Category Archives: Computing & Internet

Doctor – Patient Social Network Portal

Living with my two parents who are in their senior years and diagnosed with chronic diseases like hypertension and high cholesterol, it is not easy for them to manage their health, take their medication as prescribed and on time, and keep a close watch on their diet. I do what I can, as the dutiful daughter, but it is very stressful on me too.

Since both my parents are educated and slightly computer literate, I thought that they should get online to gain some knowledge on how to better manage their health. I asked my colleagues who also have elderly parents and they told me of med3q, a social networking site where doctors and patients come together to interact.

This site is free and anyone could join. Med3d has the tagline, It’s your health. Make it personal, which I think is rather apt. Everyone should take control of his own health.

I told my parents about their site and I urge them to register with the site. If they need to interact with a medical professional, they always could, and anonymously too, if they so wish. Moreover, they can receive free advice without feeling like they are taking up too much of their doctor’s time.

Med3d also has a separate section called BizRx, which is for doctors only, and this section is created to help doctors to be better business people on top of being good, caring doctors.

If you do have parents who are living with a chronic disease or another, do check out med3q. It’s more than a resource site, it’s also a social network site where patients can lend support to each other.

The Definitive Online Travel Guide

After nine long months of working non-stop, my friend advised me to take a break to avoid burn out. I spent two days doing nothing and got bored out of my mind! I decided that I had to get away so I went online to do some research. I have previously been on travel sites many times but I found this very unique travel guide that is an accumulation of travel news and tips from real travelers with real photos featured in a host of travel blogs.

Little did I know that this travel guide known as Real Travel is the definitive travel guide and travel planner with a wealth of travel information, advice and reviews from people who have actually been to these places.

Real Travel has a blog where the Editor picks the best submissions in stories and photos plus destinations that come highly recommended by travel bugs of the Real Travel community.

After browsing through the travel guide, it really is not easy to select the country that I would most like to visit. They all look so interesting! The most important of all would be the one that fits my budget the most. What tough choices!

Merdeka One Million Contest

I still remember a year ago when my friend, Boon, told me about TM’s Merdeka One Million Contest. He had a lot of time to surf the internet as he was so sick he was almost bed-ridden and yet optimistic enough to participate in the contest with the hopes of winning a million Ringgit.

In the blink of an eye, he has passed away one year this coming August and the Merdeka One Million Contest is back on. I wish he was still alive so that we can both participate together. So this year, I am going to participate alone but I am not as optimistic as him. He enters to win. I enter to make up the number. That’s how different we are.

I don’t even remember if a winner was declared in the previous round last year. Was there a millionaire from that contest? Who was he or she? What sort of lifestyle is he/she living now? I have participated in many a contest that never ever announced the winners and then everyone forgets about it as the new one rolls around.

I am so pessimistic even of winning a minor consolation prize that I wonder if it is not a waste of time for me to crack my head over the slogan. Urghhh I am very bad in creative writing!

Mac Poker Online

My friend just loves playing poker but the problem is he is using a Mac machine and he could hardly find anything that is not Windows based. He told me of his problem knowing that I surf the internet a lot so I promised I would look into it for him and actually found Mac Poker. This is a website dedicated to Poker für Mac, just as well because there ARE many poker players who prefer to use Mac.

Mac Poker Online is actually a directory of everything poker. It reviews the various poker sites and also list out poker bonus given out from each site. This makes it so easy for poker fans to get the information from one website without checking the various sites.

Knowing the online casino bonuses beforehand would be very helpful because the amount and the percentage various with each site and it could be pretty confusing. My friend also found the FullTilt Poker and Pacific Poker reviews most helpful.

Serious poker players should check out Mac Poker Online for the latest news and views on poker on the internet for Macs.

So That’s What He’s Called!

This morning, I was surfing the internet for information on dog breeds when I came across The Dog Guide. I was helping my cousin with his homework and he was asked to identify the various dog breeds on his work book. One of the breeds was the Basset Hound.

My cousin was very surprised to know the real name of the basset hound because he has always referred to it as Hush Puppy! What did they say again about the power of marketing??

I have friends who are keeping basset hounds so I guess I will have to introduce my cousin to them! My friends told me that they have quite a bit of trouble taking care of the ears of the basset hound because they are too large and are always damp, especially during the rainy season.

I think basset hounds are cute but I definitely have enough on my hands to keep one more dog no matter how cute they are!

It’s Friday!

Another chance to BITE KATE!

I am posting this first and editing it later to add the trackback when she wakes up and post her twice weekly Bite Me post.

This time I want to bite her real hard because I just read her Phone Porn post and am absolutely jealous already! The Samsung U740 (sounds like a submarine haha!) is just too lovely. Why oh why is technology so cruel? I just bought my Nokia E61i exactly a month ago and have not been too happy with it.

If you know where I write, you would know the problems I have been facing. Lousy speaker, heat, flashing screen and also dropping 3G signal; I know this has nothing to do with the phone, but I just like to rant here, kenot meh?

Gggrrrr *pull hair*

Gggrrr *bang head*

Gggrrr *stamp feet*

Gggrrr *going insane*

The Samsung fits my palm real nice while the Nokia is a tad too bulky because of its QWERTY keyboard. Want to sell my Nokia! Who wants????

MarketingICE: Interactive Creative Education

A month ago, I wrote about being serious in building my blog into a search engine friendly blog and even joined a free tutorial class, which did not materialise. I continued to search for companies that offer SEO Training either for free or at a most competitive price and came across MarketingICE.

In case you are wondering what ICE stands for, it is “Interactive Creative Education”. All tutorials on MarketingICE is by video and it does not matter what you would like to learn, there is a video for it.

As a premium member, you will have access to a members-only forum where each video has its own dedicated thread and all questions that you may have will be answered there. As they say, membership has its privileges. With over seventy video tutorials on various topics, we would be quite dumb if we pass over the one time offer of $9.95 for the first month. Well, I skipped it and was offered a second chance in my email at $12.95 for the first month, still considerably lower than the monthly fee of $19.99

For the time being, I have access to my trial account and I have access to the video tutorials. I must say that the video training is very comprehensive and easy to follow. If anyone still have questions, he could get expert answers from the dedicated thread on the forum.

To test out how good Marketing ICE is, I opted to watch How To Create A Blogger Blog. Well, I already KNOW how to already, of course, but I watched it to see if it covered every step in a clear and precise manner and it did, from creating a Google account to step by step instructions on what to fill out on each space until the blog is set up.

This membership is definitely worthy of the money spent for anyone looking for clear and interactive video tutorial.