Tag Archives: Olympics 2008

Google Logo Art Beijing 2008: Dragon Ping Pong / Table Tennis

There’s another dragoon on the Google logo art today, and it s playing ping pong. Some people refer to ‘ping pong’ as ‘table tennis’. I really love the dragon because it is elaborate and the colors are very striking and vibrant. I think that this could possibly be the best Google logo art to date, not taking the very first Google logo art of the opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 into account.

And I still maintain that the ugliest one to date is the “beast” playing badminton three days ago. Hehe! I wonder what animal from the Chinese Horoscope (or zodiac if you like) will be appearing on Google tomorrow. I just look forward to see a new logo art every day and I will miss this when the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games end.

So far, we have had the cycling sheep, weightlifting mouse, diving pig, rhythmic gymnastics cow, ring gymnastics monkey, basketball dragon, badminton monkey, equestrian horse, rowing dog and table tennis dragon. We still have the tiger, rabbit, snake and rooster. I can’t wait to see them!

Click HERE to view the complete list of Google logo art celebrating Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games in China.

Latest Beijing 2008 Olympics Medal Tally

With still so many days to go until the Beijing 2008 Olympics wraps up, I am already tired from keeping track of the latest Olympics medal tally. Which country is leading in the Gold medals? I tell you, it’s like I am the athlete myself, sprinting from one website to another website, sourcing for the latest and most up-to-date Olympics medal tally!

What about my country? How are the contestants faring in the carious Olympic sports that they are competing in, like diving, badminton, shooting, etc? That’s why I decided to place this medal update on my blog to save me all the trouble. LOL

Google Commemorates the Olympics

If you are a regular user of Google Search, you will know that they sometimes change their “Google” logo to commemorate an event. Today, Google celebrates the Olympics in Beijing on 8th August, 2008 (08.08.08) with the following logo art.

Isn’t it cute that HuanHuan, representing the Olympic flame, is holding the Olympic torch and leading Beibei, Jingjing, Yingying and Nini carrying the Olympic flag?

I think that it would be awesome if for the duration of the Olympics, Google Search presents us a different logo art every day. It would be like a “set” of Google Olympic logo art. And if that happens, I would take a screenshot of it daily. 😀

I heart BeiBei, JingJing, HuanHuan, YingYing and NiNi!

Click HERE to view the entire list of Google Logos For Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.