All About Loans On Netloans

My cousin, who lives in London and just bought a home recently, was telling the family how tough it is to take on a new responsibility. She says that her contemporaries are also facing the same financial issues.

It is like a perpetual loop that people keep being in one kind of loan or another. At first, we would start by taking out homeowner loans and from there our problem starts haha!

The informative website of is helpful for people who are already committed to a long term purchase of a property. Yes, owning a property is not easy and I know of many people who will use that asset to take out secured loans because they need the lump sum of cash for business or something else. Netloans compiled a list of financial institutions that provide secured loans with homes in the United Kingdom as collateral.

If you are in business, you would be familiar with the term “bridging loan”. Bridging loans are supposed to be short term loans taken against a property and like the above, Netlaons has focused on the UK market. Although we may think that bridging loans are just small sums of money, we could actually secure up to £10 million, provided we have properties to secure the loan against.

Of course, with all these loans taken out, it is not surprising that some people may need to take out a debt consolidation secured loan to better manage their debts. Netloans has done the homework of researching over 250 debt consolidation loan plans to bring us those that benefit us the most, like deferred payment, low interest rates, no proof of income required and even those that are open to people who are self-employed.

I still say that before we take out a loan, any loan at all, we have to think a thousand times and read up as much as possible from sites like

*** This post was brought to you by Netloans Ltd. ***

Experiencing Fine Wine

I have always thought that wine drinking is a hobby reserved for the rich. I think I got this idea from watching too much soap opera like Falcon Crest. Last weekend, I had the opportunity to visit my friend’s new house. If you read my other blog, you would know that a friend of mine had a bar installed at home. Well, this was the friend who invited me and a few other friends home to show off his new bar.

I have no experience in drinking wine at all. In fact, I am a teetotaler and the only difference I can tell between red wine and white wine is the color. My friend, however, is more experienced in wine tasting. He says it’s his new hobby and has been reading up on fine wine and it is his dream to taste all the different wines in the world.

I saw that he has stocked his bar with Merlot and Chardonnay but I didn’t want to seem ignorant and ask him to tell me the history of these fine wine brand names. I think I better do a check on the web so that at least I will be able to follow their wine conversation the next time we converge at his home.

Somebody Tell Me Why I Should Not Be Pissed!!!

OK, so it is not enough that my Streamyx was down for a whole week. Last night, my PC gave up on me. I do not know what happened or why it suddenly K.O.-ed but I did not shut down my PC for slightly more than a day so last night, I thought I would reboot it as it was lagging. Little did I know that it would not even be able to load Windows. No, not even in Safe Mode.

So, this morning, I took my PC to the computer repair shop and their Streamyx was down as well. I came home and called up TM and asked them about my line and they told me that the problem is from my side. They said it could be wiring or modem or cable.

WTF, man….. don’t tell me the computer shop also same problem as me? Why can’t they admit that Streamyx is f@rked up in Ipoh? Now they are telling me to disable direct connection because they do not “support” it. They only support “manual connection”.

Argghh I am so pissed off….I think I am going to go on a holiday.

Minimizing Loss With Low Layout Capital

Some of you know that I am an online retailer. Lately, I have been thinking that I would like to expand my inventory but I had no idea what to procure. A friend suggested that I venture into wholesale sunglasses. Well, I have never thought of that but I remember coming across the website of CTS Wholesale Sunglasses a couple of months ago and was impressed with their vast selection of fashion sunglasses.

I am not in touch with the sunglasses market but according to this friend, fashion sunglasses are the bomb in e-commerce and many young people, and those young at heart, are willing to splash on a few pairs because they are just so cheap!

As a wholesale sunglasses buyer, we would be able to enjoy great savings as CTS Wholesale Sunglasses, a direct importer of fashion sunglasses from international importers, would be offering their customers a large cut of savings as well.

This low cost is perfect for retailers like us who would be able to sell our inventory at a reasonable price and yet gain a wide profit margin. In business, making the right decisions would mean a profit or loss but when we are able to procure our stocks at such low prices, our risk of losing would be minimal.

Using Tripods To Reduce Handshake

Some of you know that I run a webstore. Last month a new consignment came in and I had such a hard time taking good shots of my products because I was using my friend’s digital camera. Well, I was not used to its weight and all photos were all ruined.

I discussed with another friend on how to take better pictures because these were taking too much of my time. She suggested the use to tripods. Ah, why didn’t I think of that? I should have done a little search on the web.

Anyway, luckily I have a couple of mini tripods at home that were packaged with the digital camera that I bought last time. Even though they were only mini tripods, I still managed to get the photos shot pretty well for web publishing in time for Christmas sales.

If you are taking lots of product shots, it is definitely a good idea to set up a tripod. it worked for me.

I Know They Are Out There!

I spent the weekend past surfing the web like crazy looking for WordPress themes and website templates. Well, I’ve got three very suitable WordPress themes for my new blogs but I have yet to personalize them. If I fail to personalize them to my needs then I may have to ditch them for something simpler. I hate to beg for help again.

The challenge right now is to look for one WordPress theme and a website template for my iPhone site and blog. There aren’t that many themes and templates that are based on the iPhone and I suspect that some people got them custom made because I could not find the source.

You know, sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with all these. To think that 1.5 years ago, I was learning HTML so that I could customize my Blogger themes and a year ago, I was lost in a web of CSS codes when I first hosted my WordPress blogs. I was so confused that I had to get help for every little thing that I wanted done.

Last week, I got a personal site done at last and now I am going to build a website. A WEBSITE! That is really ambitious of me! Right now, I still have not found the best layouts for my sites and I still need a little time to customize my three new themes. But then, I just started these blogs last week. To think that I spent a few months searching for and then customizing the template of my personal blog that I started last year LOL

Honeymoon Of A Lifetime

If you remember, I wrote a post about my friend, Warren, who quietly got married without informing any of his friends. I still think that it was awful of him but he has a secret fantasy of eloping with his bride so the bridal couple went on an adventure to New Zealand. I guess I should not be surprised because Warren has always wanted to tour New Zealand extensively and he even said that he will retire there one day.

Now that he is a new father to a baby boy and we have forgiven him for his secrecy only did he let us in on his adventurous honeymoon. He said that at first, he booked hotels in New Zealand on the web before flying in.

Auckland, New Zealand
© Copyright 2007 Roy Tennant

Firstly, Warren made accommodation at one of the hotels in Auckland. He decided to make Auckland their starting point and then travel from there. From the Auckland, which is on the North Island of New Zealand, Warren and his bride traveled south to Wellington where they put up the night at one of the scenic hotels in Wellington.

They also went to Mt. Cook National Park and Queenstown and even Otago. Upon their return, they stayed a couple of nights at one of the hotels in Christchurch, then Nelson and back to Auckland.

Warren said that it was a honeymoon of a lifetime and would like to make a return trip, this time visiting different places of interest. Wow… that sure sounds like an awesome trip and I wish I could just take off for a vacation like that!

Random Thoughts Off My Mind