Category Archives: Finances

Get Tips From The Pros

If you have been dabbling in options and not doing very well, then you should probably get some professional help. Did you know that by using iron condor, you will limit your loss? Iron condor is when you take up four different positions with four different strike prices in options but do you know which positions you should be holding? Theory is always easy but implementation takes experience.

That’s why, to limit your loss or even eliminate it totally, you would need the help of professionals in iron condors to help you and bring back the fun in options trading. It’s fun when we win, of course.

Condor Options is projecting a 10% profit every month with just ten minutes per week devoted to this investment. Some people may think that this is a small profit margin but this is suitable for people who prefer a return that comes with low risk.

If you subscribe to the newsletter of Condor Options, you will be privy to exclusive newsletter that comes with tips and suggested trades and also participate in the subscribers-only weblog. I think that if you have always wanted to make something out of all your options trading activities, this is a very good opportunity.

0% MINT Credit Cards

Is there anyone who still does not own a credit card? I have a friend who owns more than ten! I asked her if she loses money owning so many but she says she does not. I don’t know how she juggles them all!

I got to know of a 0% MINT credit card where it is 0% on balance transfer for thirteen months, 0% on purchases until 1st May, 2008, 0% bonus offer until 1st August, 2009 on balance transfers.

It is very important to know beforehand the period of time you get to enjoy your 0% benefits. In the case of MINT credit cards, this is a great time for credit card consolidation. I believe there is no need to have so many cards like my friend if you have ONE good card!

MINT credit card has up to £7,500 credit limit but make sure not to misuse this credit line. Apart from this, MINT credit card comes with many benefits and offers and accepted worldwide with MasterCard sign.

A Personal Injury Attorney In Nebraska

Just last night, I was discussing with friend of mine how important a personal injury attorney and that a good and reliable one could mean the difference between winning or losing a personal injury lawsuit and also the size of a settlement.

This morning, I was introduced to the website of Demerath Law, the website of a Nebraska Personal Injury Attorney.

If you are in or around Nebraska and requires the services of a personal injury attorney who would have your best interest at heart, Larry Demerath seems to be the right person to look for as he has thirty five years of experience in helping Nebraskans in their personal injury lawsuits.

Settlements for personal injury due to negligence could run into millions of dollars so you will want to look for a skilled and experienced attorney specializing in personal injury to handle your case!

Need A Personal Injury Attorney?

Of course I do not wish that you have need for one! But then things happen, accidents happen! Did you know that recently, a friend of mine was injured at work and he needed a personal injury attorney? Unfortunately, both of us have no experience at all with engaging a personal injury attorney!

We both ended up looking for more information by surfing the internet and looking through Yellow Pages and asking friends and family hoping that they could recommend a reliable personal injury attorney.

Now that I know of a website like An Attorney For You, I think that we have wasted a lot of precious time looking for a personal injury attorney the old fashioned way!

One of my friend’s concern was that the attorney, if does not come recommended, will not be as reliable as he hoped. A good one will practically make it possible to win a million dollars in a personal injury lawsuit. Frankly, how many such attorneys are there who are this good?

Up until now, my friend has yet to engage a personal injury attorney like he needs to but he said he needs more time to do his research lest he regrets his decision!

Engaging Debt Consolidation Services and Credit Card Debt Elimination

While surfing the internet this morning, I chanced upon a site on debt consolidation. Some people mentioned to me before that debt consolidation is not the perfect solution to Credit Card Debt Elimination but I have friends who have engaged the help of companies that offer Debt Consolidation Services and they managed to clear their credit card debt slowly but surely.

Having said that, I believe that there is not one single solution that is the best. It just depends on our own needs and whichever method that that could help us without much compromising on our part. Debt is an ongoing accumulation process and we cannot expect to clear it in a single stroke. Therefore, we cannot expect a miracle in any way that we choose to overcome our debts.

Some people have asked me why I prefer to use cash when I could easily swipe my many credit cards. The reason is that I don’t want to tempt myself with the convenience of using credit cards. It is way too easy to train myself to use credit cards and fall into the bad habit of charging first, pay later.

Many people do this thinking that they could easily pass off their credit card debt by the end of the month but more often than not, they would have miscalculated their budget and may not be able to settle their outstanding bills at the end of the month as expected and that is when interest would start to snowball!

So now you know!

A Post On Structured Settlements

The internet is so vast sometimes you don’t know who will come to read your blog. I know of people who set their Google Alerts to alert them of specific keywords that are published in blogs.

Actually, a few months ago, I didn’t even know of Google Alerts until I wrote a post on Structured Settlements. Whoa, I received so many hits from that through Google Alert because people wanted to see what I wrote about. SO that was how I heard of Google Alert.

It is strange that people wanted to read a post on Structured Settlement, though, because that was just my humble opinion, a sharing of a new knowledge but I guess some people do know not know to differentiate an opinion post from an authoritative post. Anyway, since that day, I am more careful of what I write about even if it is just my opinion.

If you are curious what structured settlement is all about you would have to check out in depth from StoneStreet Capital which runs a website at That is what the internet is for. We get to compare opinions easily and not only treat a single voice as gospel. Once you have more information on structured settlements, you would be able to decide if cashing structured settlements is for you.

Guide To Gold Investment

I was surfing around when I chanced upon a website that guides us on gold investment. Coincidentally, my friend and I were just discussing the few options that we have in investment. Both of us are of the mindset that we would rather have a portfolio of low risk, low yield investments, rather than one that comes with high risk although the returns may be good, sometimes too good to be true.

My friend said that gold is always a safe bet and yet it gives a better return than Fixed Deposits in the long run. The other day, I did a comparison chart for Fixed Deposits from a few leading local banks and the rate was not very favorable. I do think that investing into gold would be a better option considering that we could start with a low capital.