Living with my two parents who are in their senior years and diagnosed with chronic diseases like hypertension and high cholesterol, it is not easy for them to manage their health, take their medication as prescribed and on time, and keep a close watch on their diet. I do what I can, as the dutiful daughter, but it is very stressful on me too.
Since both my parents are educated and slightly computer literate, I thought that they should get online to gain some knowledge on how to better manage their health. I asked my colleagues who also have elderly parents and they told me of med3q, a social networking site where doctors and patients come together to interact.
This site is free and anyone could join. Med3d has the tagline, It’s your health. Make it personal, which I think is rather apt. Everyone should take control of his own health.
I told my parents about their site and I urge them to register with the site. If they need to interact with a medical professional, they always could, and anonymously too, if they so wish. Moreover, they can receive free advice without feeling like they are taking up too much of their doctor’s time.
Med3d also has a separate section called BizRx, which is for doctors only, and this section is created to help doctors to be better business people on top of being good, caring doctors.
If you do have parents who are living with a chronic disease or another, do check out med3q. It’s more than a resource site, it’s also a social network site where patients can lend support to each other.