I don’t know what’s happening but time seems to just pass me by. I remember spending the last few days since I last bite Kate, working, blogging, sleeping, working, blogging, blogging, blogging, taking the monkey to the vet, working, blogging, blogging…. eh, that sounds like the life I led FOR THE PAST YEAR!
Last night, I just found out that the minimum wage for Americans is US$5.85 per hour. That’s like MYR20 per hour over here. Actually how much is the minimum wage over here? I never found out because we calculate our wages by the month, unlike Americans.
I think I need to ask my sister how much she is getting. Is she being underpaid? Poor thing!
Come to think of it, the minimum wage per month here is *I think* MYR750 and for a month with 26 working days, that turns out to be MYR29 PER DAY. Can you beat that? In America, people are getting that PER HOUR and we are getting that PER DAY!
That’s why my friend keeps asking me to go over to America to work. He said I will be able to earn US$600 per week just answering the phone, and that’s just an entry level job for someone without skills at all, except for the skill of answering a telephone. Really ah???
My friend says that since I know how to type and am English speaking, I could easily earn US$800 per week. Really meh???