A couple of nights ago, Streamyx broadband was down. It was a very frustrating moment for all of us who blog for pay. I was able to log on via my phone but when I connected my device to the computer, the signal was not very strong since I was in my room.
So that effectively means that I did not have an internet connection although I have two different subscriptions for it.
Anyway, I did not know what was wrong until my friend told me that it possible was caused by damaged underground cables no thanks to ground movement because there was a minor earthquake in the Philippines.
And then he screamed, “Kill people but not the internet!” I went like, “Oh my goodness!” Is the internet THAT important that he has to curse people?? It is also important to me but it is just wrong to think like that. I would rather go without the internet if is means that people’s lives are spared.
What do you think of that statement made by my friend? He is always a working adult and I think he should know better than to even think like that!