Category Archives: Computing & Internet

‘No’ As the Default Choice In Facebook Information Sharing

The Federal Trade Commission is said to be on the verge of signing an agreement with Facebook, which will soon see the company make “No” the default choice for any Facebook request to access, publish or resell any additional information of users.

During the past few years, particularly after every change to Facebook, the social media website had gotten flak from users for over sharing their information, without even being aware of it. This agreement reportedly will last 20 years but honestly, will a social media website last that long? That remains to be seen.

Gmail Revamped

Over the next few days, all Gmail users will be able to switch to a new look. We can, however, opt to go back to the current view if we want to, but I think sooner or later, the new look will be forced upon us.

Now, it’s not as if I don’t want to see changes but I think that Gmail, like Google, which used to be so simple to use, is beginning to get complex. I don’t know what other thinks, but I still prefer my Gmail to be simple, and fast. It is certainly not going to be fast enough with an HD background!

Anyway, I will continue to use my current layout and will only switch when the new look is forced upon all Gmail accounts and I have no choice but to switch.

Physician Search

With so many physicians in the United States, my friend told me that it is not easy to reconnect with his old colleagues, once they have lost touch. With, that could change. This private network for physicians in the United States has made it easy for physicians to search out colleagues, former students or residents thanks to its powerful search engine.

Let’s say you would like to search for Bruce Stewart MD, just key in his name in the search bar, and if you know his location or workplace, include that. With a list of names that has been narrowed down, you would be able to look for the Bruce Stewart that you know.

10K Facebook Credentials Published Online

It has been reported that a team of hackers from Nepal who call themselves Team Swastika, has published ten thousand Facebook login IDs and passwords online for anyone to take advantage of. While I am not able to check which are the accounts that have been compromised, and there is no information on how this team came upon such information, if you feel that your account has been compromised, you should change your password now.

Facebook users have also been advised to occasionally change their Facebook account password from a malware-free computer, to avoid hackers. This sounds like a lot of work, huh, especially since many of us do not have only one “important” account online!

Apple Stores May Close On Wednesday

Apple is rumoured to close all their stores worldwide Wednesday, to allow employees to pay tribute to Steve Jobs, who passed away on 5th October from a rare pancreatic cancer at the age of 56. This is just a rumour still, and we have not been able to confirm the news. Maybe I will drive out to the nearest Apple Store in my city on Wednesday, to have a look.

Hotmail’s 5 New Features

Since its first launch in 1995, Hotmail has remained one of the largest free web-based email services with 360 million users every month, and nine billion emails received and 300 million emails sent daily by users.

In conjunction with its fifteenth anniversary, Microsoft has rolled out five new features for Hotmail and they are:

*Smart newsletter filtering
*Categories and advanced folder management
*Scheduled cleanup
*Priority messages
*Instant one-click delete, flag, sweep messages

With these features in place, Hotmail would reduce the amount of spam from almost 35% currently to less than 3% of a user’s inbox.

Thanks to vast improvements in areas like spam filtering, performance, storage and mobile platform compatibility, users will see Hotmail working between ten to twenty times faster than last year. Users would also be able to receive two-way sync with email, calendar and contacts on all major smart phone platforms.

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China Web Population Exceeds 500 million

Xinhua news agency has reported that China’s online population has exceeded half a billion users, the largest in the world. Since the last official survey in July this year, an additional 15 million people had joined the online bandwagon.

The Great Firewall of China still exists but that doesn’t stop people from using the internet. Microblogging is extremely popular in China. The country now has more than 300 million microbloggers, utilising sites like Weibo.