Following the recent threats that were targeted at a prominent female tech blogger, Kathy Sierra, many people have called for a b Blogging Code of Conduct. Yet, there are people who are against the very idea of a “Code of Conduct”. As with everything in life, there is a group who is FOR, another who is AGAINST.
I personally would like to know, is there a need to for a Code of Conduct to keep us bloggers in line, much like primary school children. I mean, most of the bloggers are legally adults. However, staying behind the screen, one tends to think that “anything goes”.
I would rather we have self-discipline and stay within our own space blogging our own thang, rather than be keep in line by a Code of Conduct. Don’t you think so?
For a more in depth write up on the Blogging Code of Conduct, please refer to Monsters and Critics.