Category Archives: Computing & Internet

Free Backlink Building Workshop

As the date of the rumored impending Google Page Rank update gets closer, I am getting a little desperate to try to increase as many backlinks as possible, but of course, I am not prepared to pay as some of my fellow bloggers are. In a previous post, you may have read about a SEO course that I registered with but that fell through, unfortunately.

However, there is a new discovery of a free inbound link building course. This is a mini workshop which anyone could sign up for and receive for free by email five mini courses over five days.

I think this would be very helpful for me. Oh yeah, if you go get your hands on his no strings attached courses, you could download the 30-minute audio to your iPod (lucky you!!), burn to CD or just listen online.

Happy backlink building!

How To Win An XShot

Drew, a fellow blogger that I got to know of earlier this year and now blogs actively on FOUR blogs (where does he find the time??), left me a note recently about his new contest. I think the prizes that he is giving away are just so apt for his passion in photography. If you like photography, you just have to check out the vibrant photos that Drew shoots. He also takes the trouble to edit his shots to make them more captivating.

Anyway, if you would like to win an XShot from BenSpark, do check out his contest post to read what it is all about. Don’t know what an XShot is? It is something that ALL avid photographers should have. When I do get my digital camera, this is something I am going to get as well.

Or if you win the XShot from BenSpark, you can give it to me while you keep the fame! Thank you very much!

Medical News Site

I came across a medical news website that is a compilation of news and articles with many medical conditions and categories including OB / GYN, asthma and cancer which serves as a very useful starting point for anyone looking for medical news.

With all the news compiled under one website with an easy to read layout, it makes it easy for people who are looking for news on a particular illness or disease.

Although I am not in the medical profession, it looks like the site has all major illnesses that afflict humans covered. Check the sidebar for each specific disease.

Annoying Yahoo! Mail Ads

Has anyone noticed all the advertorials in Yahoo! Mail? I find that really annoying especially when I accidentally “rolled over” the ads with my cursor.

I wonder why it is even necessary for Yahoo! to stoop this low, bombarding us with ads like that. I am OK with banner ads but not ads that obstruct the main content or distract my attention.

I am already not using my Yahoo! Mail account for anything important. Personal emails have moved to Gmail but I am still keeping my account because of my sign-ups with certain companies and mailing lists and during the early days, my Yahoo! email address was and still is my log in ID to certain websites and I do not know how to request for a change in log in IDs.

By the way, I think that it is dumb of webmasters who require an email address as log in IDs. What if the email account is closed and the address is no longer valid? I have had a few email accounts closed in the past because the provider could not afford to provide the service anymore.

I think the only thing that I use my Yahoo! account daily is the Yahoo! Messenger. How many people have switched to other services, I have no idea but I know that bugging us with such ads is not going to help matters.

HostGator WebHosting Review Site

When I first thought of hosting my own domain, I was worried of committing to a year long of frustrations and agony. I do have friends with their own hosts and they told me conflicting stories. One thing I was looking for was real testimonials from users about the good and bad of hosting with certain companies.

When I was doing my research, I came across HostGator, one of the top webhosting sites and resellers. A good thing about this company is that they do value their customer feedback and webmaster HostGator reviews are most definitely welcome, as evident in the poll on the sidebar of their review website, reflecting true client feedback.

HostGator reviews and HostGator coupons are what make the company stand apart from their competitors. When I was looking for hosting, I wish I knew about the HostGator coupons that could be applied to a HostGator Shared plan. Well, I just did not know better or I would have saved a considerable about of money in hosting.

Nothing But Fabulous

Have you heard of the latest most happening social network portal especially for young, urban, hip and happening ladies? If you have not, it is time to make HerFabLife Your fav lifestyle guide right now. Registration is free and this site is open to all ladies around the world.

However, guys are not left out of the action because there is a section for them as well. So if you are a guy and you would like to participate, feel free to! There are plenty of male-orientated articles as well. Check them out.

What I like about the site is that every member enthusiastically shares her new discoveries on what is hot and what is not around town like fab dining and shopping places, fab spas and hotels, fab events, and to make sure that this is a real site for women, FAB GUYS are featured too! Yay!

In short, HerFabLife is Your Personal Lifestyle Guide no matter where you are. HerFabLife encourages all women to contribute articles to the site to share with other members. Whether you are a blogger, an aspiring writer or student or stay at home mother, you are free to share your thoughts and discoveries. Your network of friends and HerFabLife communities would love to know about them as well.

Thanks to HerFabLife, we can all Get a Fab Life! It’s not quite enough just to “get a life”, you know?

The Traveler’s Search Engine

I discovered this website which is the traveler’s search engine. This site has information on all the major tourist spots around the world. In fact, there is a list of the top fifty destinations in the world and when you click on each of them, you will be taken to a page with detailed information of that place. This is very cool because it means we do not have to go all over the world wide wed to search for information when we are vacation planning.

I decided to check out Niagara Falls since it is a place that I have never been before but it is high up on my list of places to visit. A couple of my friends were there last month and they have nothing but good things to share so that got me all curious and wishing to experience Niagara Falls myself.

Some people, upon finding out that I would love to visit Niagara Falls one day questioned my judgment saying that the Niagara Falls are nothing but waterfalls. I guess they do not know how to appreciate the beauty of the Niagara Falls.

I read that one could actually get a breathtaking view from one of the Niagara Falls Hotels. That is what I intend to do. Book myself in a hotel nearby and get to the top to watch the Falls. I know that for that one moment, I would be able to free my mind from daily problems. This is surely something that I am looking forward to!

While I wait for the day when I can finally make my way there, I will be checking out the travel blogs that are linked from SideStep. If I can be there personally, I will be there holidaying in spirit though the blog posts!