Category Archives: Finances

Credit Card Offer

The other day, my bank called me up to offer me a credit card. It’s new in the market so they were saying that it’s free for life and does not come with any special terms. Of course I accepted. However, it would have been better if it was a business credit card. Frankly, I already have too many personal credit cards that I hardly swipe some of them. I only have a couple that I use regularly because of the rewards.

I believe that if I had a business credit card (I do own a business, you know), I may get to enjoy more benefits and privileges that are only for business people. Oh well, maybe I don’t have enough funds in my account, so they are only offering me a basic credit card.

At least, I am better than a friend. She told me that she was offered a bad credit credit card. I am sure you know that bad credit credit cards are for people who have poor credit. It is said that if a person who holds a bad credit credit card settles his credit card bill at the end of the month fully, and do so for a year or two, he will be able to raise his credit score. I don’t know how true this is. What do you think?

When Is The Right Time To Buy A Car?

I have been thinking of buying a car lately. Right now, I am still using the family car and it could be really inconvenient even though I hardly need the car at all. Having my own car would accord me more freedom but then I wonder if I will get the chance to drive it since I work such long hours.

Nevertheless, I have recently been researching on the best auto loan to get. My friends tell me that I must be crazy to think of buying a car during this economic downturn what with such high fuel prices but then I think that if I do not buy it now, I would never get to buy it. Ah… I must remember to add auto insurance to the cost of my car! Buying a car is not just the amount of down payment that I could fork out. There’s also insurance and road tax… and fuel!

You know, nowadays, even people who have bad credit could apply for auto loan. Bad credit auto loans are for people with bad credit. In a way, it’s not good that they will be spending money on a new car despite their poor financial health. On the other hand, having an auto loan gives them a chance to redeem their credit if they are able to pay off their monthly loan installments on time.

Quick Insurance Quotes

I was telling a friend about how I should start looking for cheaper car insurance for my family car. It’s a big capacity car and seriously, it is becoming a burden to maintain. I told my father that we should change to a smaller car, one that is fuel saving but he is reluctant, I guess because this car has sentimental value to him.

I have been meaning to look for auto insurance quotes from a few sources but I have been so busy that I keep putting it off. Time flies and before I know it, it would be time to renew my car insurance and then I would have to purchase it from the same insurance company at the same premium. SIGH!

I getting get moving and while I am at it, compare life insurance quotes. How long has it been since I wanted to buy life insurance. I understand that we can get rebate from our income tax but I have procrastinated because I am confused with what sort of insurance I require.

Luckily looking for insurance quotes have never been this convenient before. I could practically do everything online within minutes too. I don’t even know why I seemed not to be able to spare these few minutes! I better get my priorities right!

Rare Coin Collection

My friend was telling me that he has found a new hobby in collecting coins. Well, it is actually not a real hobby, but more an investment plan. Yes, coins could be really valuable as well, especially rare coins. My friend is also new in coin collection but he has consulted a coin dealer who has helped him to identify coins that would be worth keeping.

I am not well versed with coins as well but I do have a collection of coins as well that was given to me by my mother who is a casual coin collector. I wonder how much my coins are worth now and if possible, I would like to expand as an investment option. What do you think?

Insurance Matters

To reduce the cost of maintaining a car, I have been comparing auto insurance quotes. Well, I do not own a car but this is the family car and I am responsible to maintain it. I feel lucky that we do still have a car which some of my friends have to cancel their car order, or even sell off their cars because it is becoming increasing expensive to keep one no thanks to the rising fuel price and the interest rates for car loans.

What I do to maintain minimal expenses on the car is to look for cheap auto insurance and stop driving the car unnecessarily. Of course, even driving the car, we now have to adopt special fuel saving techniques like driving at an optimum speed, not braking abruptly, driving the shortest routes whenever possible, etc.

My friend told me that while I get to save on car insurance, I must not forget to insure my health. To be frank, I do not have health insurance and that is a little worrisome for me. I know that healthcare is getting more expensive as well no thanks to inflation, so it is important that I get myself insured while I am still young. I am not well versed with health insurance so I am taking time to compare policies to make sure that I purchase the right one to meet my needs. First, though, I need to get car insurance as the current one will be expiring soon.

The Price of Gold

The other day, my friend freaked out and sent me a message saying that the USD has dropped slightly. Well, it has recovered a little, thankfully, but that shows us that investing in currency is not as safe as it used to be, when the Ringgit was pegged at 3.8 to the USD. Haha!

My friend now wants to know if it is wiser to invest in gold seeing how stable the price of gold has been for the past year.

Well, I am no investment consultant but I remember my grandmother telling me that during the World War, only gold had value and those who did not have gold in whatever form, had a tough time, even if they had cash or property.

So gold is what I will invest in also if I have the money. As for my friend, he will have to decide for himself.

Lowering Car Expenses With Cheap Car Insurance

A few of my friends cancelled their car order because they could no longer afford a car which they thought that could. Well, with the escalating fuel prices, there are many things that we no longer could afford.

However, there are some other friends who were “caught”. They took delivery of their new car just prior to the revise of fuel prices. For people like these friends, they seriously need cheap car insurance to try to lower their expenses. However, with so many companies offering auto insurance, it is not easy to know which one is the cheapest without compromising on the policy.

I tried to get a cheap car insurance quote on and it is a fairly simple process. I was required to provide my zip code and whether I hold any car insurance for the past thirty days. The next screen, I have to provide a little more details of my car but there’s nothing complicated too. I love the fact that I could do this insurance rate comparison online at a user-friendly website and at my own pace.

If you are looking for cheap car insurance, it is up to you to do the research and compare the rates. Since you can do it so conveniently at MacZoop, there’s no reason for you not to!