New Development In Online BackUps

Only recently did I realize that we can actually set our computer to back up automatically at a certain preset time and save our data in an online server. Call me slow or whatever, I am not that technical anyway.

Since the day my friend told me about this amazing technology, I have been rather obsessed with Online Backup and searched all over the internet for similar services offered from various companies.

I came across IBackUp and as I understand it, they are the leading provider of online backup especially for their performance and feature-rich packages must suited for small businesses. They even have awards to show!

I wish I had known about online backups a long time before. I lost so much data recently when my computer was struck by Trojans and I did not have time to backup everything manually *sigh*

Bu there’s good news! IBackUp has just released a new offering to backup Oracle databases online and restore the Oracle server databases from your computer the the Oracle server WITH WINDOWS APPLICATION. Amazing, isn’t it?

Update: PPP Direct – Paid In Two Minutes. w00t!

If I had thought that the Bling Bling program was the fastest payment I ever received, well, how WRONG could I be. No doubt, my account was credited with the payment that I was promised. However, I would have to accumulate another MYR50 through my blog traffic before I could cash out. UGH! How long will that take???

Early this morning, I wrote up a review post and got it published at 5.51am. I actually received the offer at 2.09am but I was so sleepy and went to bed instead. My friend called in the middle of the night and after a 30-minute chat, I was wide awake enough to put my thoughts into text.

Five minutes after submitting my post for review, I received the payment in my PayPal. That was the FASTEST payment received EVER! I wondered if my post was reviewed at all but my traffic tracker showed that it was. So, PPP Direct posts do get priority over regular ones, I guess.

My computer time is a little off. Five minutes or two minutes, I am not sure. The important thing is that payment is (almost) INSTANT!

Secret To A Successful Showbiz Career

You wouldn’t believe the number of friends I have who dreams of being a superstar. However, from what I see, there are more casualties in show business than any other businesses. We wonder why. Is it so difficult to get a breakthrough even if one already has the package and talent?

My friends told me that there are many unscrupulous people who try to take advantage of talents by telling them they have to pay to attend auditions or that they can be fixed up for a fee. Some of them were naive enough to believe these.

Today, I came across Showbiz Ltd., an official comprehensive showbiz directory that is updated daily. I absolutely MUST let my friends know! Through this directory, they will save money from sending time in searching and researching, save money from sending out mails to casting companies but most of all, only they will ever only connect to legitimate licensed companies.

I believe that my friends do have the talent to make it big in show business but they lack the connection. By recommending Showbiz Ltd., I am in fact helping them gain that much welcomed advantage over other aspiring stars. Show business has got to be the toughest and most competitive business in the world but the rewards are great. I hope my friends could realize their dreams by successfully audtioning one casting call after another.

Blogging Idea Helpline

I went to bed at 5am in this morning and woke up at 7.30am. This is the kind of sacrifice paid to blog bloggers have to go through no thanks to our time difference. Naturally, I look like sh|t but who cares?

I was so stressed out having to go to work and thinking of what posts to write at the same time. During lunch time, I called up my friend and told him that I have to write ELEVEN original blog posts today.

He told me to go to bed because I haven’t got enough rest every night! I was at work, how to go to bed??? Duh!

I asked him if he has any ideas that I could blog on. I told him that I would pay him MYR1 per post but he said that I bully him. By the way, he is one of the most popular bloggers in Malaysia and I am not sure if I could get him to guest blog at my blog even if I pay him MYR1000! Cheh!

He gave me a couple of ideas through the phone and I told him to SMS me the other ideas when he has them. Calling long distance is not cheap, you know!?! But it has been seven hours already and he still did not even SMS me ONE idea and I have already finished my eleven original posts without using any of his ideas that he suggested over the phone.

Tell me, what sort of post can one write on “mlm”? Cheh, friend also tak boleh harap wan :-(

PPP Direct: Let Advertisers Approach You Directly

As you may notice from the badges on my sidebar, I am a proud member of PayPerPost. Did you see my new badge that says I am for hire at $15 per post? This is the most exciting feature that PayPerPost rolled out earlier today.

If you are a blogger who writes blog ads you will know that PayPerPost is not the only marketplace that allows advertisers to approach a blogger directly BUT it is THE only company that allows bloggers to earn the most out of their blogging.

I have joined quite a number of marketplaces but they all take a huge cut off my earnings, from 30% right up to a 100%. No doubt, they facilitate the service that I offer, but I would definitely love to get a large chunk of my share.

On the other hand, PayPerPost is only taking a 10% cut off my asking price of which half of what they get goes to PayPal and credit card processing. We ALL know those service charges are high!

Also, with PayPerPost in the middle providing escrow-like service where they will hold the payment made by the advertiser and only releases it to the blogger once an assignment is completed to the advertiser’s satisfaction, the interests of both parties are protected and there will be no doubts as to the honesty of the blogger or advertiser’s offer.

Do I need any more reason to only place PayPerPost’s badge on my blog? Definitely not. Blogging may be a hobby to most of us but who said that we can’t make money out of hobbies?

If you aren’t yet a member of PayPerPost, do sign up now by clicking on my blue and green “PayPerPost: Get Paid To Blog About The Things You Love!” badge and then you too can place a PPP Direct badge on your blog at a price that YOU set.

Meebo – Instant Messaging Everywhere

The other day, I just formatted my computer and was lazy to install all my instant messengers. My friend told me to use Meebo. I have never heard of Meebo before, after all the internet is so huge, one can’t know about everything that is happening online even when she spends 25 hours online daily!

Meebo is rather nice to use, although its interface is like Yahoo! Messenger. If you have a Meebo account, you could log in to ALL your major messenger accounts at once from the web. Otherwise, you can only log in to one messenger at a time through the Meebo website.

Messengers that are supported include AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN, Google Talk, ICQ and Jabber. It also supports many of the world’s languages, including Bahasa Melayu. It’s kinda cute when I switched to Bahasa hehehe

And then there’s Meebo Me, a cool chat widget that you can place on any web page and chat with your visitors. I used Chatango previously but may change to Meebo Me soon! Let’s see which is cooler!

View On Breast Augmentation News

Did you read the newspaper yesterday about a lady who was convinced to get a boob job and somehow the “surgeon” failed in the procedure and then caused her to suffer from breast cancer? Well, I don’t know how that could happen at all but her self-esteem must have been rather low to be so easily convinced.

A friend of mine works closely with plastic surgeons. He told me that reliable centers like the Beverly Hills plastic surgery really evaluates a would-be patient to find out her real reason for having a plastic surgery performed, and not convince people to go for it like this quack doctor.

If this victim really wanted to have larger breasts, why did she not go for a Los Angeles breast augmentation instead? I am sure that if she did, none of these problems would have happened. Now she is suffering alone without recourse and the reason she came out in the open is to warn other gullible women. If someone wants to get a plastic surgery, go get it from the best surgery that has set a high standard with their service and cutting edge technology.

Like the Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery, they offer the latest techniques in breast augmentation, using saline or silicone implants. The fact that they are the pioneer plastic surgery and breast augmentation specialty center in Rodeo Drive tells a lot. In the fickle world of Beverly Hills, if they are not good, they would have been out of the business a long time ago.

Random Thoughts Off My Mind