can be sensitive about age too, you know?

Anyway, last night I was blog hopping and came to know of this website which I find totally fascinating. Well, I have already checked my own birthday and name and also my siblings and some friends.

I am not sure if it is accurate or not. If the data on me is positive, you can bet that I hope they are accurate!!! But whether 100% accurate or not, I do see some accuracy. Perhaps you would want to try them out.

Check your birthday here:

Check your name here:

Let me know if you find them accurate! Good luck and have fun!!!

It’s Not Always About The Payout

As a blogger who blogs for pay, I was asked if I only select high paying opps to write. Well, of course not. Blogging is more than that.

Recently, I was lucky to snag a $5 opp that brought me a lot of traffic from organic searches. See, $5 is considered a low paying opp but it brought me traffic that I would not have found. Although the topic is something that I am rather familiar with, I did not thought of writing about it earlier because I was not that passionate about the topic.

However, now that I have seen the volume of traffic that the selected keywords could generate, I would be exploiting it more and writing more on the said topic since I already know about the subject.

Many people do not understand how we could blog for pay. Besides the income, I do enjoy being introduced to all sorts of websites, services and subject matters that I would not otherwise have known about.

Let’s not forget about the traffic. Besides those that come from organic searches, there are also traffic from your colleagues and many other sources that could only help in your Alexa ranking. And what about the host of people whom I got to know through blogging?

Like I said, it’s not always about the money.