Tag Archives: politics in Malaysia

New Permatang Pauh MP, New Opposition Leader

Hehehe I know my post is a day late but I am one lazy blogger who would rather finish watching her Korean drams first before blogging, but of course, I still keep myself updated via MKini. 😀

Anyway, what does an Opposition do? Oppose only! Just oppose. Whatever the Government proposes, oppose lah! Bangkang saja. Rightly or wrongly, just bangkang. LOL

The ultimate aim of DSAI is of course, not as opposition leader, but to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Heh, there could only be ONE Prime Minister at any one time, so everybody, please queue up.

Anyway, I don’t get this DNA Bill. Why is there a need for such a Bill? HHmm if a person is already in custody, isn’t it so easy to get a hair sample or saliva for DNA testing, with or without his/her knowledge? Like “they” care if it’s against the law? No Bill, no Bill lah. Betul tak?