I got to know of this contest through Ryan’s Review. While I am not as prolific a writer as Ryan, I will still attempt to review The Cranking Widgets for a shot at US$50.
First up, I don’t really mind the content. I rather like the personal posts interspersed in technology posts and Brett Kelly, the writer, is only human and it is natural to have personal posts now and then. However, checking the archives, I am surprised that Brett seems like he has lost momentum in blogging on The Cranking Widgets for the past couple of months.
With only an average of one post every 3 – 4 days and with 1,647 feed readers, there are not that many comments left on the blog. No doubt feed readers mostly read from the feed reader and do not drop by the blog but if the posts are compelling enough, readers will still come and comment even if they have read the post via the feed reader.
I have to mention that I got this figure of 1,647 feed readers from Ryan because I CAN’T SEE IT from the feedburner icon. The whole rectangular is orange in color. I think Brett needs to get the color recustomized and it would be better to move the icon over to the left sidebar where the other stat trackers are.
Another thing that I would like to mention is that the Google AdSense leaderboard at the bottom of the page sticks out like a sore thumb with a different background color. I could see that Brett did change the background color but it matches the color of the main body of the page and not the darker shade that makes up the left sidebar and the bottom of the page. In my opinion, it would look better if the background color is changed for this leaderboard.
In conclusion, Brett needs to post more frequently to keep the impressive number of readers coming to the blog and there are two things that could be changed to make the layout more visually appealing.
And by the way, Mr & Mrs Brett Kelly, congratulations on the new addition to the family!