I have been looking for a digital camera for a long time now but could not decide on which to buy. I mean, there are so many new models coming out that I could hardly catch up with the latest technology. I keep asking my friends who are semi-professional photographers because I thought that they could help me but then they told me to check the review. They said that a digital camera is personal preference and they can’t decide for me. Bah… I hate making decisions. I also have to read digital camera reviews now.
Previously, I don’t really like reading reviews because they are so technical and I don’t even understand what the terms means but my sister told me to check out digital camera reviews on Test Freaks because they are written in plain everyday language. She said that she bought her Olympus based on reviews on Test Freaks and have been satisfied with her purchase.
I will certainly check the site out. If my sister, who is technology challenged, finds the reviews helpful, then I would too. I like to believe that I am technologically savvier than her!