Tag Archives: ipod

An iPod, Please!

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you would know that I have made numerous attempts at winning an iPod by joining blog contests that offered an iPod as a prize. So far, I have not been successful not for lack of trying but rather Lady Luck has failed me miserably.

If you have read those posts, you would know that I always put in my best effort, simply because I would really love to win an iPod. If there is one word to put it, it’s DESPERATE.

It can be pretty VERY boring commuting to and from work every day, including Saturdays and Sundays on a bus full of strangers that are just waiting to make small talk. If I could carry music with me in an iPod, strangers would not bother me when I don’t give them a reaction since I can’t hear them with my ears plugged! That would be a perfect excuse.

You are probably thinking that I should BUY my own iPod. I know but just this week, I requested a cheque from Advertlets for RM110 and it is only expected to arrive in December, just before Christmas I hope, and it is still way short of the price of an iPod.

The lucky thing is that Advertlets and Faces magazine are giving away exclusive prizes to members and one of them is the iPod. I am hoping to bag this prize! Just for the record, I have been a member of Faces for years and I am not only now registering with them just so that I could participate in this contest.

I have entered many contests on Faces and never lucky enough to win. I hope that this iPod will make up for all the past disappointments.