Category Archives: Computing & Internet

Is The Google Page Rank Here Yet?

Much has been said about Google Page Rank updating at the end of July. Well, that has come and gone and it’s already going to be the end of August! Has it come yet or hasn’t it? I read that some people has a better page rank now while some blogs were assigned a lower Page Rank. Oh boy!

Checking my traffic stats, I get a lot of visits from Google bots checking all my links but then I do not see a change in my Page Rank at all. Don’t tell me it’s going to be a Three again :(

A Four would make so much difference to my blog for pay efforts. At least I would not have to write so many posts every day even though I would have to keep networking.

It is true that “If you look at what you do not have in life, you don’t have anything. If you look at what you have in life, you have everything.” *sigh*

IBackUp – Integrated Online Storage and BackUp

Earlier this week, I had a chance to discuss about Online Backup with my friend. She s a small business owner and I was curious how she backs up her data. I don’t even have half her data on my computer and yet have trouble with performing regular back ups.

She told me that she has been using IBackUp for a long time now and does not have any issues with it. In fact, IBackUp, the leading online backup service in the field, has been performing regular backups on her data as scheduled. The good thing is that her BackUp is assigned a drive letter which she could access from any internet enabled computer anywhere in the world. This is very helpful indeed as the travels frequently and yet has access to important files on the go.

Also, IBackUp supports Open File backups which are important for files like Outlook mail.

She told me that IBackUp has won numerous awards from major publications and I am not surprised. IBackUp has various packages to cater to the needs of different people and their use. This means that we only have to pay for what we use.

Readily Available Professional Translation Services

Sometime back, I wrote about my friend Lawrence who was posted to Spain to work. He told me that he is having a difficult time coping with the language used in the course of work. He said it’s different from what he has learned back home.

To help him understand the documents that he has to read and understand, he searched on Google for Catalan translation service, Catalan translation services, translation quotes and came upon a website offering professional translation services.

This website, Translation Central, can translate a whole list of languages, including Catalan, much to his relief.

Lawrence put in requests for quotes for translation jobs and he is satisfied with the competitive rates. He said when the documents are translated from Catalan to English it would be a whole lot easier for him to work more efficiently.

I say, thank God for readily available services like this which makes life easier for people like Lawrence!

Exchanging Link, Traffic & Promote Content For Free

I run so many blogs and sites that it’s kind of hard to network and create a loyal visitor base. While I do find ways to enhance traffic to my sites, I try my best to look for free link or click exchanges, so I was delighted to come across | Site/Page, Blog/Post Exchange system [NEW, FREE].

This newly launched site based in the UK, is all about exchanging and building links, traffic and cross promote blog posts and content. A blogger may write well but he will not be noticed without a little extra promotion. With a platform provided by Link-Blox-Exchange, members can help each other build their web presence in a legitimate way.

Also, to ensure the quality of submissions, the founder himself, Sean, will check the content submitted to Link-Blox-Exchange within a few hours. That is a fast turnaround time, if you ask me.

Link-Blox-Exchange is a rare site with a 1:1 ratio exchange and I have come across many similar sites with different ratios that make it not worth the time to even participate. This site is free but we need to accumulate credit to fully utilise the features. However, as a bonus, new registrants will receive 100 credit points just by joining and that means a hundred visitors to your site! I don’t know about you but that sounds really good to me!


I’m Sean, a developer in the UK that has come up with a free, effective, ethical and genuine Link/Traffic/Content exchange with a quirky twist. Banner exchanges and Link exchanges have all been done before and mostly very poorly, so I have set up a 1:1 exchange system that doesn’t make false claims and has integrity.

What’s unique is Websites and Blogs can benefit, by not only exchanging links, but doing so either via the popular web badges (80×15 antipixel button) and/or text links. Also users can cross promote actual Pages/Posts, so actually you are exchanging related content as well as Traffic/Links.

Every new Blog/Post added into the network is manually checked by me within hours as well as every hit, to ensure the utmost integrity! You will recognise the little PixBloxes, they say a picture is a thousand words, a PixBlox is 1200 pixels! Text links are also supported. Both can easily and instantly be built with my cutting edge Web 2.0 Ajax tools.

The site has just recently gone live, and I would be very grateful for some coverage which is why I’m investing the little budget I have into top resources.

Human, personal support is also available (feel free to publish my direct email or ask me any questions):

I also have a launch promotion running whereby new users get 100 credits for joining (only 5 fields) which equates to 100 visitors! It’s also FREE to fully use! As an extra promotion if you blog about the site, you can tell your readers they can contact me after joining and if they mention they came from your site, I’ll give them an additional 150 credits – exclusive!

I look forward for reading the posts,
Many thanks,


Have You Heard of Don Capone, The Voice Over Talent?

I am not sure how many people this side of the world have heard of Don Capone. Well, I have heard him in commercials when I was overseas. His voice is rather distinct yet versatile and could be heard in not only in commercials but also corporate presentations, movie trailers, documentaries, radio and television spots, audio book and internet advertisements, just to name a few. Of course, his resume is so impressive that I can’t write them all here, so you will have to go over to his website to check out his work and the kind of services he offers.

If you browse through Don Capone’s website, you can also hear his voice demo and like I said, he has a very versatile voice and he is very creative to improvise it to suit the occasion. According to the website, Don Capone can put in ANY emotion or accent into his voice. You want funny, you want smooth? Don Capone, a true voice over talent is able to produce just the voice for you.

I have always have a soft spot for talented people but I have been very impressed with the things that Don Capone can do with his voice and the emotions, feelings and imagination he could evoke in the listener.

Seriously, if you are someone who appreciates talent, you should check out the website of Don Capone!

The Top Manufacturers All In One Place

Why spend your time going from dealer to dealer when you can go to the Hutchinson, Kansas Car Dealer that has vehicles from 10 different manufacturers? There’s nothing worse than going to a dealer, not finding anything you like, and then having to leave and go someplace else.

With Conklin, if the first car you see isn’t what you’re looking for, they have hundreds more to choose from. That sounds good to me. You can go to lots of places in Kansas for Used Cars, but when you go to Conklin you’re getting quality vehicles and service that no other place can compete with. Wichita new and used cars are also available through Conklin Cars.

Driving Traffic To Your Blog

A couple of weeks ago, I was introduced to the personalized news portal of I was told that I could gain more traffic by submitting my blog post to I registered with without further ado, it’s FREE, after all, and promptly submitted my article to Thoof.

However, I was too impatient that I submitted my article BEFORE my registration was confirmed. So I was not assigned a ThoofRank Badge which I was supposed to place at the end of my post on my blog. Having this ThoofRank Badge will even drive more traffic to the blog. I know, because there was no way to rectify my submission and so I submitted another article to Thoof and this time, managed to embed the code for ThoofRank Badge at the end of my post.

With a post without the Badge and one with the Badge, I would see the vast difference in traffic. I believe everyone who blogs is hungry for traffic. Having multiple blogs, I *AM* hungry for traffic. Bloggers could write a killer post but if it is not read, it doesn’t make an impact.

Thoof allows us to market our posts to a wider international audience and share our thoughts with other Thoof members. If our blog has great content, we can convert random article readers to our loyal blog readers and that is what every blogger needs!