If you read my other blog, you would know that I suffer from acne. I wouldn’t say that my condition is bad because I have seen people worse that mine but it does not help when society keeps letting me know of my bad skin condition wherever I go, in glossy magazines, etc.

I am fortunate that I am not to the point where the mirror is my enemy (yet) although I have days where I feel that I would look more beautiful IF only the acne are not around! To be frank, I have tried many possible solutions but none seems to work permanently. Perhaps I am not diligent; perhaps I am too cheap to try the more expensive products, hence better? That is the perception, anyway.

Some people will advice me that I should not eat chocolate or spicy food. Well, I think those are just old wives tales because I did abstain from them before but there was no improvement to my complexion.
As someone who is practically glued to her computer the whole day, of course I did my research on acne online and one of the best resource site that I came across is www.acne.com. I have found the tips here useful. One of the most effective methods for me is to apply a coat of Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% cream ALL OVER MY FACE. Many people were shocked by that because usually people apply acne cream on the affected spots only but trust me, you can really see a huge difference.
There was once the pharmacy ran out of 2.5% so I bought one with 5% strength and ended up burning my skin. Hahaha! It was a lesson well learnt!