Save More Money and Make More Money

I stumbled upon this blog called, an almost two year old blog, while I was blog hopping. As you know, I have been trying to raise the page rank of my blogs so I do take any tips that are given out generously on blogs like these to heart. guides us to Save More Money and Make More Money. Some of the topics covered include how to make some money online. Well, we have heard it is possible but not many people will disclose the secret of making big money on the internet. has such useful and informative articles now and then, like how to make money from affiliate marketing or finding success with Text Link Ads. If you look at my sidebar, I too have just implemented Text Link Ads after reading the post on and hope to find a little success with it.

MoreMerchant author, Jake, is very experienced in earning money online since 1997 and I find his articles very insightful. He also lets us know how to effectively link bait and he will also do it if we send him something with the URL of our site that he could write about on his blog! Besides that, he guides us on how to be a better blogger. Boy, do I need that knowledge!

While these are all ways that could help us earn more money online, Jake says that earning alone is not enough as it must go hand in hand with saving money which he also covers extensively in Save Money category.

I have gained some knowledge on MoreMerchant so far and look forward to more useful posts that I could apply on my own blogging and online money making ventures!

I Sure Need This $$$

Just when I thought I am all blogged out, I wake up to news that some crazy dude is giving away $2500 cold hard cash. People who really read my blogs would know that I am always short of money, not because I do not manage my money well, but that’s the problem of my parents that I have to bear. So …

Over at Ashwin’s blog, you will find one crazy blog owner!! You can win $2500!! To enter just copy this text and paste it in your blog!! But hurry, this competition will not last long! So get posting!

Firstly, the contest is set to end on 20th August. Year is not stated so I hope it is 2007. Currency is not stated either. Hopefully it’s US$ and not Yen or Rupiah. Anyway, may the person with the most luck win!

P/S: 24th August, 2007: The link has been updated to point to another site after this contest has been found to be crap.

It’s Friday!

Another chance to BITE KATE!

I am posting this first and editing it later to add the trackback when she wakes up and post her twice weekly Bite Me post.

This time I want to bite her real hard because I just read her Phone Porn post and am absolutely jealous already! The Samsung U740 (sounds like a submarine haha!) is just too lovely. Why oh why is technology so cruel? I just bought my Nokia E61i exactly a month ago and have not been too happy with it.

If you know where I write, you would know the problems I have been facing. Lousy speaker, heat, flashing screen and also dropping 3G signal; I know this has nothing to do with the phone, but I just like to rant here, kenot meh?

Gggrrrr *pull hair*

Gggrrr *bang head*

Gggrrr *stamp feet*

Gggrrr *going insane*

The Samsung fits my palm real nice while the Nokia is a tad too bulky because of its QWERTY keyboard. Want to sell my Nokia! Who wants????

Achieving A More Beautiful Smile

I believe the dentist is one of the most feared men. I get all jelly-kneed just going there but I do want to keep a beautiful set of teeth so I force myself there every six months but that does not mean that I like to be there. My perspective changed when I found a very friendly and caring dentist who understands all my unreasonable fears and provides me with all the options that are available to me.

I told my sister about the local dentist but my sister told me to check out one of the Beverly Hills dentists instead, by the name of Dr. Maddahi. To say the least, I am impressed with Dr. Maddahi’s website. It is very classy and does not look like the website of a dentist. At least the homepage does not! Hahah!

Browsing through the website, I am further impressed with the dental works that could be performed so that every one could enjoy a beautiful smile. I certainly do know of people who are seriously in need of dental implants and while we have thought that it is painful and expensive, looking at these Before & After photos make us think that it is worth the trouble.

Really, I am beginning to think that there are many things that could be done on my own teeth to achieve a more beautiful smile.

mlm The CCBs

I previously was chatting with a friend and she referred to the white devils as CCBs and I wondered why and how that came about. I never ever called any animals ABCs, BBCs or CCBs before because that is just so not me. I think it all boils down to upbringing.

Today, I had to chance to talk to her again after such a long time and we did discuss an issue in more depth and this time, I truly understood her meaning and why she used these terms.

Although I am also thinking the same thoughts as her, like I said, ABCs, BBCs and CCBs are just never in my vocabulary and I feel awkward just thinking them. Perhaps it is also because I am not Hokkien lang lah but then as far as I know, she isn’t either!

So anyway, I thought my friend to use this multilevel marketing term which really sums up the thing that these white devils need. Unfortunately, I do not have the l. They really don’t know how to write the word die, eh?

MarketingICE: Interactive Creative Education

A month ago, I wrote about being serious in building my blog into a search engine friendly blog and even joined a free tutorial class, which did not materialise. I continued to search for companies that offer SEO Training either for free or at a most competitive price and came across MarketingICE.

In case you are wondering what ICE stands for, it is “Interactive Creative Education”. All tutorials on MarketingICE is by video and it does not matter what you would like to learn, there is a video for it.

As a premium member, you will have access to a members-only forum where each video has its own dedicated thread and all questions that you may have will be answered there. As they say, membership has its privileges. With over seventy video tutorials on various topics, we would be quite dumb if we pass over the one time offer of $9.95 for the first month. Well, I skipped it and was offered a second chance in my email at $12.95 for the first month, still considerably lower than the monthly fee of $19.99

For the time being, I have access to my trial account and I have access to the video tutorials. I must say that the video training is very comprehensive and easy to follow. If anyone still have questions, he could get expert answers from the dedicated thread on the forum.

To test out how good Marketing ICE is, I opted to watch How To Create A Blogger Blog. Well, I already KNOW how to already, of course, but I watched it to see if it covered every step in a clear and precise manner and it did, from creating a Google account to step by step instructions on what to fill out on each space until the blog is set up.

This membership is definitely worthy of the money spent for anyone looking for clear and interactive video tutorial.

Who Are Those Friendster Buddies??

A couple of days ago, I received a Friendster Friend Request. It is weird because this is was from a rather prominent local blogger and while I do not know him personally, he is chums with one of my friends, also a very popular local blogger. I am sure my friend has never mentioned me to him before so I wondered why he suddenly could come across my Friendster profile and then send a friend request.

I have been a Friendster member for years at the request of a good friend but I never did anything to my profile and never seek anyone out to “add”. I can never understand why people can link up with total strangers and call them friends.

In this case we are now linked up and then what? I may have accepted his request but we never even exchanged a note.

The other day when I logged into my account, I saw a few people in my friends list and wondered, “Who the heck are they?” You see, I don’t even have more than twenty people in my list and I don’t even remember who they are!

The problem with me is that when acquaintances request an “add”, I will accept it but after a while of not keeping in touch, I would have forgotten about them totally. What makes it worse is that some do not use a universal online ID and their Friendster user name is not something that I recognise straightaway.

I think I am going to delete them from my list. When I don’t remember them, how can they be my friend??

Random Thoughts Off My Mind