Analyzing & Improving Golfing

I mentioned before that y friend Paul has took up golfing. His main purpose is to expand his social network to improve his business but he decided that it is no fun playing badly even if it is a non-competitive game.

He bought a golf software that apparently will help him to improve his golf handicap. He told me that even golfing professionals are using it so it should be very efficient and reliable.

Then online golf handicap software that is available through at an affordable $29.99 per year analyses his golfing with an efficient golf handicap calculation method that tracks his progress over a period of time with charts and graphs.

Paul says that by having his game analyzed, he will surely improve! I wish him good luck!

Online Vision Test – Take It If You Dare!

I came to know of this online vision test from Pelf‘s blog. Well, my vision isn’t that great and it has gone worse since working at the computer for such long hours for the past five years. Read: I NEED AN LCD SCREEN!

The first time I felt my eyes giving problems was when I was in Secondary Three, when my Chemistry teacher, Mr. Thong, wrote on the blackboard in text as small as ants (the small type).

Some of my friends had no problems reading his text but some of us did. I was not the only one who made a complaint. I went to take an eye test and the ophthalmologist prescribed glasses to me and I became the new 4-eyed girl of the class.

However, I have not worn my glasses since I left school. I don’t really need to because I no longer have to read text as small as Mr. Thong’s! Bah… it’s all his fault!

So I took this vision test and scored 90.63 only. The lower the score, the greater vision disability. I know my score was pulled down because I do not drive. Do you see the big fat 0.00 for Driving?

If you would like to take this test, hop over to this page. Wait a minute, I’m supposed to link to The Eye Digest, but I can’t figure out where to place it! And I’m supposed to be an old hand at working around keywords and links! ha ha ha!

Appreciating Fine Art

Since the day Paul introduced me to the world of fine art, I have been looking out for art galleries with online presence. Partly because I live in a town without an art museum so I did not know how to appreciate fine art previously.

This morning, I was fortunate to come across the website of Park West Gallery. Did you know that Park West Gallery houses the largest collect of fine art in the world? I only just found out too. What Park West Gallery does is to conduct auctions of their fine art throughout North America.

They also have an affiliate company, Park West at Sea, doing something similar, but on cruise ships sailing around the world. It is great that by doing so, they are actually bringing fine art to people.

I took a virtual tour of Park West Gallery on their website and I am very impressed with the whole set up. You should check out the website even if you have no interest in fine art!

Everyone’s A Winner!

I was randomly surfing the internet and Googling for some information when I came across a blog post contest that is currently being held. This contest, initiated by one of our prominent bloggers, Daryl W.T. Lau (I know him but he doesn’t know me!) is very easy to participate in. That’s why I’m joining because I don’t like to crack my head to win prizes!

Anyway, the purpose of the contest is to create awareness for his newly launched bidding directory at It is now all the rage for people to not only get their site listed on directories, but to PAY for the prominence that it appears in the directory. Naturally, the more you are willing to bid, the more exposure your site will be accorded. Money speaks. It’s as simple as that.

Daryl says that once the directory proper has gained momentum, he will establish a directory blog so as to update directory members and other interested parties of new developments or promotions that are being held for users. That sounds great, doesn’t it?

If you would like further information on Daryl’s contest, which is currently still on-going, hop over to his blog, Earn Money Online, for the full details. Join the contest for the fun of it. Win or not, we are providing a friendly buzz. And that’s a good thing, you know?

Yvonne, My “Canadian” Friend

I met up with my high school friend, Yvonne, last week. She migrated to Canada when we were 15 years old, without completing her education here. Many people thought it was a risky move to uproot like that but I think her parents made the best decisions of their lives.

Yvonne came back to Malaysia to visit an ill relative. She could send flowers too, but a personal approach makes a lot of difference.

Yvonne told me that back in 1990s, Canada has already progressed way beyond what we had in Malaysia. Even now, she could see the vast differences of these two countries.

For example, education is very advanced in Canada. There were already established online entrepreneur universities, set up even before we could spell E.N.T.R.E.P.R.E.N.E.U.R.

Anyway, Yvonne told me that to see the differences, one would have to live there. She told me that after wok, she is taking up recreational cooking classes which none of her friends here are able to do due to the long working hours and low pay that could not afford extras like these.

Yvonne said that I should go and visit her sometime and if I do, she would take me sightseeing and at least visit the top ten York attractions. She also has two used Honda scooters that we could ride on for countryside excursions. My, does that sound tempting!

Six Hours! Too Freaking Long!

A few days ago, PayPerPost rolled out new features. Does it seem like they keep rolling out new stuff ever so often? Anyway, while I am mostly satisfied with their new features, what I am not happy with is the time that one is allowed to reserve an opp.

When I first joined PayPerPost seven months ago, only the fastest members who submitted posts managed to get the Opp. This was then upgraded and people had 30 minutes to write out their post.

Complaints after complaints, it was raised to an hour. Fair enough, 30 minutes may not be enough for some people, especially when their blog host acts up or when advertiser’s site refused to load or when there are too many links to add plus videos and what not.

So this time, PayPerPost has gone to the EXTREME by raising the time frame to SIX freaking long hours. I mean, I only sleep less than five hours every night so if I were to reserve an Opp, I could take a nap, take a bath, have my dinner, get my hair done and even catch a movie, come home and THEN write and submit my post while the rest of the Posties keep clicking on the Opp that I have reserved.

I just think that it’s not fair to other Posties to subject them to this torture. If they were anything like me, they would be clicking on the TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY button non-stop. It’s not fair to the advertisers too who expect swift action AND quality work for the money they have paid.

TWO hours is the most that I would give for an Opp to be completed once it is reserved, but then who is asking me?

Free Gay & Lesbian Video eCards

I was actually searching for free greeting cards for my friend’s upcoming birthday when I accidentally stumbled upon free lesbian e-greetings instead. I am actually not surprised that there are free e-cards that cater exclusively to gays and lesbians. They too need a card to cheer them up once in awhile, I guess.

The ecards here are not the usual postcards or animated cards but they are artistic video ecards. I am not even sure if I have seen video cards before, let alone FREE ones.

What I feel is that even non-gays can send and receive these cards too because they are all tastefully created. They are like pieces of art. Check them out, will you?

Random Thoughts Off My Mind