Category Archives: Computing & Internet

Anyone Can Sell Online!

The other day, my friend was looking for a shopping cart software to integrate in her ecommerce site. She asked me to help her search online for a good shopping cart solution, which I did. They know I spend a lot of time online and should know about good products and services but I still prefer to do in depth research.

I came across the ecommerce software of Ashop Commerce. For people who are just venturing into ecommerce, this looks like a good deal for them because Ashop also offers domain registration, web design, web marketing and optimization and most important of all, a reliable shopping cart.

Ashop has provided a detailed explanation on merchant accounts and I am impressed with the compatibility of Ashop shopping cart software with all major payment gateways. As an online store, it is very important to be able to process and accept payments in as many ways as possible.

Although I started out looking for information for my friend, I ended up gaining knowledge from the wealth of information on ecommerce tips and tools as provided by Ashop Commerce.

I find the price rather reasonable, considering that the software is so user-friendly and intuitive that practically anyone could create an online store, even for people without computer programming skills. Well, hopefully my friend would appreciate my discovery!

Play Fantasy Football For Big Money

Football season is just about to start but before it is really here, what do hard core football fans do? They play fantasy football, of course! Obviously, not every one is into fantasy football but those who are into it are into it big time.

There’s this website that caters to these big time fantasy football players with high stake prizes. Can you imagine winning a hundred thousand dollars just by playing fantasy football? Well, EXPECT that from American Fantasy Football League, or more popularly known as AFFL.

The exciting thing is that the prize money of $100,000 may increase if there are more sponsorship and even if there isn’t any extra, this amount is a guaranteed payout. Moreover, fantasy football is like a real competition. Winners walk away with a Waterford Crystal AFFL Trophy on top of the cash prizes. This trophy alone is worth $9000. Wow, amazing!

If you would like to try your skills, check out the site. You can play for free or you can play for some serious cash prizes. Remember to read the rules and good luck to you!

Now Serving Text Link Ads

It’s been more than two weeks since I have implemented the code to serve Text Link Ads. Yes, that’s right. I can now serve Text Link Ads on my blog but then so far, I haven’t got any orders yet. Not even from porn advertisers :-(

I wish there is a button for me to place on the sidebar which says “Advertise On This Site” and clicking on it will take one to my TLA Package Details page. If there is such a feature, I could not find it.

So far, I only see buttons for referrals but that’s not the same as going directly to my Package Details page where one could easily order a spot on my blog.

Sure, I could place a Link on my side bar but who could notice that amidst all the blogroll, recent posts, archives and stuff? I’ve seen other blogs with a link but really, it easily gets missed out.

I do see a link at the bottom of the ad box once there is at least ONE advertiser but the problem is now, I don’t even have ONE so the box will not appear. How now brown cow? Any idea?

By the way, if you would like to support my blog, my TLA Package details can be found HERE.

Professional Web Designs

Well, I’ve got an unused domain name that I have been meaning to set up a proper website for it. Ya, I know you have heard of it when I fist bought it and I know, I am terrible in not getting it set up after all this time!

So just now, I went browsing around for suitable web design templates and I stumbled upon this website which offers professional web designing packages. They have quite a few packages, some without set up fees. I checked out their portfolio and am so tempted to engage them but unfortunately, I do not have the budget just yet.

WebSitePros is a specialist in helping small businesses gain the much needed exposure on the world wide web, especially in designing and marketing. Apart from these, WebSitePros also offers to integrate eCommerce solutions to our website should we wish to venture into eCommerce.

I find that having a company like WebSitePros to take care of the nitty gritty stuff is better than asking for friends to help. Moreover, professional work is always a class above as evident in their design portfolio.

What Is It With Jhoos?

Since my post on Jhoos, I have been getting tons of hits from organic searches for Jhoos and Jhoos invitations. Why? Do you all want an invitation? I have one here which I haven’t picked up. Don’t think I will. But if you all want it, then just maybe I will sign up and then send out to you, what do you think?

I don’t see what is the attraction of Jhoos, so I did not join. Actually, what is so good about it? Can anyone tell me? If it is THAT fun then I will sign up. So far, I have received quite a number of invitations and I have been trashing them all 😀

So how now brown cow?

Free One Year Web Hosting, Believe It Or Not!

Is there such thing as FREE web hosting? When I was looking for web hosts to host my new domain, I was searching all over the internet and have asked everyone I know who run their own website and they told me to stop dreaming. They said that companies which offer free web hosting either will spam my website will advertisements on the front end and back end OR is so unreliable that I might as well consider myself without a website since it is perpetually down.

Well, all I can say is that I have bad timing because I just found out there IS free web hosting and it is provided by Easy CGI, and for one year to boot!

Lest you think that free can’t be good, I have been told that Easy CGI guarantees a 99.9% uptime. This already won over many other web hosting solution companies, don’t you think so? I bet many of us have lived that hosting nightmare at one time or another.

Easy CGI also offers 24/7 phone support which I KNOW will be most useful for people like me how know nothing about setting up a website or even blog. Moreover, there’s the knowledge base tutorial for easy reference. Easy CGI also provides web traffic reports which are rather important if we want to know the analytics of our traffic and browsers.

Another important factor of hosting with Easy CGI is its easy installation of internet’s major applications with just a few clicks. That would be great news for web hosting noobs!

Instant Online Plagiarism Checking Service

The other day, I was fuming mad when I discovered that my blog post was copied in its entirety and published on the copycat’s blog. There was nothing much that I could do though, when my messages to her were ignored. I then became rather paranoid that there would be more than one case of plagiarism of my writings and discovered that I could actually very easily check out if there was anyone who copied my writing. offers Instant and Online Plagiarism Checking Service at a low rte of $5 only. At first, I was thinking that I don’t really want my documents to be checked by this website because what happens to my confidential documents? Will it be read by the staff of IPlagiarismCheck?

Upon further reading the site, they assure us that our documents will be stores in secured servers are guarded and will never be shared with any party at all. That alleviates my fears!

IPlagiarismCheck has four different pricing plans to cater to people with different usage. As mentioned above, the starter plan is only $5 and then there is the student plan at $20, Advanced plan at $35 and a Super Saver plan at $65.

Did you know that we are not allowed to copy more than 5% of a document or that would be considered plagiarism? According to statistics, 95% out of the 75% of students who admitted to cheating on their papers did not believe that they would be caught, but ALL of them were caught. Really, it does not pay to get caught for plagiarism as it is a very serious offence and demands punitive action. There are also plenty of laws in place to punish these people so it is never wise to try to get away with plagiarism.

Now that I know of this service, I would be making use of it frequently to make sure that my work is not plagiarized. I have this fear that I will be the one accused of plagiarism instead of the real culprit.

Failed or Fired due to Plagiarism? Let them check your documents before you hand them in! There is a great website which give Instant and Online Plagiarism Checking Service is the name of the website i would like to introduce you today. Plagiarism is a crime and can result in the individual getting fined, failed, expelled or fired from the respective institution. therefore offers a solution. Their patented software technology resides entirely online and does not warrant downloads or installations of any kind. Through their online-plagiarism-checking-service users can submit their documents (all kinds of documents supported) and relax, they’ll take it from there.

Their software checks document text using various patented approaches:

1) Internet: the software checks blogs, directories, cache as well as PDFs, submitted articles etc all over the Internet.

2) Publications: be they hard or soft printed, our software checks books, articles, journals etc.

3) Our patented algorithm checks sentence structures and word-synonyms to root out even the most subtle attempts at Plagiarism.

Visit us today and learn how we can protect you against Plagiarism.