Tag Archives: Olympics mascots

Google Commemorates the Olympics

If you are a regular user of Google Search, you will know that they sometimes change their “Google” logo to commemorate an event. Today, Google celebrates the Olympics in Beijing on 8th August, 2008 (08.08.08) with the following logo art.

Isn’t it cute that HuanHuan, representing the Olympic flame, is holding the Olympic torch and leading Beibei, Jingjing, Yingying and Nini carrying the Olympic flag?

I think that it would be awesome if for the duration of the Olympics, Google Search presents us a different logo art every day. It would be like a “set” of Google Olympic logo art. And if that happens, I would take a screenshot of it daily. 😀

I heart BeiBei, JingJing, HuanHuan, YingYing and NiNi!

Click HERE to view the entire list of Google Logos For Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.