I was searching for something on Technorati on the internet when I stumbled upon this podcast interview with David Sifry, the CEO of Tehcnorati, on www.SwissStartups.com. Swiss Startups is run by Dominik Tarolli and the company specializes in working specifically with internet startups, helping them with funding, helping investors find the gems among all the new startups and most of all, believing in new ventures and turning business models into successes.

In this podcast held in San Francisco, David Sifry introduced himself and talked about how he managed to venture into computing and business and eventually ended up as CEO of Technorati, one of the most popular websites and authority on website ranking, and to think that the company is only slightly over four years old and grown to such to phenomenal company in the fickle world of the internet, with employees across America and partnerships with Technorati Japan.

It is amazing to me that David’s first business venture was at 16 years old doing computer consultancy. So it is no wonder that David has continued to get himself involved in various ventures, some were successes while some were failures but all have been valuable learning experiences.
In this short podcast interview, David managed to share his insights on entrepreneurship, Technorati and also the blogosphere. If I have the chance, I would like to ask David why my Technorati rankings for my blogs are not updated and my support tickets are not answered since February, 2007!