Weekend Chat On St. Louis Colleges

Over the weekend, I met my friend whom I have lost touch with for the longest time. He told me that right after high school, he attended one of the colleges in St. Louis, where his sister lives. He told me that he did his research online first before registering with a college. According to him, one of the best resource website on colleges in St. Louis is at www.schoolsinstlouis.com

Too bad I am way past college age and should I continue with my education, I prefer to study online. However, I will surely share this piece of good information with friends who may be interested to gain tertiary education in St. Louis, Missouri.

It was so funny, when I first saw him, I jokingly told him, “Oi, it has been such a long time, I almost made a missing person report with the police!” Apparently, he is back to attend his brother’s wedding. There is a lot of catching up to do naturally. When I see him again this weekend, he will have to tell me about his life AFTER college!

Putting the Bling in Blogging

I am sure that most Malaysian bloggers would have heard of this tag line. Like it? It would have sounded better if it’s “Putting the Bling BACK in Blogging”. The BLING was there, and then it was lost but now that Advertlets is here, the Bling is BACK. Get it?

Anyway, although this company has been set up for quite some time now, I just joined them yesterday. Am I slow or what? Duh!

To be frank, why I joined was because they are currently running this review campaign where Advertlets members with the ad code successfully installed on their blogs will be able to review Advertlets and then stand a chance to earn MYR50. This sum may be small to some people but it’s good enough for me.

Their review campaign ends on 31st May, 2007 and since I only got to know about it yesterday, I did not waste time and registered pronto. After getting the ad code running on my blog, I wrote and published a post on Advertlets on my blog and submitted my permalink via email to them.

Ten hours later, I received an email from them thanking me for my post and I was told that my Advertlets account has been credited with MYR50. w00t! This has got to be the FASTEST payment I ever received from monetizing my blogs!

While I am only able to cash out when my earnings reached MYR100, it feels good to have MYR50 sitting pretty in my account. It’s better than starting from a big fat zero!

If you haven’t joined Advertlets, quickly join now and grab that MYR50. They are giving away a total of MYR15,000 to three hundred Malaysian bloggers. Why not grab a share? For more information on how the review should be like, read THIS PAGE.

LASIK Complications Resource Site

Sometime back, I was actually advocating Lasik laser surgery for my friends who have to depend on glasses. However, I subsequently found out that not everyone will come out of Lasik better than before. Statistics show that approximately a million patients who have received Lasik suffer from complications. My, that is a lot of people, isn’t it?

When I came across this Lasik complications resource site for people with Lasik problems, I just have to blog about it. As many people depend on the internet for information, I feel that the more people who talk about this useful resource website, the easier it is for people to receive the much needed information in plain language on complications that rose from Lasik.

Statistics show that less than 3% of Lasik or other similar eye surgery patients have an unresolved eye complication six months after going through the procedure with 0.5% of these patients suffering from long-term problems. While in percentage wise, this figures are small, we should still reach out to the people.

Complicated Eyes, which was founded by patient advocate Mr. Glenn Hagele, is a sister site of USAEyes.org. They share the same bulletin boar for patient Q&A. Moreover, this organization has a global network of specialist doctors to help patients in need.

If you are or know of anyone suffering from Lasik complications, do check out Complicated Eyes.

The First Tee

I came across this organization last month. If not for my writing of sponsored posts, I would not even have known about it. Anyway, I think this is a great set up and it gives a chance for young people from all backgrounds a chance to learn golf, a chance that they most probably would not have if not for The First Tee.

The First Tee, supported by The PGA of America, imparts nine core values to these young people through the game of golf. Even ordinarily, I have always believed that children who are actively involved in sports are better children in terms of discipline and focus. They most probably outperform children who are not into sports or music, despite spending less time on books since they have divided their time to sports as well.

The First Tee welcomes monetary donations. Such contributions are tax-deductible in full under the tax law.

Download Your Free Motivational Software

My friend told me that he discovered a great motivation software that is perfect for me. For one, there is so much negativity happening in my life right now, I really need something to motivate and encourage me. Secondly, I spend a lot of time at the computer, so this software will be really useful for me.

This software, aptly called the Motivator, is a nifty computer tool that is free to download and install. We can then input whatever we want to motivate our self for or any reminder messages that we would like rotated and this tool will pop up that message ever so often giving us the reminder or just that little push of encouragement throughout the day.

I downloaded my free copy of the software and have already started using it. It is non-intrusive, non-resource hogging. I believe that using this motivator, I am even able to kick some of my bad habits. I am sure we do need a good nag once in a while, don’t we? So go and grab your copy now!

RatePoint: People Powered Ratings

I came across this website while being vain and searching for “who links to me”. To my surprise, I discovered that somebody has posted my blog to RatePoint and gave me a 5-Star rating! Woohoooo!!

Unfortunately, I closed my window without remembering to take a screenshot of it. I could not find my blog again and there isn’t a list of blogs on RatePoint that I could search for manually according to alphabetical order and neither did the search function work. At least it did not turn up my blog although it is somewhere in there.

Do I HAVE to register in order to access the database of blogs? Without registering, I could only find the most recent ratings while mine was rated three weeks ago. *sigh*

I hope that websites would open up and let the public access certain information without having to register with the site. I know that websites need to build their membership base but it’s not like the site has any private and confidential information, you know?

What surprised me about being rated on RatePoint is that I did not know that there is someone who likes to read my blog enough to take the trouble to rate it on RatePoint but not take the trouble to leave me a comment or mail me to let me know about it *double sigh*

Convert Your Videos Into iPod Movies

I previously came across a few video format converter utility and quite like the concept. However, they were not able to convert the video files that are supported by iPod. While I do not personally own an iPod, I have a friend who is a technology geek and he owns some of the latest electronic gadgetry and I am lucky enough to get to play around with them too.

So we discovered an iPod Video Converter Suite that could convert any video files into iPod movies.

Upon successful conversion, we then save it to our iTune library and sync with the iPod. It was all very simple that even I could do it!

The PQ DVD to iPod Video Converter Suite retails at $39.95. You actually can download and install the software first. You will be sent a full license via email upon payment so buying this software is very convenient.

This suite is actually a combination of “iPod Movie Video Converter” and “DVD to iPod Converter” which cost $29.95 each so $39.95 is a real steal!

Random Thoughts Off My Mind