Category Archives: Computing & Internet

No Internet, HOW?

A couple of nights ago, Streamyx broadband was down. It was a very frustrating moment for all of us who blog for pay. I was able to log on via my phone but when I connected my device to the computer, the signal was not very strong since I was in my room.

So that effectively means that I did not have an internet connection although I have two different subscriptions for it.

Anyway, I did not know what was wrong until my friend told me that it possible was caused by damaged underground cables no thanks to ground movement because there was a minor earthquake in the Philippines.

And then he screamed, “Kill people but not the internet!” I went like, “Oh my goodness!” Is the internet THAT important that he has to curse people?? It is also important to me but it is just wrong to think like that. I would rather go without the internet if is means that people’s lives are spared.

What do you think of that statement made by my friend? He is always a working adult and I think he should know better than to even think like that!

Shopping With Dell Coupons

Just last night, I was chatting with my friend and I asked him if he knows where I can buy Dell laptop from a local computer shop. He told me that as far as possible, Dell products could only be bought online.

I told him that I prefer to shop locally but he told me that by shopping online, I could use Dell coupons and get a better price than making a purchase from a local shop. Well, that is certainly good news. I have been looking for Dell deals for quite sometime but I did not know that they are only available online.

Checking the available Dell promo codes, I noticed that they are also available for digital cameras, which I also need! If I could save a considerable sum of money just by shopping with Dell discount codes, then I am all for shopping online! I certainly can’t get such deals offline! As the saying goes, a penny saved is a penny earned!

Young and Impressive

The other day, I had the chance to chat online with the boss of a dot com company in Malaysia. I have actually heard of his name for years BUT although he has photos published online and on print media, I never saw them.

Anyway, we were chatting and I thought to myself that he is very mature in his thinking and ideas. He was also very articulate and could carry on a conversation intelligently. I thought that he was at least in his late thirties to early forties. After all, Malaysia is not that advanced in information technology and those who are pioneers in dot coms are usually around that age. OR SO I THOUGHT!

He then told me that he is only in his early twenties and wow, I was impressed. Maybe it is because when I was his age, I was still wandering around without a goal. I did not have something to work towards. Heck, I still don’t have a goal and haven’t a clue what to achieve in life. Hah!

He told me that there are younger dot commers who are earning a few thousand USD a year from the internet alone. Wow… I would like to learn from them!

Let’s Hope It’s NOT Registry Problem!

I was complaining to my friend just now that my computer is running SO slowly. I had two browsers open and I know that it could cause the delay but then I have been doing this for such a long time without problems until lately. I don’t know why that it has been rather buggy lately. I told my friend that it could be caused by the few times my computer was accidentally, abruptly shut off no thanks to power failure in my area.

My friend told me that there are many reasons why my computer is not up to par and told me to get a virus scan which I did and did not find anything wrong with it. He then advised me to get a registry scan because this are also signs of a registry problem. Well, that was the first time I heard of a registry scan, frankly.

He said that I could get a free registry cleaner scan from Registry Ware. Hopefully there is nothing wrong with my registry but if it has a problem then I would have to look for a computer Registry repair software.

Haihhh… I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed now!

Weird Friendster Messages

I don’t know about other Friendster members but why am I always receiving weird messages from fellow Friendster users??

Is it my face?
Is it my name?
Is it my picture?

This is just but one of the most recent messages that came in a couple of days ago. And I am pretty sure these guys send out messages not only to one person.

need help…
Message: u date before?
I am sure u did date before.
But, i am 23 years old already.
But, i have never have a girl friend before, even ordinary girl friend also do not have.
Do u know why?
i will tell u, because i am ugly not handsome!
But , i feel it is unfair! Why all those punk guys who are lowly educated and bad guys have girlfriend. And me, particularly a church guy, educated and kind guy have no girls……………This world is so unfair!!!!!! I wanna cry and die!

It is so funny…. I did not reply him personally though. I never reply to messages from strangers. What I find so funny is that how come this guy, already 23 years old, does not know that life is unfair and that all the bad guys always get the good girls? Doesn’t he watch movies?

To get the girls, one has to be BADD *snicker*, one has to be COOL. And one has to be RICH! Ah… then all the girls will come like bees to honey, you say correct or not?

Forums vs. Blogs

A couple of days ago, I revisited an old forum where I used to post like mad. After achieving my post target, I left. I say “mad” because there was no compensation at all except that I forged a few friendships that lasted till today.

Anyway, I was checking my old bookmarks and I saw this forum and decided to check it out. I saw a thread asking “Forum vs. Blogs”.

I really felt like laughing when I saw this thread. Obviously people who need an answer to this question haven’t discovered paid blogging yet. Once they blog and blog for pay, I believe they don’t have the time to hang out in forums anymore. By the way, I left the forum before I started blogging so I didn’t leave because I had better things to do.

I was telling my dad that if these people know about blogging for pay, I could just imagine the whole forum deserted. And if I were asked, I would reply, “Need you ask?” 😀

Shorten Long URLs For Free

You know, people are so savvy now, I have been losing quite a bit of referral fees because people no longer CLICK on a link, but hover over it and then TYPE out the link on their browser *sigh*

A friend suggested that I use link shortening service so that I could easily market my link and also mask the sites that I am marketing. Ah… of course I already know how to make long annoying URL short but it did not cross my mind about using it to market my affiliate links. Sometimes you just need to discuss with people.

There is this service offered by Fly2 that is free and easy to use. The most important thing is that it is search engine friendly! Another advantage of using such a service is that no longer do we have to deal with long URLs breaking up when we email them or post them in forums or discussion boards.

I am going to bookmark Fly2 and make it a habit to use it whenever I have the chance. You should too!