People who know me in real life know that I have not touched the newspaper or watched TV since three or four years ago because I have been so busy with work, taking care of my monkeys, blogging and a thousand and one other commitments. Heck, I don’t even have time to brush my hair!
Anyway, last night, my friend told me about FreeTube. I don’t know how long this site has been live but it did say 2007 so it should be fairly new.
My friend said that since I spend SO much time in front of the computer, I’m only wasting my bandwidth if I do not stream some videos. True also, hor? Well, I used to watch stuff on YouTube but my internet connection is not that great despite calling itself Broadband. I can’t watch a YouTube video without continuous buffering so what I did was to download the video onto my computer and then watch it from my own player.
Since my internet connection is the same crap, I do not expect a smooth experience with FreeTube and neither do I know if the TV shows are downloadable. However, if the show is interesting enough, I am willing to open up a browser and just let the show run in the background while I work in another browser window in the foreground.
Last night I tried the site out though I will not tell which station I selected *ahem* but woohoo I’m gonna be watching “TV” again!