It looks like being a parent is not as easy as I thought. My friends who are parents are always complaining about one thing or another of their problematic children. They say I am lucky not to have children because children, especially when they hit teenage years are always suffering from angst, some even as bad as going into manic depression.
I don’t think that my friends are bad parents. Granted, they may not have as much time to be with their children as they want to but at least they do share quality time together. Looks like that isn’t even enough.
I stumbled upon a website that addresses the complex issues of parenting teens and one of the issues brought forward is Treating Biopolar Disorder.
This looks like a very rampant disorder and I believe that if it is not recognized and treated early, it could get worse.
I told my friends about the website of Parenting Teens which has very informative for parents with teens. This website discusses the various problems that are faced by both the parent and child but its primary focus is on helping parents with a troubled teen and how to handle the situation.
Hopefully both parents and children will benefit from the website. The solution is readily available and it is up to us to look for it.