A couple of months ago, I was informed out the Medtronic recall of Sprint Fidelis defibrillation leads, not all, but only from certain batches. My cousin sister has defibrillation leads implanted to help her regulate her heartbeat. Well, that got me worried but luckily, she is not using a Medtronic product.
I read that in December, 2007, a patient using Medtronic’s Sprint Fidelis defilbrillation leads filed a lawsuit against Medtronic. The faulty defilbrillator wrongly sent shocks to his heart and he had to undergo a few more operations to replace the device and repair the damage. Naturally, this patient is seeking damages.
I also read that there have already been five deaths linked to complications that arose from using these faulty Medtronic Sprint Fidelis defibrillation leads. Yes, it could be fatal and that is a shame because these patients trusted and used the device to get cured, but instead died!
If you are using defibrillation leads, find out from your doctor the manufacturer of it, and if it is a Medtronic product, find out the batch number.